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Who Played? WoW:C

    • 1020 posts
    August 27, 2019 5:20 AM PDT

    I subbed for 3 months so I'll give it 3 months.  Since i never really played WoW before, playing last night was kinda fun.  The fun, I thought, was at 6pm I was able to get in and as soon as my character spawned, 100's upon 100's of other people spanwed too.  So much lag that I couldn't even talk to the NPC.  So many people that the wolves of the human starting area stood no chance.

    I played for about 2 hours and I'm level 8 already.  It was quicker than I thought, or wanted, but it is what it is.  Leveling might slow down (I hope so) but it still feels pretty shallow, fast, easy idk what the word I'm looking for is, but I'm thinking my 3 months may have been too much.

    • 172 posts
    August 27, 2019 8:45 AM PDT

    depending on your class, leveling slows down considerably around 30+ in my experience.

    • 238 posts
    August 27, 2019 9:42 AM PDT - a link to BebullarGaming and his impression of classic.

    Leveling wise things do start to slow down around the level 20 mark and get increasingly slower as you continue to climb. There has never been a level associated death penality so leveling will always be fastpaced when comparing it to a game that has a death penalty. 

    As for 3 months being too much, I can't really say. I can only give my opinion on how classic is going to go. I think that in the coming months classic is going to die down and this opinion is based on a couple of things.

    1. The first thing is that classic can't really go anywhere or make any new innovations. At best it could lead to the creation and release of progression servers, at worst it becomes a time capsule. People will start realizing this eventually and their interests will die down because eventually, they will experience everything classic has to offer. 

    2. Raids and raiding progression won't take as long as they did back in classic. Major guilds like Method have already speculated that upon reaching level 60 it will take them 11 days to down Molten Core compared to the 120 (or so) days that it originally took to complete this content. I bring this up because its a reflection of the potential life span of the content offered. 

    3. The third thing is the general trend of progression servers in other games. They then to explode when initially released and then quickly die out in the following months after release and I don't think classic is going to be any different. The only thing different about Classic is how much hype classic has received. For a lot of modern gamers and people around my age (26) WoW was their first MMO. The never got to experience EverQuest and the grouping aspect associated with it. Their closest experience with grouping was what they experienced in classic WoW or were told about from players who played classic WoW.  I believe that it is one of the reasons that the hype for classic skyrocketed. 

    I think that subbing to experience Classic is a wise investment if you are doing it for the following reasons 1. You want to relive some of the nostalgia you experienced in classic.  2. You weren't able to experience classic and you want to see what the game was like before it took more of a solo mentality. 3. You are currently subbed to the live game and are using the subscription you already have.

    However, if you are subbing because you want to experience a game that is capable of experiencing new innovation and content then its a waste of money. Personally, I can't support classic because I don't see the live servers having a bright future and I don't see the point of supporting something that doesn't have a potential future. 

    I do think that Classic is going to be really good. Going back to Bebullar talked for about 7-8 minutes on the social aspects of grouping. He talked about class synergy and how the classes worked well together. He talked about how the classes had their own niches and each had a dead zone that was filled by the presence of another class. I think that classic is really going to be an eye-opener to the social aspects and co-op gameplay that has been missing in the industry for a while now. I'm going, to be honest, I laughed when he brought this up... because the fact it even needs to be brought up for a game that claims to be an "MMO" is saddening. There have been a few topics asking about how Classic is going to affect Pantheon and I will say that if Pantheon can maximize on the grouping and social aspects presented in Classic, then it should be able to draw more people in. There is also the fact that Pantheon has a future were as Classic has been set in stone already.

    • 166 posts
    August 27, 2019 1:46 PM PDT

    At the moment you are slowed down by hour long log in queues and a lot of people competing for quest mobs.

    • 90 posts
    August 27, 2019 2:31 PM PDT
    I guessed the fun to be had would be limited by server queues and crowding. Looks like I was right.
    It's not a surprise really, as that has been my experience with WoW at each and every expansion release.
    With the amount of hype Classic has gotten, it's no wonder it's a very unfunded experience right now.
    It's also a really good sign though. A good sign that maybe the industry will take note of - people like to be social and play together. Seeing how packed Classic is, it should make developers perk up and see how players have been pining for a social game. It's a sure sign of something being missing from gaming for a long time. And that something can make money.

    Its just unfortunate it's only being done with older games and not new ones.

    I'm taking a hard pass on Classic.
    • 2 posts
    August 28, 2019 12:32 PM PDT

    Wife and I are playing on Old Blanchy. It is busy....lots of people but we are lvl 10 now and its been a lot of fun. Some quests we just pass on because there are lineups but there are actual line ups and people are content just sitting there chatting waiting their turn. To each their own, but its refreshing seeing organization and you are truely surrounded by people that want to be there. Fun!

    • 32 posts
    August 29, 2019 7:09 AM PDT

    I am playing and having a great time.