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Please VR consider this idea for Mr Brad "Aradune" McQ

    • 49 posts
    November 20, 2019 2:42 PM PST

    I like the idea of a large statue of Aradune somewhere, capital city maybe, founder of the empire or whatever.

    • 291 posts
    November 20, 2019 3:00 PM PST

    Quesera said:

    A flame, something to indicate the Vision (tm) is still with us.


    Hmm I like this... with maybe a quest where people can add to or take from that flame. Some sort of coming of age quest line series maybe :).

    • 1247 posts
    November 20, 2019 3:07 PM PST

    Alyonyah said:

    Quesera said:

    A flame, something to indicate the Vision (tm) is still with us.


    Hmm I like this... with maybe a quest where people can add to or take from that flame. Some sort of coming of age quest line series maybe :).

    Me too.

    • 220 posts
    November 20, 2019 4:35 PM PST

    Kilsin said:

    We appreciate the ideas and thoughts guys, thank you. The team are planning tributes to Brad in-game and will reveal them at a later date. :)


    Alright!!! great news!! Thank you Kilsin and VR Team for this uplifting news!!

    Looking forward to it!!!

    • 370 posts
    November 20, 2019 11:48 PM PST

    You could do something simple like have his boots and armor set up like they do for fallen soldiers. 

    • 7 posts
    November 21, 2019 8:02 AM PST

    A statue is certainly a good idea.  Doesn't even have to be him but maybe a ever going flame like the olympics that never goes out to indicate his memory lives on and the torch will always be lit.


    • 413 posts
    November 21, 2019 10:14 AM PST

    I didn't know Brad, but I felt I knew him because of how closely I followed EQ, Vanguard and Pantheon.  Duel Flaming Swords was his thing.  "Flaming Swords Tavern" would be nice.  And much much more.  


    It is way too soon, for a man like Brad.

    This post was edited by Zevlin at November 21, 2019 10:14 AM PST
    • 1479 posts
    November 21, 2019 1:22 PM PST

    I would love pantheon to be released as :



    Brad McQuaid's

    Pantheon : Rise of the Fallen

    • 646 posts
    November 21, 2019 1:51 PM PST

    AbsoluteTerror said:..

    1: Can you make the character "Aradune" as a starting NPC to give tutorial to new players joining Patheon in every starting race city?..


    That is an elegant and fantastic this manner, every person who enter terminus is shepherded in and welcomed by Aradune Mithara.    In some small way Aradune gets to bring everyone to his world.

    • 220 posts
    November 21, 2019 5:31 PM PST

    fazool said:

    AbsoluteTerror said:..

    1: Can you make the character "Aradune" as a starting NPC to give tutorial to new players joining Patheon in every starting race city?..


    That is an elegant and fantastic this manner, every person who enter terminus is shepherded in and welcomed by Aradune Mithara.    In some small way Aradune gets to bring everyone to his world.




    Im very much looking forward to what VR have conjured up for Aradune in-game tribute.



    • 220 posts
    November 21, 2019 5:34 PM PST

    Thanks you everyone for bringing all these ideas to VR hopefully one of these will get noticed by the team!

    • 316 posts
    November 22, 2019 12:45 PM PST
    Aradune Mithara is one of the few, legendary war-wizards, right? He should definitely show up in epic fashion at some or several points in the game.
    • 201 posts
    November 22, 2019 3:27 PM PST

    Frankly in my opinion the best tribute would be to A) make sure the game actually gets completed and B) stays true to what he wanted it to be.

    • 411 posts
    November 22, 2019 4:11 PM PST

    I like Alexander's idea best. I don't know if it was his/her intention, but it reminds me of a Gandalf type character (well, the war-wizards generally remind me of LoTR wizards). I would be happy to see the war-wizard Aradune Mithara swoop in here and there with some power magic bad-assery to tip the scales at a battle or on a quest.

