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Would You Rather - Spend a full 24 hr day...

    • 9115 posts
    July 4, 2019 3:56 AM PDT

    Would You Rather - Spend a full 24 hr day (real-life 24 hrs) in Pantheon as a patrolling Guard or as a random boss spawn (you may or may not be killed/raided/see any adventurers)? #MMORPG#CommunityMatters

    • 216 posts
    July 4, 2019 4:09 AM PDT

    Patrolling guard, I'd enjoy seeing the sights and watching people run by not knowing Im watching them like some kind of creep.

    Although if I could move as a rare spawn, I'd go for a rare spawn so i can follow noobs around scaring them half to death then running away.

    This post was edited by Kellie at July 4, 2019 4:10 AM PDT
    • 9 posts
    July 4, 2019 5:06 AM PDT

    The Patrolling guards tend to get attacked a lot and die. They are way under loved. I suppose their life is much more interesting then a Rare Boss mob, but Id still rather be the rare spawn :) 


    • 3852 posts
    July 4, 2019 8:33 AM PDT

    Guard - more action.

    Yes you almost never win and often die but remember this. Mobs do not lose xp. Mobs do not get debuffs when they die. Mobs do not need to do corpse runs. Mobs do not have their armor degraded. 


    Around 3AM server time when things are slow I have often passed the time chatting with the mobs. Mobs are competitive, as we are, and prefer to win fights, but to a mob death is just paid time off.

    • 627 posts
    July 4, 2019 9:21 AM PDT
    As a rare spawn, would love to give a grp a good fight for their loot :)
    • 430 posts
    July 4, 2019 9:38 AM PDT

    Guard :) I can see it all , see who all . Enjoy the scenery , and enjoy the crazy folks trying to kill me or talk to me . lmao 

    • 1095 posts
    July 4, 2019 9:57 AM PDT

    Kilsin said:

    Would You Rather - Spend a full 24 hr day (real-life 24 hrs) in Pantheon as a patrolling Guard or as a random boss spawn (you may or may not be killed/raided/see any adventurers)? #MMORPG#CommunityMatters

    I so remember this being asked before....


    But I'll go with Guard

    This post was edited by Aich at July 4, 2019 10:30 AM PDT
    • 430 posts
    July 4, 2019 10:06 AM PDT

    Aich said:

    Kilsin said:

    Would You Rather - Spend a full 24 hr day (real-life 24 hrs) in Pantheon as a patrolling Guard or as a random boss spawn (you may or may not be killed/raided/see any adventurers)? #MMORPG#CommunityMatters

    I so remember this being asking before....


    But I'll go with Guard

    Guard I agree lol

    • 2419 posts
    July 4, 2019 12:55 PM PDT

    Kilsin said:

    Would You Rather - Spend a full 24 hr day (real-life 24 hrs) in Pantheon as a patrolling Guard or as a random boss spawn (you may or may not be killed/raided/see any adventurers)? #MMORPG#CommunityMatters

    A random guard is some newbie zone always having to rescue snot-nosed newbies from rats and spiderlings?  No thank you. I'll take a random boss spawn where at least the fights would be interesting.

    • 238 posts
    July 4, 2019 5:25 PM PDT

    Guards get to see the big cities, castles, towns, etc. While, bosses get to see the inside of dungeons, ancient ruins, and places that hold eternal power.

    I think I would prefer to be a boss/ random boss depending on its location. While towns, cities, and castles are nice; I prefer ancient ruins, ancient catacombs, and other areas that time has long since forgotten. These areas tend to immerse me more lore wise with their broken down architecture, ancient murals that recall ages long since past, and the history of their residence both past... and present. 

    • 1247 posts
    July 4, 2019 5:28 PM PDT

    Definitely the Guard :) 


    • 1785 posts
    July 4, 2019 5:51 PM PDT

    Totally the guard.

    • 390 posts
    July 4, 2019 6:12 PM PDT

    Guard. At least I get to see folks and kill anyone KOS :) 


    • 10 posts
    July 4, 2019 6:50 PM PDT

    Kilsin said:

    Would You Rather - Spend a full 24 hr day (real-life 24 hrs) in Pantheon as a patrolling Guard or as a random boss spawn (you may or may not be killed/raided/see any adventurers)? #MMORPG#CommunityMatters


    Random boss spawn for sure... I'd love the opportunity to wipe an entire raid then wreek havok as they try to recover corpses... THIS IS MY DUNGEON BUDDY YOU"RE NOT WELCOME!

