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Streaming Selection

    • 41 posts
    August 29, 2019 6:30 AM PDT
    I disagree with the decision to only choose streamers that have established fan bases. I'm personally wait for a game I care about to give streaming a shot (pantheon) I could present the game in a much more positive light than some of the people they have chosen previously. To be looked over because I dont have subs is silly. Being a 5 year backer and avid fan I am 100% confident that I could host a better stream showing off the game than some hot shot first person shooter PUBG player that only got selected because the have viewers and will spend their stream time goofing off with their viewers than taking the opportunity as seriously as someone who actually really cares about the game and chance they are given to enter the world of pantheon.
    • 521 posts
    August 29, 2019 6:49 AM PDT

    10 post after “5 years” aside, your not really expecting to make your name off of pantheon are you? A niche game that hasn't launched, and currently under NDA. Those big name streamers are bringing exposer, What are you bringing? Crickets?

    I’m not trying to be mean, but lets be realistic.

    • 41 posts
    August 29, 2019 7:04 AM PDT
    Welll....there isn't much to show. Should I make a video of Cohhs playing the game? You wanna see a video of another streamers video? I'm pretty sure there are several out there. I was waiting to stream when the game actually released. I'm not trying to bring anything other than a game backers passion. There was a stream that seemed like the dude wasnt even listening to the dev's while they were playing he was running around like a noob. I think most of us here would display it in a better light than that. And yes 10 post after "5 years" doesnt mean I dont follow the forms, news letters and development closely. The point of my post was to say that I think they should consider everyone who opted into the stream request and not base it solely on someone's channel. Some of those people are only trying to stream for their own financial reasons and not necessarily to show the game in the best way it could/should be.
    • 41 posts
    August 29, 2019 7:04 AM PDT
    Welll....there isn't much to show. Should I make a video of Cohhs playing the game? You wanna see a video of another streamers video? I'm pretty sure there are several out there. I was waiting to stream when the game actually released. I'm not trying to bring anything other than a game backers passion. There was a stream that seemed like the dude wasnt even listening to the dev's while they were playing he was running around like a noob. I think most of us here would display it in a better light than that. And yes 10 post after "5 years" doesnt mean I dont follow the forms, news letters and development closely. The point of my post was to say that I think they should consider everyone who opted into the stream request and not base it solely on someone's channel. Some of those people are only trying to stream for their own financial reasons and not necessarily to show the game in the best way it could/should be.
    • 1315 posts
    August 29, 2019 7:32 AM PDT

    Streaming is a form of entertainment production and really is a developed skill.  Look at Baz’s earliest vids to his most recent ones and you see a real improvement in content and in editing (good job man).  Baz has the opportunity to spend time editing his work before he releases it but a streamer does not.  To be a good streamer you must have the ability to keep the audience interested and engaged while still having the focus be on what you are doing.

    VR is specifically looking for people to help get the word out about Pantheon through streaming game play.  They have a limited number of time slots that they can dedicate to facilitating a stream either through having high value team members participate or support members maintaining the content that may not be 100% bug free.  To that end they need to focus, at least on these PA5 streams, on the maximum exposure from these limited slots and have that exposure be as polished as possible.  An established streamer that has a style and audience that meshes well with Pantheon is also an important aspect as VR can’t really afford to give many bad early impressions.

    To that end they are going to need to be selective to streamers who are already fairly polished at their craft and have a following that will likely be interested in Pantheon which you will be able to tell through the content they stream.  Likely cross over streamers will be MMO streams, Difficult RPG play through, actual table top gaming sessions and maybe Unity game builders.  If you are interested in Streaming Pantheon I would recommend you start practicing streaming on one of the above topics and build up a following based on that content and it will up your chances to get picked.

    • 172 posts
    August 29, 2019 8:55 AM PDT

    Think of it like TV.. if you want to gain the most exposure, you would use NBC primetime television opposed to PBS at noon. Streams are for exposure of the game, not the streamers.

    • 41 posts
    August 29, 2019 9:50 AM PDT
    I understand. I guess I wasnt looking at the stream to generate exposure for new audiences as much as show the current followers the current state of the a visual news letter vs. a commercial. I definitely see how someone's stream that isn't large wouldn't have the same reach as an already established streamer.
    • 411 posts
    August 29, 2019 9:54 AM PDT

    Pantheon has no shortage of people who are passionate about the game who would be willing to stream it. Why would they pick people who are passionate about the game and have no resume when they can choose people who are passionate about the game and have a great resume? If you want VR to see you as a viable candidate then you'll need to provide some evidence that you can be of more value to them than the rest. If you find a way to do that, then I look forward to seeing you host a Pantheon stream :).

    • 238 posts
    August 29, 2019 10:30 AM PDT

    As someone who is working on becoming a streamer, I can understand where you're coming from, really I can. However, at this stage in development, it really is better for the development team to focus on streamers and content creators who have bigger followings. Huge followings create more potential interest in the game, and this interest will hopefully lead to better overall game health when Pantheon does launch. Is it fair? No. Is it necessary? Yes. 