    • 3237 posts
    November 23, 2019 4:50 PM PST

    The Perception System

    One of the most profound things about Pantheon is how we are designing the game from the ground up so that the Environment truly matters – we want players to care about the world they are in, and why things are the way they are.  When you think of MMOs, when is the last time you discovered the meaning, or the history, or the secrets of a person, place or event without being told by a text box?  What if we’ve conceived of a way to bring players back to exploring because they are compelled by what they see in front of them - not because a blinking light tells them to go there?  In Pantheon, Wizards will be able to perceive things that a Warrior cannot.  Through prayer, a Cleric may gain insight into an area, or a creature, that a Rogue could never know.  Through our perception system, Pantheon will redefine how the game world becomes known, and how players will work together to progress.


    I would propose an epic scale "collection quest" that is directly attached to Perception.  This feature will obviously be tied into lore and storytelling but I also think that it would be a great foundation for hiding countless easter eggs throughout Terminus that pay homage to both Brad and his Vision.  Consider it an epic quest for the player rather than the character, and one that would deliver on the underlined excerpt from above.  The reward for completing the quest doesn't need to be tied to in-game power or progression.  Perhaps a perception related title would be appropriate ... an upgrade from "Keeper" to "Visionary."

    Finding his iconic green armor or fiery avengers in-game could be one type of easter egg.  Finding a scroll or carving that highlights one of his memorable quotes could be another.  Every game tenet could be a perception ping found somewhere in the world that subtly reminds players what makes Pantheon tick.  There are plenty of options for creating fun/meaningful pings.  To take it one step further, perhaps becoming a "Visionary" is a prerequisite for gaining admittance to a tavern or inne where Aradune resides.  A place for like-minded folks to hang out ... those who truly care about the world they are in, and why things are the way they are.  A green jacket club, so to speak.

    This post was edited by oneADseven at November 23, 2019 5:20 PM PST
    • 10 posts
    November 23, 2019 5:22 PM PST

    Here's my best idea on how to memorialize the legend while adding additional features to the game.

    I'd like a memorial zone, small, maybe just a few rooms and maybe a hidden wall with a few more rooms. In it will be some permanent fixtures, pictures of Brad, some biographical information people can read. There would also be some rotating pictures and a bulletin for team pantheon to make news announcements.

    For every 10 minutes you remain in the zone you get 10 minutes of /claim "Aradune" buff (whatever that's good for. Maybe random stat buff or speed buff, not game breaking but worth doing) redeemable for any toon on your account, capped out at 60 minutes.

    This zone would be a Virtual Reality compatible zone (If that's even doable. It would be a lot of fun and have the VR double entendre). It would be available only after completing a quest of some effort, but doable well before max level. After completed on one character, you may access it from all characters on your account.

    This zone only, would be available from your phone. You can log in from the shitter at work and see what's new on the news bulletin, chat with your guildies, build up your 60min of buff, etc.

    There would be a player controlled message board for fun. Starting at 1pp a player can leave whatever message they want (within the terms of service) and so it stays until the next player spends 2 plat to change it. Then 3plat..4..5 etc. There will be a web page on the Pantheon site showing the history of all the messages and what character posted it.

    You cannot trade/buff/cast spells in this zone. It won't be a place to just hang out and get free things or spam auctions. But you can chat all day and make plans to meet up in the world.

    The zone will play a rotating track of music, not just the memorial music that makes you sad. We want to celebrate Brad forever, not be sad forever.


    I have more ideas, but I think if too much gets added it will take away from the memorial aspect of the zone.


    That's what I've got.




    • 30 posts
    November 27, 2019 12:32 PM PST

    My idea would be a ghost of Aradune walks the breadth of the main continent at a certain time each night, but on the 18th of November each year, the character is a full living NPC character that talks (Brad Quotes?) to nearby players as it walks its journey.  I'd also like to see a ceremony on day one of the release of the game with a gathering and possible unique token/gift to players that attend.  Maybe that token could be handed to Aradune when in full form on the 18th of November each year, for a special buff?

    This post was edited by rencil at November 27, 2019 12:33 PM PST
    • 1247 posts
    November 28, 2019 10:54 AM PST

    It is good to hear there will be something in his honor. Even something just on login screen would be cool. 

    • 238 posts
    December 7, 2019 10:06 PM PST

    Kind of late to the discussion but this is my goal.


    First this does not have to be the only thing they do because I think a statue would be a cool addition.


