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Classic WoW and Pantheon

    • 31 posts
    June 11, 2019 6:33 AM PDT

    I think WOW Classic's release is good for Pantheon. It's going to introduce a lot of MMORPG players to a "more traditional" gaming style. it will also reinvigorate the challenging style to those who have played in the past. I have been looking forward to WOW Classic's release for nastalgia, but I fulling expect Blizzard/Activision to screw it up at some point. When that happens, players are going to be looking for something to replace their experience; Pantheon is going to do that.

    In fact, when Blizzard/Activision do screw up WOW Classic, VR needs to be ready with an campaign that will flood the market with Pantheon ads.

    • 172 posts
    June 11, 2019 7:21 AM PDT
    There is no doubt in my mind that the classic server launch will be popular. Servers will flood, people will start the I told you so's. Keep in mind these servers release august 27th 2019. Most likely before pantheon even hits alpha, imo.

    The classic wow world is so well known now that players will be absolutely tearing through the available content. I give wow 6-12 months before the nostalgia wears off for the majority of players that want to relive 2004 and only the raiding guilds are left.

    Without knowing how far VR is, in development. I dont think these classic servers will have any significant impact against pantheon. Again, against pantheon. Largely due to length of time a part in launch dates and that WoW classic isnt a new game. It is simply blizzard fulfilling a popular request that has been put off for so long because launching classic servers is essentially sun-setting the game.
    • 4 posts
    June 11, 2019 9:34 AM PDT

    I'm not sure WoW Classic and Pantheon are necessarily in the same realm as far as style and game experience, however I do think that WoW Classic releasing before the full release of Pantheon is a good thing for Pantheon and its player base, potentially. People are looking for a call back to a more classic MMO style, and WoW Classic, while not the oldest MMO platform out there might be a good way to tide people over 'til Pantheon's full release and even help build up some communities (as you have suggested in another post). I can't say I'm "excited" for WoW Classic, but I can assure you I will play it while I wait for Pantheon (unless they release alpha access for Pantheon first). 

    This post was edited by Pelorix at June 11, 2019 9:34 AM PDT
    • 390 posts
    June 11, 2019 10:22 AM PDT

    Grimseethe said:




    Wrong, people will play classic forver, they have been playing on private servers for over 10 years.




    and there are people playing EQ 20 years later as well... I am talking about in Large Numbers.  Those private servers have a few hundred people on each one.... seriously, that may as well be none. 

    The discussion is how much classic will affect a game that isn't coming out for 2 years. Live servers have lost millions in the last year alone. 

    and stop telling people they are wrong.  you have YOUR opinion, that doesn't mean my opinion is Wrong. 

    This post was edited by Flapp at June 11, 2019 10:46 AM PDT
    • 36 posts
    June 11, 2019 11:52 AM PDT

    Grimseethe said:

    Classic wow, Ashes of creation and pantheon.
    All with subscriptions.
    I think ashes will be ****, but if im wrong i will need do jump between the three of them.
    Some will go f2p hopefully in a year or two.


    The focus of AoC is completely different then Pantheon. I think the game concept is actually super cool and innovative. I also feel like the game is going to fall short on execution because of their development team. They don't seem as disciplined or capable, to say the least. For those reasons I am not sure if AoC will be a great game or a frustrating one.

    Pantheon, though a completely different vision, seems to have a more robust process of executing a game. I have a lot more faith in their process then AoC.

    • 1430 posts
    June 11, 2019 1:48 PM PDT

    don't sent me to the ether plox >.<

    • 1120 posts
    June 14, 2019 6:07 PM PDT

    Flapp said:

    and there are people playing EQ 20 years later as well... I am talking about in Large Numbers.  Those private servers have a few hundred people on each one.... seriously, that may as well be none. 

    The discussion is how much classic will affect a game that isn't coming out for 2 years. Live servers have lost millions in the last year alone. 

    and stop telling people they are wrong.  you have YOUR opinion, that doesn't mean my opinion is Wrong. 

    The humor in this post is that you're trying to tell someone to stop telling people they are wrong.... when you're completely incorrect.  You seemingly know nothing about wow private servers.  The current popular wow private server regularly boasts a population of over 5000.  This is 1 out of many.

    Anyone that thinks wow classic will be a flash in the pan, knows nothing about the classic community.   I'm sure there were people who felt that way about EQ progression servers as well.  And 10 years later those are still going strong.

    YOU may not think WoW classic will have an impact on pantheon, but I assure you it will.  Both positive and negative.

    Stop being close minded and open your eyes to the fact that other people have differing opinions of games than you.  

    • 313 posts
    June 14, 2019 9:24 PM PDT

    Yea, there were a lot of people playing on private servers, and the people that consider playing on a private (illegal) server is only a tiny fraction of those that would consider playing an official version.  The official version has a decent chance of hitting a critical mass because of the feedback loop where more people play it, that generates more interest, and that leads to even more people playing it.  

    This post was edited by zoltar at June 14, 2019 9:24 PM PDT
    • 1479 posts
    June 15, 2019 9:44 AM PDT

    Agreeing with both Zoltar and Porygon :


    People don't trust private servers : Custom rules, PVP focused, XP acceleration, rollbacks, wipeouts, unexpected merges.


    All this goes in the "I don't want to invest for nothing" and is the reason why I don't play private servers while waiting, I just don't want to spoil my pleasure or risk to loose my investment because it's managed by non professionals and it can be a heaven as much as hell due to that, and I know a lot of people like myself (pretty much all my old wow comrades).

