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What would you like to be known for in Pantheon?

    • 1785 posts
    August 14, 2019 10:05 PM PDT

    I said this in a different thread, but I wanted to take it and  turn it into an informal poll question of sorts.  I think we all have the desire to be recognized for something in the games we play, so I'm curious what everyone's answers will be.

    Something I realized the other day that's a difference between older and newer MMOs, is that in the older games, they were set up so that you as a player could achieve some fame and notoriety.  You could develop a reputation for yourself as a top tailor, or healer, or raid leader.  Because excellence took time and effort, it was possible for players to differentiate themselves from each other.  And once you did that, it acted as a powerful incentive to keep playing.  You were your guild's tank, or their primary caster dps.  You were needed, and you could be proud of that.

    I compare that to more recent games where accomplishments are generally trivially easy.  Where you can level up fast, where you can look up online what equipment to wear and what rotation to use, and where numbers matter more than skill or attitude, and where you're unlikely to run something with the same players twice.  In these games, the emphasis isn't on your role in the community or on your server.  It's just on you completing things.

    So, what would you like to be known for in Pantheon?  It doesn't have to be a class or a tradeskill.  It could be becoming one of the top Keepers, or organizing community events, being a raid leader, or even just being really good at PvP.

    • 430 posts
    August 14, 2019 10:16 PM PDT

    What a great question , I loved your first paragraph :) 

    Honestly , I perfer to be myself .. I help, buff ,do whatever I can . I dont feel the need to be known as anything but me .. sound like a crazy answer .

    I played Rust last year after the Communitymatters post .  Why is this relavent you might ask ? 

    Well for anyone who has ever played it knows its rusty lol .. I knew going into it that it was PVP /Clans/and very very kill or be killed type game ( I dont kill , not even on a pvp server ) .

    But does Communitymatter ? well guess what , in less then a week on one server and two on the other server . IT DID  .. I never killed ! I built Red cross bases/goodwill centers, even fish shacks all free .

    By the end of my study to see if it mattered , I had clans building me Rupunsels tower not to kill but so I was not Killed and even supplied everything for me to hand out to new players .. 

    No glory , Just a bunch of rusty people being nice .. Why because I was so therefor they got no reaction by killing me .. Like the old saying you reap what you sow ... lmao I love SOW :)

    This post was edited by Shea at August 14, 2019 10:26 PM PDT
    • 627 posts
    August 14, 2019 10:41 PM PDT
    - A great healer and a friendly and helpfull guild member.

    You will find info on what items, spells to use and guides to level up very fast after release.

    There are so many ppl, wanting a piece of the cake and aim to be the Next big YouTube or twitch streamer. So content like this is bound to be overwhelmning. Its sad, but the era of the unknown and mystery is gone.

    I belive we will see min/max mentality is Pantheon aswell, its something that players do. When some genius neard, makes videos and crush all the numbers for you, why not take advantage of this info? Eighter your on the train rushing forward or you are left behind snail speed.
    • 3 posts
    August 14, 2019 11:27 PM PDT

    I wish to be known as filthy rich, excellent crafter and good mentor considering crafting and my class.

    • 57 posts
    August 15, 2019 2:07 AM PDT

    That halfling with boundary issues.

    • 624 posts
    August 15, 2019 3:42 AM PDT

    Historian of Havensong

    • 2756 posts
    August 15, 2019 5:03 AM PDT

    I like being known as a competent player and a pleasant person - someone you want in your group.  I don't care about being 'the best' at anything.

    I aim to be known as a helpful player, though.  I don't really care about getting known across a whole server - being 'famous' - just so long as I develop a good sized group of friends and am known in a guild as helpful and useful.

    Just to continue the OP's ruminations: I think 'reputation' in modern MMOs appears to have devolved into MinMaxing obsession.  Not only do players aspire to be 'the best' and to 'beat' others in 'performance' stats and wealth/gear it seems if you don't meet a certain threshold, you aren't worth the time of day.

    Also, sadly, it doesn't appear to matter if you are a complete ahole as long as you get good stats.

    I suppose there was always a minority like that.  It just appears to me to have become more prevalent, influential and generally accepted that as long as you are a 'good' player it doesn't matter if you're a 'bad' person (which obviously comes out in your playing).

    • 116 posts
    August 15, 2019 5:54 AM PDT

    disposalist said:

    I like being known as a competent player and a pleasant person - someone you want in your group.  I don't care about being 'the best' at anything.

    I aim to be known as a helpful player, though.  I don't really care about getting known across a whole server - being 'famous' - just so long as I develop a good sized group of friends and am known in a guild as helpful and useful.