    You can also think of it this way. The free advertisement they get from the streams (and youtube uploads) is less money dedicated to advertisement and more mone dedicated to game development. It also means the more people who are active at launch the more money VR will be able to invest into the initial launch campaign. 

    • 41 posts
    August 29, 2019 10:43 AM PDT
    @Baldur thanks bud, idk if it was the way I articulated it or lack there of lol. Thanks for not just saying I'd have nothing to bring to the table. I definitely see a different perspective on how the streams are viewed for promoting instead of just insight for the current followers....I was looking at it like the news letter instead of a more promotional view. Having already established streamers would have a much greater impact.
    • 238 posts
    August 29, 2019 10:51 AM PDT

    colonelfouts said: @Baldur thanks bud, idk if it was the way I articulated it or lack there of lol. Thanks for not just saying I'd have nothing to bring to the table. I definitely see a different perspective on how the streams are viewed for promoting instead of just insight for the current followers....I was looking at it like the news letter instead of a more promotional view. Having already established streamers would have a much greater impact.

    I think everyone has something to bring to the table you and I are no different. I think the bigger Pantheon gets now the more people that you, I, and other fellow streamers will be able to reach in the long run. Pantheon is all about building a community and I think that is a great platform to build or expand an existing streaming community. 


    • 346 posts
    August 29, 2019 10:53 AM PDT

    Streaming is in essense like Baldur said, are a cheap or free form of advertising. It also allows you to more specifically target a demographic, in this case, a classic MMORPG demo or people looking for a game within this genre. If they are to show a major part of PF with a number of streamers showcasing each, a different aspect of the content and the zones, you would want people with a large enough following where you aren't wasting the unveiling of that particular segment of content.

    As the game moves further into development not just in Pre-Alpha but into Alpha and the varying stages of it and eventually into Beta, I would think and even expect that they'll become more laxed on their qualifications for streamers and will open it up to more who otherwise don't have a large following. I can understand how this may seem unfair to people who want to stream and don't have a lot of followers but you have to put yourself in their shoes and gauge it in a way with how you'd do this if it was your business and you had limited opportunities to showcase something for the first time.

    • 41 posts
    August 29, 2019 11:24 AM PDT
    Maybe a different approach down the road could be to offer it as part of the monthly community spotlight or allow maybe some "new" streamers a chance to host their own along side a already established one simultaneously.
    • 346 posts
    August 29, 2019 12:12 PM PDT

    colonelfouts said: Maybe a different approach down the road could be to offer it as part of the monthly community spotlight or allow maybe some "new" streamers a chance to host their own along side a already established one simultaneously.

    I could definitely see that, especially in Alpha and Beta as showcasing content that's already been shown off. Those streams would typically be for people who follow the game intently, stay up to date and want to see content for the sake of it, especially if played by different people. I'm a proponent for the idea that showing the same content with different streamers can at times showcase stuff the earlier or initial streams may have left out. So in that circumstance, I completely agree with you and hope to see that down the road.

    • 1281 posts
    August 29, 2019 5:16 PM PDT

    colonelfouts said: Welll....there isn't much to show. Should I make a video of Cohhs playing the game? You wanna see a video of another streamers video? I'm pretty sure there are several out there. I was waiting to stream when the game actually released. I'm not trying to bring anything other than a game backers passion. There was a stream that seemed like the dude wasnt even listening to the dev's while they were playing he was running around like a noob. I think most of us here would display it in a better light than that. And yes 10 post after "5 years" doesnt mean I dont follow the forms, news letters and development closely. The point of my post was to say that I think they should consider everyone who opted into the stream request and not base it solely on someone's channel. Some of those people are only trying to stream for their own financial reasons and not necessarily to show the game in the best way it could/should be.

    The purpose of the dev streams, at least until release, is to ADVERTISE the game, and possibly get new backers.  How is someone with no subs going to do that?

    • 1860 posts
    August 29, 2019 6:45 PM PDT

    Like others pointed out, you are just one of the masses.  You aren't even active on the forum.  You haven't earned the right to have a valid opinion from my point of view.

    • 41 posts
    August 30, 2019 5:15 AM PDT
    That's welcoming thanks for your input philo.
    • 1020 posts
    August 30, 2019 5:25 AM PDT

    Hoping they pick Streamers like Baz, or NathanNapalm, or Voices of Terminus over some rando's from Twitch.  

    Also, to those streamers I follow, can you get on Mixer?  Thanks.


    Also, hoping their "application and acceptance" as a streamer involves some sort of viewing of previous streams, so we're not stuck watching some flamboyant wack job that yeets their way through a stream.  No yeeters.  (I obviously don't know what yeet means, I just know my sons annoying friends say it all the time)

    This post was edited by Kittik at August 30, 2019 5:25 AM PDT
    • 2138 posts
    August 30, 2019 7:30 AM PDT

    Minor- possibly interesting de-rail to thread below:

    Kittik said:

    , so we're not stuck watching some flamboyant wack job that yeets their way through a stream.  No yeeters.  (I obviously don't know what yeet means, I just know my sons annoying friends say it all the time)



    (paraphrased from a forum post of physicists and astrophysicists)

    Physicist A: It's all about the mass ratio between the object that is left behind and the object getting yeeted out of the system. a planet is much lighter than a star, so the escaping star will get a much smaller boost. on the other hand, if its the planet that escapes and the star that stays behind, the planet could reach some impressive velocities.