    • 1430 posts
    June 15, 2019 1:55 PM PDT

    Porygon said:

    Flapp said:

    and there are people playing EQ 20 years later as well... I am talking about in Large Numbers.  Those private servers have a few hundred people on each one.... seriously, that may as well be none. 

    The discussion is how much classic will affect a game that isn't coming out for 2 years. Live servers have lost millions in the last year alone. 

    and stop telling people they are wrong.  you have YOUR opinion, that doesn't mean my opinion is Wrong. 

    The humor in this post is that you're trying to tell someone to stop telling people they are wrong.... when you're completely incorrect.  You seemingly know nothing about wow private servers.  The current popular wow private server regularly boasts a population of over 5000.  This is 1 out of many.

    Anyone that thinks wow classic will be a flash in the pan, knows nothing about the classic community.   I'm sure there were people who felt that way about EQ progression servers as well.  And 10 years later those are still going strong.

    YOU may not think WoW classic will have an impact on pantheon, but I assure you it will.  Both positive and negative.

    Stop being close minded and open your eyes to the fact that other people have differing opinions of games than you.  


    is it me or you guys actually agree on the same thing, but the point of view is different?


    • 1120 posts
    June 15, 2019 3:08 PM PDT

    stellarmind said:


    is it me or you guys actually agree on the same thing, but the point of view is different?


    I guess we could be, I didnt read his post that way.  I read it as since the p servers have no players classic will have no players and wont impact pantheon.  I guess I could have misread his intent.

    • 1120 posts
    June 15, 2019 3:10 PM PDT

    MauvaisOeil said:

    Agreeing with both Zoltar and Porygon :


    People don't trust private servers : Custom rules, PVP focused, XP acceleration, rollbacks, wipeouts, unexpected merges.


    All this goes in the "I don't want to invest for nothing" and is the reason why I don't play private servers while waiting, I just don't want to spoil my pleasure or risk to loose my investment because it's managed by non professionals and it can be a heaven as much as hell due to that, and I know a lot of people like myself (pretty much all my old wow comrades).

    Yea. For every player that is willing to play on a p server theres probably quite a few that won't for those exact reasons.  That's why the reception of a blizzard run classic wow server has been so huge.

    • 200 posts
    June 16, 2019 1:13 PM PDT

    Flapp said:


    Those private servers have a few hundred people on each one.... seriously, that may as well be none.


    Ehhh, what? Look at these numbers before Nostalrius went down:


    I guess, Vanilla WoW will finish off the near dead retail WoW.



    • 3237 posts
    June 16, 2019 1:55 PM PDT

    I remember this topic coming up a while back.  I feel the same way now as I did then:

    "I personally believe that vanilla WoW servers will be beneficial to Pantheon.  If Blizzard was making a brand new game based on oldschool mechanics and all that jazz then maybe they would be a direct competitor.  As it stands, classic servers appear to me as a "better late than never compromise" from Blizzard ... but they have already lost large chuncks of their audience who have moved onto greener pastures where that style of game is a priority rather than a compromise."

    This post was edited by oneADseven at June 16, 2019 1:56 PM PDT
    • 287 posts
    June 16, 2019 3:16 PM PDT
    Classic wow was still pretty easy game play. We want a challenging game!
    • 3 posts
    June 21, 2019 11:37 AM PDT

    "and there are people playing EQ 20 years later as well... I am talking about in Large Numbers.  Those private servers have a few hundred people on each one.... seriously, that may as well be none. "

    Man there are some private classic servers that have nearly the same peak population as the official WoW servers itself lmao , that's why they decided to go with WoW Classic to begin with, and it's been like that for a very long time. People will always love Classic over the direction they've taken the game ... There's even Cata servers that are in the tens of thousands of population...

    • 1714 posts
    June 21, 2019 11:41 AM PDT

    TanbinEQ2 said:

    "and there are people playing EQ 20 years later as well... I am talking about in Large Numbers.  Those private servers have a few hundred people on each one.... seriously, that may as well be none. "

    Man there are some private classic servers that have nearly the same peak population as the official WoW servers itself lmao , that's why they decided to go with WoW Classic to begin with, and it's been like that for a very long time. People will always love Classic over the direction they've taken the game ... There's even Cata servers that are in the tens of thousands of population...

    Before the approach of classic, the Kronos servers had thousands.

    This post was edited by Keno Monster at June 21, 2019 11:42 AM PDT
    • 297 posts
    June 21, 2019 11:53 AM PDT

    I'm not sure how a classic server releasing in two months is supposed to directly affect the playerbase of a game that is likely not going to be released for two years.

    • 32 posts
    July 9, 2019 9:53 AM PDT

    WoW Classic will not hurt Pantheon.  Remember, VR has already stated they have a target market.  I would argue that people who want to play Pantheon will play Pantheon.  Most of us who switched from EQ to WoW did so at a time when EQ was starting to decline.  I loved EQ, and I loved WoW before BC.  Those two things are not mutually exclusive.  You can love both.  Pantheon is years from release.  I plan to play WoW classic and play the hell out of it.

    • 32 posts
    July 25, 2019 12:54 PM PDT

    If anyone is interested in playing Wow: Classic with Pantheon enthusiasts, you can join my discord server.  


    • 99 posts
    August 1, 2019 4:28 AM PDT
    If anything I think it will help because im not gona lie I will be playing the hell out of classic wow but when Pantheon gets close to releasing It will be like free advertisement in a game with like minded people. But i am looking forward to having something thats decent to last until pantheon comes out.
    • 1020 posts
    August 14, 2019 4:51 AM PDT

    Sign-ups and name reservations on the WoW:C servers are already over 250,000.