    Could not have said it better myself. Exactly how I feel.

    • 3852 posts
    August 15, 2019 7:15 AM PDT

    Good question. What I would like to be known for in the fullness of time is to be someone that knows more than the average person about the game and is active in whatever chat we wind up with answering questions from new players or people that know less.

    This plays to my strengths - I play more than people that actually have lives so I do tend to know games pretty well - and I do try to be active in general chat if it isn't too dominated by trolls.

    • 2419 posts
    August 15, 2019 7:28 AM PDT

    Nephele said:

    So, what would you like to be known for in Pantheon?

    An @$$hole?  :) J/K

    For me it won't be 'would' but 'will'.  Within my guild I'll be known as unfailingly dependable, very knowledgeable not only my class, but all classes, their strengths and weaknesses and the tradeskill(s) I'll pursue.  To my circle of friends outside the guild, I'll be known as the best Shaman to have in a group, not because of gear but because of my skill and my ability to push my class to the edge and still survive.  To everyone else I'll be known to not suffer lazy or irresponsible or self-serving idiots gladly, to be demanding of your best when in my group or you'll be LFG right where you stand because I take these games very seriously.

    • 1020 posts
    August 15, 2019 8:52 AM PDT

    Nephele said:

    You could develop a reputation for yourself as a top raid leader.  Because excellence took time and effort, it was possible for players to differentiate themselves from each other.  

    So, what would you like to be known for in Pantheon? 

    This is why I'm having a hard time finding a guild.  I've been looking for a Pantheon guild, but to find a good guild I need to play with them in game.  A lot of people have nice website or good grammah but then in game they are slow, indecisive, show too much favortism and just don't jive with me.

    This is also a reason (in past games) I had no problem forming Guilds and recruiting good players.  They grouped with me, learned of my mannerisms and understood that what I had made for a good raid leader over the guild they were in.

    This type of reputation building is what is missing, for me, in a lot of games today.

    • 197 posts
    August 15, 2019 8:52 AM PDT

    This is a great question, and also a very personal one that I think really goes to the heart of why we play and love MMOs. 

    In trying to come up with an answer, I gave this a lot of thought. I considered a lot of things that would be great to be known for in the community. I would love to be known for being able to successfully lead a group. As well, it would be great to be considered highly skilled in my chosen class. Being thought of as an expert when it comes to knowing the world and lore would be nice too. 

    Yet, at the end of the day, I kept coming back to one thing more than anything else. I want to be known as someone who brings out the best in others.  That’s it, plain and simple. When I look back on my experiences 20 years ago in EQ, the people I remember were the ones who brought out the best in me, not only as a player, but as a person. The ones who made me laugh, led by example, and treated everyone with respect. 

    • 64 posts
    August 15, 2019 8:56 AM PDT

    I'd like to be known as the guy who actually got to play the game some day.

    • 2138 posts
    August 15, 2019 9:27 AM PDT

    A filthy casual that playes like a hard core, or a hard core that acts like a filthy casual

    Someone who is fun to play with, fun to group with. That can communicate and understands concepts if expressed clearly and questions if I do not understand them- like right away and not after we wipe.

    Someone who takes the game seriously when its important to take it seriously, (no Leroy Jenkins). Who can make tension breaking jokes or quips while eveyone is taking the fight seriously and still play well.

    Someone who is patient. Someone who can group with hard core players and win the first time  or fail and recover quickly and win the second time and never speak a word untill afterwards. Or also do a complex quest with a PuG where you find out they're middle-school age children and their older siblings or parents playing together, and they act stupid and wierd and run too far sometimes or jump at the wrong time but you RP it into the adventure and still finish the quest and give them all the loots, and let them admire your uber gear. Bonus if you have illusions and can turn everyone into different things.




    • 1430 posts
    August 15, 2019 9:40 AM PDT

    a pleb subpar pvper so when i'm standing over their dead body tea bagging, i'll make them comtemplate the mysteries of life.  in that exact moment, they'll know what it feels like to be me every second of the day.



    • 18 posts
    August 15, 2019 10:33 AM PDT
    Lol stellarmind, brilliant!!

    I just hope to be known as a decent player, someone people enjoyed grouping with and left thinking "I'd group with him again".

