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Scenario (fictional)- You find yourself stranded

    • 9115 posts
    May 16, 2019 3:58 AM PDT

    Scenario (fictional)- You find yourself stranded on an island in Pantheon, do you swim and risk your life/gear/exp or do you endure the shame of calling for help from a nearby rival guild member who can teleport/evac you to safety? Please explain your answer. #MMORPG #communitymatters

    • 624 posts
    May 16, 2019 4:08 AM PDT

    Neither. Settle down on the warm sand with a good view of the sunset, pour a libation from my canteen, and compose a new tune about the folly of getting stranded on an island. Something slow and soulful, or perhaps upbeat and funny...depends on how I got in this predicament. In the morning, twist levitate and run speed to cross the water swiftly and dry (bards hate to get the feathered cap soaked), or just jump in and swim if Pantheon bards lack those tools.

    Community matters, but I prefer to get myself out of sticky situations whenever possible.

    This post was edited by Kumu at May 16, 2019 4:33 AM PDT
    • 724 posts
    May 16, 2019 5:04 AM PDT

    If rival guild_member I think there's nothing to worry - otherwise if the rivalry is so bad, maybe you're in the wrong guild!

    If rival_guild member - I would still call them (after exploring the island and having made sure that there is no other way off this place). I think there is no shame in asking others for help in such situations. Worst they can say is no (and maybe laugh a bit at you).

    EDIT: Of course for swimming, it depends on how bad the risk is. I remember swimming long distances through Ocean of Tears in EQ for example, but there was never much to worry about in the water. In a few places there were sharks, but mostly around islands and easily avoidable. If that was similary in Pantheon, and swimming works the same as in EQ, then that may be the easier way out!

    This post was edited by Sarim at May 16, 2019 5:11 AM PDT
    • 413 posts
    May 16, 2019 5:44 AM PDT

    Dig for treasure!  Better yet Rum!  Explore the island, then swim for it.

    • 7 posts
    May 16, 2019 6:05 AM PDT

    So purely fictitious, as a paladin I am equipped with hammer and sword, so I fell the palm trees, twist a few ropes and build me a raft.
    Since I don't have Wilson with me, unlike Chuck, I want to get off the island as soon as possible. ;-)
    Or I rope myself a couple of sea turtles, lash 'em know the rest.

    On the other hand, I'm not to shy to ask for help to get away from a lonely island, but if it's worth the Risk, hell I swim for my life!



    • 1404 posts
    May 16, 2019 6:07 AM PDT

    Sarim said:

    If rival guild_member I think there's nothing to worry - otherwise if the rivalry is so bad, maybe you're in the wrong guild!

    If rival_guild member - I would still call them (after exploring the island and having made sure that there is no other way off this place). I think there is no shame in asking others for help in such situations. Worst they can say is no (and maybe laugh a bit at you).

    EDIT: Of course for swimming, it depends on how bad the risk is. I remember swimming long distances through Ocean of Tears in EQ for example, but there was never much to worry about in the water. In a few places there were sharks, but mostly around islands and easily avoidable. If that was similary in Pantheon, and swimming works the same as in EQ, then that may be the easier way out!

    This pretty well sums it up. Rival Guild? whatever. As for the swimming, never seen it to be very dangerous. Even the sharks in EQ or the aqua gobblins, if you held your position in the water just right, on the event horizon between the air and water, you could see all the way to the bottom or across the body of water clear as a bell.

    (So does that mean I would swim using an exploit?)

    • 438 posts
    May 16, 2019 6:18 AM PDT
    Depends on the time I have to play. If there is
    No limit on time? Swim for it and see what there is to see. Time restraint? Find the most tolerable person in rival guild and purchase their help. Money talks.
    • 373 posts
    May 16, 2019 6:24 AM PDT

    Swim and risk your life/gear/exp or endure the shame of calling for help from a nearby rival guild member who can teleport/evac you to safety?


    I'll call for help from a rival guild member. For better or worse, the entire reason I am playing this game is to play with other people. Besides that, they can't do anything worse than leave me stranded (which is already the situation I'm in). 



