Forums » General Pantheon Discussion


    • 520 posts
    April 20, 2019 7:43 AM PDT

    What kind of features you'd like to see in your stashes? Should they be unlimited, limited but expandable or strictly limited?

    1) Personal stash - unlimited or limited but expandable (with in game currency) ; featuring customizable tabs ("weapons", "for sale", "crafting materials") , search function (either graying out items that doesnt match or showing only those that does) with advanced search options. Should be close to crafting stations. Depending on wether there will be post office or not with the ability to send gifts to other players.

    2) Account stash - limited and perhaps slightly expandable - Ability to share items and currency with your alts.

    3) Guild stash with tabs that can be modified by guild master - like "free for all guild members", "veterans and higher", "capitains and higher", "funds for guild upgrade" etc. EDIT: It also should have log which player put and which took specific item.

    This post was edited by Hegenox at April 20, 2019 8:17 AM PDT
    • 373 posts
    April 20, 2019 8:04 AM PDT

    I read half of this before I realized this isn't about moustaches.

    On the topic of 'banks', I'd like it if we started with few bank (off-character storage)  slots and it increased slightly as we leveled. One of the things I've seen in other games is that players will create level 1 alts just to have more bank space. While that's not bad it would be nice to have an incentive to level even the 'bank alts'. 

    • 3852 posts
    April 20, 2019 8:06 AM PDT


    My turn to sound like one of the hardline "no modern conveniences" types.

    1. Personal stash. Limited, with the ability to expand it by paying the bank for the space. But you would need to pay the bank for the service just as you need to rent safe deposit boxes in the "real world".

    But not *magical*. In whatever bank you choose to put it in and not available from any other bank. What God would be willing to waste its time teleporting your stash from one side of Terminus to the other any time you want to make a deposit or withdrawal. Of course you could have stashes in many banks. Just as in the "real world" you want something you put in Bank X you need to either *go* there to get it or pay to have the bank mail it to you subject to whatever limitations there are on mail deliveries (which may take time and may not be available between locations that hate each other or simply have no contact with each other).

    2. Account stash. Same as above. If an "alt" wants to get things a different character has in a bank he or she needs to go to that bank or have the items mailed.

    3. Guild stash. At a minimum the guild should be able to have a stash at its headquarters - once guild headquarters are implemented. I see no reason the guild couldn't have stashes in banks around the world just as characters can. But as above accessed by personal visit. Multiple tabs as the OP suggests. 

    • 223 posts
    April 20, 2019 8:11 AM PDT

    dorotea said:


    My turn to sound like one of the hardline "no modern conveniences" types.

    1. Personal stash. Limited, with the ability to expand it by paying the bank for the space. But you would need to pay the bank for the service just as you need to rent safe deposit boxes in the "real world".

    But not *magical*. In whatever bank you choose to put it in and not available from any other bank. What God would be willing to waste its time teleporting your stash from one side of Terminus to the other any time you want to make a deposit or withdrawal. Of course you could have stashes in many banks. Just as in the "real world" you want something you put in Bank X you need to either *go* there to get it or pay to have the bank mail it to you subject to whatever limitations there are on mail deliveries (which may take time and may not be available between locations that hate each other or simply have no contact with each other).

    2. Account stash. Same as above. If an "alt" wants to get things a different character has in a bank he or she needs to go to that bank or have the items mailed.

    3. Guild stash. At a minimum the guild should be able to have a stash at its headquarters - once guild headquarters are implemented. I see no reason the guild couldn't have stashes in banks around the world just as characters can. But as above accessed by personal visit. Multiple tabs as the OP suggests. 


    Definitely how I feel about banking, the keep it simple philosophy works, so long as there is ample space for crafters.

    • 373 posts
    April 20, 2019 8:24 AM PDT

    Yaladan said: long as there is ample space for crafters.

    ...and collecters.
    ...and hoarders.
    ...and traders.
    ...and RPers (with their 900 outfits!)

    So pretty much ample space for everyone. What is ample for everyone?

    • 223 posts
    April 20, 2019 8:52 AM PDT

    Tigersin said:

    Yaladan said: long as there is ample space for crafters.

    ...and collecters.
    ...and hoarders.
    ...and traders.
    ...and RPers (with their 900 outfits!)

    So pretty much ample space for everyone. What is ample for everyone?

    Fair enough, quest for boxes/bags with more space have always been a welcome thing, specially a good mechanic for taking on new quests or to supply crafters or sellers of these items as a staple to their fun in the game. I cannot speculate home many items will be available in game to formulate a reasonable bank space to item ratio but if there are several banks with individual storage (not shared) plus a few different bags or boxes then it should suffice for individual needs.