    Physicist B:  The whole thing works like the famous stacked ball drop experiment, where you put some small and light ball on top of a big and heavy ball and drop the stack. The small and light ball will bounce much higher than you'd expect. Right here the small ball is equivalent to the escaping body or planet, the big ball is equivalent to the body that stays behind, or the star, and the ground is the black hole or gravity well.

    Physicist C: almost like people jumping on a trampoline when both land on the jump-

    Physicist D: -Stealing their bounce! I had older siblings and I was an ace at doing this and actually scaring myself how high up I would go...

    Physicist E: So are we all just quietly accepting that "yeet" is the scientifically correct term for this? - when considering the possible consequence of more than one object, specifically objects orbiting a star or star system that falls within the gravity well of a black hole?

    Astrophysicist A: IN astronomical terms, anything accelerated to at least a single decimal place fraction of the speed of light by an outside force, can be said to have been yeeted.

    Astrophycisist B: jupiter is .001 suns, and back of the envelope, if it could somehow perfectly replicate the gravity assist that created a hypervelocity star approximately the size of the sun, it would go .2c instead of .002c and .2c is FAST.

    Physicist A: Under newtonian mechanics a small body could surpass the speed of light with such a slingshot maneuouver. When you take relativity into account, this does not work for a planet,

    Phycisist E: Correct, both because the smaller body isn't actually capable of taking amazing amounts of energy out of the system anyways, and because of relativity, the body would require infinite amounts of energy which doesn't exist, I don't know what the upper end would be.

    Physicist D: It depends on how close the planet is to the star, the closer it is, the faster it will go, but the closer and lighter the planet, the harder it is to actually get it to work. And life on the planet would be fine. All acceleration is due to gravity assists so while the planet would accelerate quite fast, so would all the atoms in your body.

    Astrophysicist A: assuming the black hole isn;t feeding x-rays from the accretion disc, which would sterilize everything and they;d freeze to death in a couple of months because they've lost their star, but the slingshot would be surviveable.

    Astrophysicist B: Tital forces would be massive, earthquakes. I would not want to be anywhere near a coast. High tide would be an understatement.


    This post was edited by Manouk at August 30, 2019 7:33 AM PDT
    • 1479 posts
    August 30, 2019 7:58 AM PDT

    There is also important points to note : the game is rather unfinished and streams must be kept under control or schedule to limit the occurence of bugs and unfinished areas.


    All of this require time, preparation and trust in the streamer to be sure he will follow the plan and not act selfishly to please and entertain the audience.


    Showing a stream full of bugs or blank areas would turn away a lot of people.

    • 2419 posts
    August 30, 2019 8:30 AM PDT

    Personally, I'd like to see a stream where a dev follows a group of testers around and watches them play.

    • 41 posts
    August 30, 2019 10:24 AM PDT
    That's a good idea van!
    • 159 posts
    August 30, 2019 11:51 AM PDT

    colonelfouts. I absolutely love your ambition. I wish they would use both up-and-coming streamers along with establish streamers. Follow your dreams and ignore all the naysayers. 

    I personally like Cohh's videos. He doesn't have pop-ups or talk over the team. With that said I'm done watching videos myself on Pantheon Rise of the Fallen. Maybe an up-and-coming streamer like yourself could change my mind. Because you do an outstanding job. Maybe.  

    • 41 posts
    August 30, 2019 12:58 PM PDT
    Thanks bud, imma make my first class review for some practice. Itll be short and based on what info we have so far.
    • 1281 posts
    August 30, 2019 2:32 PM PDT

    Vander said:

    colonelfouts. I absolutely love your ambition. I wish they would use both up-and-coming streamers along with establish streamers. Follow your dreams and ignore all the naysayers. 

    I personally like Cohh's videos. He doesn't have pop-ups or talk over the team. With that said I'm done watching videos myself on Pantheon Rise of the Fallen. Maybe an up-and-coming streamer like yourself could change my mind. Because you do an outstanding job. Maybe.  

    What is YOUR definition of "up and coming streamer"??  The guy already said he has virtually no subs.  That doesn't mean he will ever be an "up and comer".

    I will use myself as a prime example.  I stream myself playing Red Dead Redemption 2 Online on Twitch.  I'm, literally, using the built-in streaming capabilities of my PS4 Pro.  I have a whopping total of 5 follows with a max I have ever had at once of three people watching.  To be honest, I'm not even sure why I have those.  I don't entertain people like Cohh or any of those guys, but good on the people following me.  I started streaming because my mom wanted to watch my brother and I playing.  It's important to note that my mom is NOT one of the 5 follows, as she doesn't have a Twitch account.

    Does that make me an "up and coming streamer" by your definition?

    For the record, no, I'm not.  I'm just some clown that streams himself playing.  If people watch, good on them.  If people don't watch, also good on them.