    So this is what I would do…


    Whenever a zone is created in release and every expansion after the devs will pick important location which they will add to a list (every single zone might have five to ten of these). At release you might have a few hundred of these locations. Now a NPC called “The Spirit of Aradune” will be created (in his green armor or maybe an old priests robe while the ghost effect is present) , and using a very random code this spirit will spawn at one of these many, many locations and stay there for maybe an hour  just looking at whatever is specific about this spot (a waterfall or old ruin). Now if you are lucky enough to run into the spirit you can hail him and the spirit will say something wholesome like “Welcome adventurer, I hope you are having a [pleasant time] on this fine day” now if you respond “I am having a pleasant time” he laughs and says “Good, good for that is my quest and you are my champion. May my blessing be upon you.” He then casts a buff that universally stacks with everything that Increases all stats and HP/Mana by 5% which lasts for 10 in game hours call “Blessing of the Creator”. You will also have a faint glow that’s a light source also. Afterword he despawns roughly ten minutes (allowing anyone close by to speak with him but preventing porters shipping people to him) and the process is repeated at some other random place within the game.


    This accomplishes a few things. First is it adds a feeling that maybe a little piece of Brad is roaming his game admiring it. Second is that it adds to the aspect of exploration, maybe that deep part of the dungeon people normally avoid has the spirit or maybe he is sitting next to some fire in some small npc camp. Third is it can be enjoyed by any level and any place. You don’t have to necessarily travel back to some newbie zone or to some ghost town to find him because he could be anywhere. Fourth is the rarity of running into him should be on the more extreme side and seeing the spirit should feel like you just won the jack pot. Something most people  never personally see but always dream of being so lucky. Finally the buff should be large enough in a way that really rewards you and make you a bit different then the guy next to you as if a god himself flowed through you. It would be like getting some extremely rare weapon or armor  except its temporary.


    Finally if you attack him he does an auto knockback (a few feet) and causes you to go prone (FD). He says something like “Not today adventure, for I will not raise my swords against one of my children”.


    Anyway I know it’s a bit long but I really think this could be at least one of the ways we forever include Brad within his game while always keeping him possibly just around the next turn.

    This post was edited by Xonth at December 7, 2019 10:12 PM PST
    • 159 posts
    December 8, 2019 2:31 PM PST

    Xonth said:

    Kind of late to the discussion but this is my goal.


    Whenever a zone is created in release and every expansion after the devs will pick important location which they will add to a list (every single zone might have five to ten of these). At release you might have a few hundred of these locations. Now a NPC called “The Spirit of Aradune” will be created (in his green armor or maybe an old priests robe while the ghost effect is present) , and using a very random code this spirit will spawn at one of these many, many locations and stay there for maybe an hour  just looking at whatever is specific about this spot (a waterfall or old ruin). Now if you are lucky enough to run into the spirit you can hail him and the spirit will say something wholesome like “Welcome adventurer, I hope you are having a [pleasant time] on this fine day” now if you respond “I am having a pleasant time” he laughs and says “Good, good for that is my quest and you are my champion. May my blessing be upon you.” He then casts a buff that universally stacks with everything that Increases all stats and HP/Mana by 5% which lasts for 10 in game hours call “Blessing of the Creator”. You will also have a faint glow that’s a light source also. Afterword he despawns roughly ten minutes (allowing anyone close by to speak with him but preventing porters shipping people to him) and the process is repeated at some other random place within the game.


    Awesome idea, like many others. I would even add to the rarity in that maybe some hours he is no where in the world. I really like the interaction piece with him, I migth even try to expand on that... have a huge web of conversations to be had, maybe even with a few easter egg hints or similar tips.

    My only hesitation is the 'World Buff' aspect. I hope it wouldn't be too powerful. But whether it is or isn't, I hope it doesn't turn into the meta of finding him and acquiring / requiring all world buffs before raids, or buffs strong enough to trivialize the balance of the raid. But that might require another thread discussing world buffs.

    This post was edited by Kass at December 8, 2019 5:15 PM PST
    • 22 posts
    December 8, 2019 4:19 PM PST
    In the Vanguard Emulator they added an NPC Aradune overlooking 3 Rivers
    • 291 posts
    December 8, 2019 5:47 PM PST

    Thats awesome. Maybe ill go check out the emu again.