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WoW Classic only hours away...

    • 2756 posts
    August 26, 2019 10:18 AM PDT

    ...and I'm excited to see if it brings back any good feelings hehe.  I am wholly prepared for disappointment, but I did enjoy WoW up until sometime into the Scarlet Crusade (is that what the blood elf expansion was called?) so I should get something out of it, no?  We'll see!

    It's something to keep us busy until Pantheon, eh?

    I've intentionally not researched it for as much nostalgia feel as possible.  It'll be interesting to play an MMORPG where you actually have to group up (I know for WoW you only really had to do that for dungeons, but even so, I'm looking forward to it).  It'll be nice just to have *any* interest in an MMORPG again, even if it just lasts a few days!  That's how desperate I've become...

    Anyone else going to be in Azeroth?

    • 305 posts
    August 26, 2019 10:37 AM PDT

    I'm restless. Been checking the clock over and over since I woke up. It releases at midnight here in CEST but I'm probably going to ruin to sleep schedule just to sit in queue all night. It'll be worth it.


    Oh boy. Finally.

    • 1479 posts
    August 26, 2019 11:54 AM PDT

    disposalist said:

    ...and I'm excited to see if it brings back any good feelings hehe.  I am wholly prepared for disappointment, but I did enjoy WoW up until sometime into the Scarlet Crusade (is that what the blood elf expansion was called?) so I should get something out of it, no?  We'll see!

    It's something to keep us busy until Pantheon, eh?

    I've intentionally not researched it for as much nostalgia feel as possible.  It'll be interesting to play an MMORPG where you actually have to group up (I know for WoW you only really had to do that for dungeons, but even so, I'm looking forward to it).  It'll be nice just to have *any* interest in an MMORPG again, even if it just lasts a few days!  That's how desperate I've become...

    Anyone else going to be in Azeroth?


    Burning crusade buddy, the name of the demon forces.


    I honestly spent a few times on pservers to play, but since only PVP servers are populated I didn't play over lvl 40 due to very low playerbase. It was still great and fun.

    • 1247 posts
    August 26, 2019 12:09 PM PDT

    Well, as I’ve always said it is something to pass the time. Anyone from the 90s knows Classic WoW is a joke in comparison to Classic EQ, Daoc, and the like tho. 

    This post was edited by Syrif at August 26, 2019 12:10 PM PDT
    • 947 posts
    August 26, 2019 12:13 PM PDT

    TBH - PRotF has ruined the excitement of WoW classic for me.  I don't want to get into it because I won't stop playing if Alpha magically becomes available before this time next year, which is about when people will be getting to the good classic end game content and organizing raids that require people to commit (and other people will be relying on you to keep those commitments...).  Pretty upset with the lack of timelines from VR for this reason specifically.  Leading people on is not cool.  Keeping people waiting around for nothing really when we could be enjoying our time playing other games with aniticipation for Alpha release for those of us that have been waiting for YEARS!!!  All they have to say is to "expect Alpha Q4 of 2022" and I'd be cool with that... even if they changed their mind later, at least it is SOMETHING to plan for.  Not this bullshit of "maybe next quarter... maybe after Pre-Alpha... maybe next year.... need another Pre-Alpha... One more Pre-Alph, there's no timeline for perfection - even though we are just using some of the same mechanics that have been around for decades... etc, etc, etc, excuse, excuse, excuse" 

    Just give it to us straight... I feel like the guy that some girl wants to keep screwing on the side but never wants to commit.  If you're not serious, maybe we want to see other people too and not just hang around waiting for you to call us on the weekend.   


    • 35 posts
    August 26, 2019 1:30 PM PDT

    Wow classic may be fun for a short time, since the original game was so much better than it is today. I wouldn't base your gaming decisions on Pantheon's schedule.

    Been a supporter since the beginning of the failed Kickstarter bid so I have been watching the progress for 5 years approximately. Sadly with the slow progress I am starting to see and hear more and more terms like "vaporware", "never going to happen" etc. 

    I understand the desire to put out a quality game, but with no timelines in place, no goals, the odds are Pantheon will never release as it will run out of money. Think about yourself at work, if you did not have to worry about deadlines, goals or even as simple as your boss watching you, would you really do any work?

    I have gone from a scale of 10 "excited" for Pantheon, to a 5 at this point "hoping it actually releases at some point". I will be a 1 "vaporware" if the game does not see a release date by 2022. 8 Years is enough, and I would guess by then the money will dry up. 

    So yes go play WoW Classic, you have years to play it.

    • 390 posts
    August 26, 2019 1:33 PM PDT

    i think i will try it. i'll likely be bored, but no Pantheon (alpha) for probably a full year or more. gotta do something. 

    made alliance mage and priest and a horde shaman... now i had to pick one....

    • 1430 posts
    August 26, 2019 3:28 PM PDT

    been there.  done that.  i've enjoyed the journey of rank 14.  helped me deal with ptsd.  some things are better to let go.  i've accepted that activision is just a blood sucking vampire leeching blizzard for everything they are worth.  when your ex wife took you for all your worth, it would be stupid to ever hook up with her again after you've built yourself back from the grave.


    elsa says let it goooooo.

    • 1281 posts
    August 26, 2019 4:01 PM PDT

    Azzudien said:

    Wow classic may be fun for a short time, since the original game was so much better than it is today. I wouldn't base your gaming decisions on Pantheon's schedule.

    Been a supporter since the beginning of the failed Kickstarter bid so I have been watching the progress for 5 years approximately. Sadly with the slow progress I am starting to see and hear more and more terms like "vaporware", "never going to happen" etc. 

    I understand the desire to put out a quality game, but with no timelines in place, no goals, the odds are Pantheon will never release as it will run out of money. Think about yourself at work, if you did not have to worry about deadlines, goals or even as simple as your boss watching you, would you really do any work?

    I have gone from a scale of 10 "excited" for Pantheon, to a 5 at this point "hoping it actually releases at some point". I will be a 1 "vaporware" if the game does not see a release date by 2022. 8 Years is enough, and I would guess by then the money will dry up. 

    So yes go play WoW Classic, you have years to play it.

    Except that you're forgetting some very important things.  Pretty much everything that was Pantheon back in 2014 was scrapped in 2016 and the development started over.  So, here in 2019, we are three years into development.  The average MMO takes five-ish years to develop with a much larger crew.  Based on that, Pantheon development is right on par with where it should be, maybe even a little ahead.  Once the major systems are complete (but not necessarily bug free, after all, that's what testing is for), as they should be once Project Faerthale (sp?) has been wrapped up, development of the rest of the world will go much quicker.


    I just love how you guys come out of the woodwork and make all of these doom and gloom posts.

    • 305 posts
    August 26, 2019 4:17 PM PDT

    Just like every other thread this one ends up with people arguing about alpha within three posts :P

    • 3852 posts
    August 26, 2019 4:53 PM PDT

    I still think of WoW as that new kiddie MMO. Though I have to admit it isn't really new any more. That somewhat ...reduces .... my interest in going to the classic version while I wait for alpha.

    • 62 posts
    August 26, 2019 11:52 PM PDT

    Since there are no other mmo's around i really enjoy, and i never played WoW when it was classic i might give it a go until Pantheon alpha drops.

    • 166 posts
    August 27, 2019 1:44 AM PDT

    Here it is 10:30 am on a regular Tuesday, I'm trying to log in to a PVE server, but I'm stuck in the queue. ^^