    • 627 posts
    May 16, 2019 6:26 AM PDT
    I would fish a bit and wait for another oppotunity to rise. On a pvp server where i Will be playing, My rival guild would prolly just kill me anyway.
    • 2419 posts
    May 16, 2019 7:01 AM PDT

    Kilsin said:

    Scenario (fictional)- You find yourself stranded on an island in Pantheon, do you swim and risk your life/gear/exp or do you endure the shame of calling for help from a nearby rival guild member who can teleport/evac you to safety? Please explain your answer. #MMORPG #communitymatters

    I'd swim, not because I would not want to ask the rival guild for help, but swimming would be more of an adventure.  This choice does assume that I have at least some knowledge of the area, the leve of NPCs, etc I might encounter.  If I were stranded at level 5 and the water is filled with highly aggressive and quite high level NPCs where swimming was a near guaranteed death sentence, asking the rival guild would be the logical choice.

    • 96 posts
    May 16, 2019 7:06 AM PDT

    I'd probably just swim it out, unless there's a high chance of getting killed by some death touching manta ray or something. :)

    • 1281 posts
    May 16, 2019 7:27 AM PDT

    Kilsin said:

    Scenario (fictional)- You find yourself stranded on an island in Pantheon, do you swim and risk your life/gear/exp or do you endure the shame of calling for help from a nearby rival guild member who can teleport/evac you to safety? Please explain your answer. #MMORPG #communitymatters

    Just because the guild is a "rival guild" doesn't mean that I dislike their members.  There are all sorts of different rivalries.  I have no beef reaching out to them for a port/evac.  That said, swimming might also be a fun adventure.  Who knows what you may find in the process.  You might find an island, a boat, a new area, whatever.  I'm a big fan of exploring.

    • 3852 posts
    May 16, 2019 7:27 AM PDT

    To me a no-brainer. Rival doesn't mean *enemy*. Athletes often compete but can be the best of friends between events. This is a social game. Unless I did something really stupid there is nothing to be embarassed *about* being on the island - heck how did the other person get there unless he or she *also* did something just as stupid if that is the case.

    So I would ask for help after confirming that I was stranded and there was no reasonable way to just swim to somewhere else. 

    • 259 posts
    May 16, 2019 7:32 AM PDT

    You run around the island and find a boat, like in The Ocean of Tears, and handle it yourself.

    • 90 posts
    May 16, 2019 7:36 AM PDT

    That's the time to go exploring the ocean and swim.

    • 193 posts
    May 16, 2019 7:38 AM PDT

    Kilsin said:

    Scenario (fictional)- You find yourself stranded on an island in Pantheon, do you swim and risk your life/gear/exp or do you endure the shame of calling for help from a nearby rival guild member who can teleport/evac you to safety? Please explain your answer. #MMORPG #communitymatters

    If swimming is a viable option (i.e. it isn't so far that I'll run out of stamina and drown ala EQ), then I'll risk it just because. I always enjoyed getting in to and out of places I shouldn't have been in the first place. :)

    • 1430 posts
    May 16, 2019 8:53 AM PDT

    since i'll be playing on a pvp server.....  calling for help is from a rival guild is stupid.  as a matter of fact: they'd probably camp me on the island.  only fools call for help from an enemy and i'm no fool(except when it comes to women apparently).  life/gear/exp is temporary.  respect is fleeting and self worth is eternal.

    • 216 posts
    May 16, 2019 9:57 AM PDT

    Summon my portable raft and sail off into the sun set. (If I was playing a summoner)

    but im a cleric, so Ill have to swim.

    • 1315 posts
    May 16, 2019 9:58 AM PDT

    If this is Pantheon I obviously have to swim as there is no fast travel . . . 

    • 190 posts
    May 16, 2019 10:49 AM PDT

    Search for the rum...  Definitely find the rum.  #1 priority when you're stranded on an island!

    • 470 posts
    May 16, 2019 12:10 PM PDT

    Kilsin said:

    Scenario (fictional)- You find yourself stranded on an island in Pantheon, do you swim and risk your life/gear/exp or do you endure the shame of calling for help from a nearby rival guild member who can teleport/evac you to safety? Please explain your answer. #MMORPG #communitymatters

    Funny story. I was once on my human warrior taking the boat ride across the ocean of tears on my way to Butcherblock Mountains to hit up Crushbone. I didn't know a lot about all the areas between at the time but as I was zoning, as it sometimes happened back in the good ol days before high-speed internet, there was a bit of lag between my load times and the boat deciding to leave. So when I loaded in the boat was sailing off in the distance as I fell right down into the ocean.