    • 247 posts
    July 4, 2019 7:02 PM PDT

    BBBBAAAARRRKKKK!!!!! You humans will pay for ruining our homeland! GRRRRRR!! Family Darkpaw of the Sabretooth Clan will slay you all!! BARK!


    Time to die, Fippy Darkpaw.

    A guard - stationed at the entrance to the newbie zone, saving brave new souls from the likes of Fippy Darkpaw.

    • 10 posts
    July 4, 2019 7:05 PM PDT

    Ezrael said:

    BBBBAAAARRRKKKK!!!!! You humans will pay for ruining our homeland! GRRRRRR!! Family Darkpaw of the Sabretooth Clan will slay you all!! BARK!


    Time to die, Fippy Darkpaw.

    A guard - stationed at the entrance to the newbie zone, saving brave new souls from the likes of Fippy Darkpaw.


    Just killed me a Fippy the other day... did my soul good to hear his death cry.

    • 624 posts
    July 4, 2019 8:53 PM PDT

    Nothing beats the idyllic daily routine of a simple guard.  Protecting the young and unprepared.  Nodding to the other guards as our patrol routes cross:

    "Hey Thom, your wife feeling any better? Sorry to hear she caught the dropsy."
    "Gertie - how your kids these days? Elsbet is expecting your first grandchild next don't say!"

    Then there is the tasty butter & pickle sandwich, with hard cheese and a sour apple just waiting for you at the end of the first dog watch.  If the cap'n has already gone off shift, you can even sneak a mug or two of Thronefast Dark. Good times.

    Random boss spawns usually hang out in dank, moldy, and quite often horrible smelling places.  No thank you.

    • 373 posts
    July 4, 2019 9:24 PM PDT

    Guaaaard  lol

    • 4 posts
    July 4, 2019 9:44 PM PDT

    hmm, I would have to go with Boss myself as long as it isnt the tutorial boss that is destined to get owned way too much lol

    • 62 posts
    July 5, 2019 2:41 AM PDT

    I would love to be a random boss spawning to hunt down noobs. I would hide in the forests and mountains and kill those wandering alone. 

    When i played Darkfall long ago i was very dedicated to it. I was always hiding in the hills, killing people who came up (mostly new players). They would sent parties out to find me and eventually i was murdered myself :(. The fun lasted only 2 days or so.

    • 793 posts
    July 5, 2019 4:00 AM PDT

    omarahtopaz said:

    The Patrolling guards tend to get attacked a lot and die. They are way under loved. I suppose their life is much more interesting then a Rare Boss mob, but Id still rather be the rare spawn :) 



    Yeah, but imagine the surprise when the attaicking player suddenly gets an entirely new fight tactic from that guard your playing. :)

    • 1303 posts
    July 5, 2019 8:29 AM PDT

    Kilsin said:

    Would You Rather - Spend a full 24 hr day (real-life 24 hrs) in Pantheon as a patrolling Guard or as a random boss spawn (you may or may not be killed/raided/see any adventurers)? #MMORPG#CommunityMatters

    If I'm allowed to heckle passersby in a major city, I'd go with guard. While it'd be fun to hammer a raid to the ground, if no one comes to the challenge then the possibility exists that it'd be a really damn boring day. Whereas being a guard I'd have the oppurnity to interact with all kinds of people. 

    • 1430 posts
    July 5, 2019 8:39 AM PDT

    i use to be an adventurer like you, until i took an arrow to the knee.

    • 193 posts
    July 5, 2019 9:22 AM PDT

    Kilsin said:

    Would You Rather - Spend a full 24 hr day (real-life 24 hrs) in Pantheon as a patrolling Guard or as a random boss spawn (you may or may not be killed/raided/see any adventurers)? #MMORPG#CommunityMatters

    Think I'd rather be a random boss spawn. The patrolling guard is a thankless job. While it would be good to have a better chance at seeing actual players, you're still only looking at the area you're patrolling. As a boss spawn, you may be free to wander around a bit, as well, while you sharpen your weapons, claws and wits and think of creative ways to dismantle the hapless solo player or group of adventurers that stumble upon your location. :)

    This post was edited by Percipiens at July 5, 2019 2:15 PM PDT
    • 107 posts
    July 5, 2019 11:00 AM PDT
    It somewhat depends on the parameters of the area I'm guarding. Regardless, guard duty would likely put me in box, so I'm going to go with the random boss spawn. It would be interesting to see which random boss I would spawn as. I enjoy playing the odds!