    Many times in the days playing EQ you'd group with someone that was a complete tool who caused multiple wipes or was unnecessarily greedy, or they just couldn't play their class very well.
    • 379 posts
    August 15, 2019 12:04 PM PDT
    I want to be #1 on Magelo
    • 103 posts
    August 15, 2019 12:51 PM PDT
    I would like to be know as the most reliable and easy to get along with tank.
    • 1430 posts
    August 15, 2019 1:05 PM PDT

    Mekismo said: Lol stellarmind, brilliant!! I just hope to be known as a decent player, someone people enjoyed grouping with and left thinking "I'd group with him again". Many times in the days playing EQ you'd group with someone that was a complete tool who caused multiple wipes or was unnecessarily greedy, or they just couldn't play their class very well.


    i appreciate the criticism :D


    no need to hope obi wan.  understanding me makes you a decent player.  keep an open heart and mind.  the riches you seek has been there all along.

    • 390 posts
    August 15, 2019 8:37 PM PDT

    I want to be known as a really good healer. Dependable: I won't ever ninja log in the middle of a dungeon or say; "Hey. i gotta leave in 5 minutes" i warn WAY in advance and also try my best to find my replacement before i leave. 


    I remember back in the early days of EQ, I was in a raid guild called Havenlight, some folks went into Plane of Fear and got in over their heads and couldn't get their coorpses back.

    12 of us in Havenlight jumped on the opportunity to go help them get their stuff. I ressed every single person, some had several corpses. And all those people kept trying to give me money for helping and ressing. I didn't accept a penny. I did it because it was the right thing to do and that is how I want to be known. 


    This post was edited by Flapp at August 15, 2019 8:39 PM PDT
    • 1479 posts
    August 15, 2019 9:09 PM PDT

    I expect to be known as "that solid guy knowing his job and offering counsels about it, that is usually funny and easing the tense in groups", pretty much.


    I usually plays no role with utilitaries (rezzes and such), so I can't be known for offering thoses.

    • 145 posts
    August 15, 2019 10:38 PM PDT

    In EQ what I was known for was 1% raid deaths. As a Wizard before all the hate meters, and aggro reducers it was a challenge to be top dps and not get summoned and smoked. I was on top of my guilds parses a lot. I lived on the hairy edge though it was 50/50 whether or not the raid boss was going to summon me when he hit 1%. The tank always had to back off for furious and their threat lead on me would deteriorate and I would get eaten. Which doesn't sound all that glorious but when it was 30 minutes to an hour between raid bosses it was no big deal to get rezzed and rebuffed and med to full again.

    When it got to the point that the main tank of the guild had an assist message that said "Burn this fool to the ground like Gadol" which was my characters name I felt like I had earned myself a little bit of fame.

    Wizards were iffy in EQ, known as AFK'ers a lot. I always strived to prove that wrong. I never was LFG too long. I had a pretty good reputation of bringing the thunder so to speak. And yes it most certainly made me feel good and kept me playing and striving to be better.

    • 193 posts
    August 16, 2019 7:12 AM PDT

    Nephele said:

    So, what would you like to be known for in Pantheon?   

    The go-to for knowledge and help in general, if you can find me. :) I love to learn just for the sake of it, but it's so much more fulfilling to be able to use that knowledge to help others.

    • 1095 posts
    August 16, 2019 8:38 AM PDT

    The person who plays 14hrs a day.

    • 219 posts
    August 16, 2019 9:33 AM PDT

    Nice Question Nephele !


    Helpful  (When I have the time lol) Sometimes I am focused on something for me so YOU will have to wait because I come first :) Seriously though sometimes I have to remind myself that my character comes first or I will get absorbed into helping others out so much my character will suffer. When playing with the best. Its important to remember each player character needs to be able to hold their own.


    Go to person for anything

    Crafting Guru  (Nephele I expect this from you as well lol)

    Hardcore Raider (at the cutting edge of content)

    All in all I really just try to be myself. I am a hardcore completionist gamer in general but I never let that turn me into an ***hole. I treat all players with respect unless proven otherwise. If a player treats me with a complete lack of respect then that player brings the same treatment from myself and others unto themselves. Thats how I am in life and thats how I am in game.

    The guy who beat the MMORPG..... The one thing that I love about MMORPG's is that they are just about Unbeatable. There is so much content that each player can spend thousands of hours in the game and still not do everything. However I strive to do everything the game has to offer. Except for all the quests. Questing is boring lol. I draw the line there. However I might give it a go in Pantheon and do all the quests this go around. With the living codex / perception and the devs talking about meaningful quests I just may go for it. I always do the ones for the best loot or exp and thats it.

    One game for me! (Seriously I like to be known for one game and thats it) I enjoy to focus all my attention into one game.



    This post was edited by Pyde at August 16, 2019 9:34 AM PDT