    • 373 posts
    April 20, 2019 9:08 AM PDT

    I'm having the same problem. With abilities, spells, quests, dungeons, travel... I feel all of these should be limited and require the assitance of others. Bank space is a different animal. It's personal and sometimes unreasonable. Sometimes players just want to keep stuff. I can't imagine this is an easy decision but I'd love some dev feedback if, rather, it is.

    • 1860 posts
    April 20, 2019 11:14 AM PDT

    Seems odd to refer to banks as a stash.  I wonder what the OPs experience is to call them that?  I've played a lot of games and they are almost always called banks.

    • 1281 posts
    April 20, 2019 12:42 PM PDT

     Personal inventory absolutely needs to be limited if Pantheon is going to succeed with the gameplay tenants they have set out. Pantheon is built around planning your adventure out and collaborating with your group to make-up the difference of your characters weaknesses. Allowing players to carry their entire history of acquisitions on their character really defeats that purpose and adds an additional layer of complication to the death mechanics.

    For long-term storage, say in a bank, players should have a certain amount of space for free. If they want to have additional space, they could pay an in-game fee for that (helps with inflation by removing currency). If the player fails to pay the fee, once the item is removed from the slot it cannot be added back in until the fee is paid again. This way players won’t lose items if they forget or can’t pay.



    This post was edited by bigdogchris at April 20, 2019 12:44 PM PDT
    • 520 posts
    April 20, 2019 1:39 PM PDT

    bigdogchris said:

     Personal inventory absolutely needs to be limited if Pantheon is going to succeed with the gameplay tenants they have set out. Pantheon is built around planning your adventure out and collaborating with your group to make-up the difference of your characters weaknesses. Allowing players to carry their entire history of acquisitions on their character really defeats that purpose and adds an additional layer of complication to the death mechanics.

    Definitely. Inventory should be heavily limited.

    philo said:

    Seems odd to refer to banks as a stash.  I wonder what the OPs experience is to call them that?  I've played a lot of games and they are almost always called banks.

    Haven't played any MMO for years now, so I've forgotten the "correct" nomenclature. I've been playing mostly single player RPGs in the reacent years. I need to get rid of the rust and learn again!

    dorothea said:

    Personal stash. Limited, with the ability to expand it by paying the bank for the space. But you would need to pay the bank for the service just as you need to rent safe deposit boxes in the "real world".

    But not *magical*. In whatever bank you choose to put it in and not available from any other bank. What God would be willing to waste its time teleporting your stash from one side of Terminus to the other any time you want to make a deposit or withdrawal. Of course you could have stashes in many banks. Just as in the "real world" you want something you put in Bank X you need to either *go* there to get it or pay to have the bank mail it to you subject to whatever limitations there are on mail deliveries (which may take time and may not be available between locations that hate each other or simply have no contact with each other).

    I'm all for buying BANK (ha!) space - as long as we have such possibility. As bigdogchris said if you forget or cant pay you shouldn't loose your items but you'd not be able to add more items until the fee is paid.

    As for "magical banks" i don't see why not. I mean sure - objects stored in one town shouldn't be freely accesible in another, however we should be able to see them (i mean we know that these items are there; again grayed out) and with the help of banks employees with arcane knowledge - we should  be able to retrive specific items in another town (for a fee!).

    • 1785 posts
    April 20, 2019 3:33 PM PDT

    dorotea said:


    My turn to sound like one of the hardline "no modern conveniences" types.

    1. Personal stash. Limited, with the ability to expand it by paying the bank for the space. But you would need to pay the bank for the service just as you need to rent safe deposit boxes in the "real world".

    But not *magical*. In whatever bank you choose to put it in and not available from any other bank. What God would be willing to waste its time teleporting your stash from one side of Terminus to the other any time you want to make a deposit or withdrawal. Of course you could have stashes in many banks. Just as in the "real world" you want something you put in Bank X you need to either *go* there to get it or pay to have the bank mail it to you subject to whatever limitations there are on mail deliveries (which may take time and may not be available between locations that hate each other or simply have no contact with each other).

    2. Account stash. Same as above. If an "alt" wants to get things a different character has in a bank he or she needs to go to that bank or have the items mailed.

    3. Guild stash. At a minimum the guild should be able to have a stash at its headquarters - once guild headquarters are implemented. I see no reason the guild couldn't have stashes in banks around the world just as characters can. But as above accessed by personal visit. Multiple tabs as the OP suggests. 