    Now at this point I said to myself, Tuk, you can either try and swim to the zoneline...however far away it is and hoping you don't go off course (all the while kicking myself for not working on my sense heading skill more). Or you can swim to that there patch of land. So...I swam to the land to try and give myself a moment to of respite to figure out what to do next. But then a new fighter entered the arena. As I neared the island here came a cyclops around the corner. So, I had to abort that plan and swim for it. There was no way this lil level 8ish warrior was going to solo a cyclops, galant and hilarious though it may be, his blood red con asking "What would you like your tombstone to say?" was a clear clue that anything other than a strategic retreat was a bad idea.

    So with a small island and a bloodthirsty cyclops promising a gruesome death and likely a Tuk stew in front of me, and a wide ocean with water as far as the eye could see all around me, I did the only thing I could at that point...I swam for it. And I swam...and swam...and swam...and swam...and swam....and swam...and swam. Now at this point I had the good sense to start using Loc to at least have some semblance of direction. And then I swam...and swam....and swam. Now as I assumed I must be approaching a zoneline somewhere in this vast ocean I came to a biting realization that I had overlooked something and made a tactical error. Now that biting realization was an actual bite...from a shark. A bright red con shark. And as my corpse sunk to its watery grave and I shot all the way back to Freeport, my saving grace was that I knew a good druid that I was able to call on to go on a fishing trip.

    The moral of the story. I am more than willing to brave an adventure in the unknown wilds. But when it looks like I might be screwed, I'm not so proud that I won't call for help. ;p

    • 2138 posts
    May 16, 2019 2:28 PM PDT

    Rival guild means: As hostile as KOS NPC's except that they can randomly and cohesively communicate with you and therefore allows imposed drama (if taken seriously for the sake of fun or for the sake of seriousness). This drama can include Hostage taking, forced "face pulling" with no rezzes, being dragged to raids well beyond your level and being rooted as "bait", Experiments in an evil city where a levitation buff is cast upon you and you are prodded to float over a great hole where you die if you fall in it, bind affinity (a spell that sets your spawn point when you die) is cast on you, and then cancel magic to eliminate the Levitation buff is finally cast upon you. ( so you are floated over a hole, you are bound over the hole, then floating is taken away. You fall in the hole. you die. you spawn in the place you were bound... over the hole and.... you fall, you die, you spawn- etc etc- endless loop muahahahaha! yes it happened)

    So, I would try to hide on the island away from the rivals as best I could and assess the situation see how long I could survive without being noticed or broadcasting spell noises, flashes or hunger pangs. Death I could deal with, Exp loss I could deal with but gear!?!- depending on how young I was, replacing newbie gear would not be so bad and besides there may be older players that would gladly offer minor hand-me-downs for the sake of bag space if they found out I was going for more armor (I know I do). But if I was older and had some hard won gear, I would not want to part with it so easy so I would be cautious. 

    If the choice was between possibly losing the hard won gear or suffering the slings and arrows of outrageous disparagement of the rival guild where I may lose exp and die alot.....

    At first I would choose to swim and if I got attacked with no hope of survival, then I would shout to the rival guild on the off chance the temptation to go for me would blind them to the monster chasing me and may cause a situation where the rival guild is battling the monster or monsters- allowing me to slip away on the side. OR if they defeat the monsters and catch me slipping away, I still have my gear and my life for now and have a chance to communicate to passers by, maybe word will get back....but right now I'm rooted in this open area at the top of this tower and there's something big and blind at the other end of that hall. The idiots are as quiet as church mice, hiding off to the side behind me. I'm trying to be still, that thing is huge in the distance but I don't care I am so hungry. I gasp when see it's ugly pinched face snap in my direction as my stomach rumbles. 

    This post was edited by Manouk at May 17, 2019 10:14 PM PDT
    • 390 posts
    May 16, 2019 2:35 PM PDT

    I am going to swim and make it an adventure. it will be fun.

    Rival guilds doesn't mean they are bad guys. Inner Circle and Havenlight used to race each other for everything, but I ressed a million Inner Circle even tho I was in Havenlight.  


    • 206 posts
    May 16, 2019 2:42 PM PDT

    Risk it all!

    • 1618 posts
    May 16, 2019 3:54 PM PDT

    I usually have fr in the rival guild. Best way to spy on them.

    Rival guilds are often formed from the breakup of other guilds. Often, from the same sources. You were friends before, guild mates. Each went your own way at the breakup. Half were absorbed by on guild, the other half by the rival.