    I agree with these principles.

    • 2752 posts
    April 20, 2019 3:43 PM PDT

    Personally, I hope there is no mail system. I get that some have grown fond of the idea (I never personally used mail other than to retreive AH purchases) but it doesn't make sense within the game world to me. At best I could see cities having a "dropbox" type thing where you could leave an item at a location (likely an NPC at the bank) and designate the recipient but that person would have to come to that specific location to pick it up. /shrug

    • 3852 posts
    April 20, 2019 6:58 PM PDT


    Personal inventory is a *very* different matter from bank inventory and has also had its share of discussion over the years. I didn't mention it so as not to derail the thread - and will continue not to discuss it. 

    Mail is also a separate issue but it is intertwined with banks. Logically if mail is safe and instant as in most MMOs today it entirely undercuts the argument for regional banks, for a need to actually visit the bank where you made the deposit, and for not having account-wide storage. Given instant "magical" mail limiting those other things serves no real purpose other than making it harder for players.

    My view of mail is akin to my view of  banks - and for that matter my view of markets. Have it fit in logically with the way Terminus might actually work if Terminus actually existed.

    Have mail take time - perhaps varying amounts of time depending on the route. Have it somewhat expensive. Have attachments take more time and be more expensive. 


    No mail between places that logically shouldn't have regular mail service. Thus an insular xenophbic race may not welcome any mail - coming or going. A race that doesn't have dealings with other races because it is so remote likewise wouldn't have any mail service beyond its territory.

    These same considerations apply to banking, of course. While I said that items shouldn't be magically available other than where they actually are - this is far from necessarily true for cash. At least among civilizations that talk to each other and are not that far apart letters of credit are a real possibility - on Earth I believe we had things like that back to at least the Phoenicians.

    • 78 posts
    April 20, 2019 9:10 PM PDT

    Tigersin said:

    I read half of this before I realized this isn't about moustaches.

    I think staches should be allignment based, the more evil you are, the more evil your stasch looks, if you refuse to be evil you get Ron Swanson stasch.

    • 520 posts
    April 21, 2019 2:59 AM PDT

    It would also be cool idea of having bank fee reduced proportional to character play time - for long time members bank have better offers!

    • 197 posts
    April 21, 2019 5:03 AM PDT

    Hegenox said:

    It would also be cool idea of having bank fee reduced proportional to character play time - for long time members bank have better offers!

    I agree with the idea of limited bank space and fees associated, but attaching anything to character /played time is a little too close to login rewards and daily quests. Perhaps bank fees are attached to faction instead?

    • 1315 posts
    April 21, 2019 5:35 AM PDT

    If quantity of individual items needed is anything like other MMOs then I wish they would give items both mass AND volume.

    This may sound more limiting but it is actually a little more flexible. Rather than a gold ring taking up the same amount of space as a platemail breastplate and in a 100% weight reduction bag the same encumbrance each item would have its own relative size.

    To make this meaningful you have three options.

    1. All bags have both a mass and volume capacity. When you put an item in the bag its mass and volume are subtracted from the available space in the bag. The bag will just add items to the menu of the bag and the concept of “slots” will go away. There are also a lot of easy search and sort functions that can then be built into the UI.

    2. Players inventory is just one list menu similar to above and the number and types of bags you have equipped effect what all you can carry both in terms of mass and volume. In this instance weight reduction would be changed to a certain amount of weight negation.

    3. Small bags inside of big bags for smaller objects. Basically there will be “medium” sized inventory slots that can hold a “medium” size bag that can then contain multiple small sized items. Ends up being a bit of a russian doll situation but it at least gives more flexibility than the literally one size fits all slot inventory method. The item size example I wrote for is as follows.

      The items could be tiny (1 cubic centimeter), small (16 cm^3, 4 cm side), medium (256 cm^3, 16 cm side [~6” cube]), large (4096 cm^3, 64 cm side [~2ft box]), giant (16777216 cm^3, 16.8 cubic meters, 2.56 meter side [~8ft box])

      The idea is that up to 16 objects of once size can fit in the slot once size larger. Smaller bags will then be able to fit inside of larger bags to give you these expanded slots but until you have the smaller bags your items still take up the slots. There could also be bags two sizes larger than the objects that can go into it with up to 256 item slots that are organize-able. I should also say that the 16:1 ratio is the top quality bags with no weight reduction. Weight reduction enchantments reduce the space inside the bag as do lower quality bag construction materials and techniques with the worst ratio being 4:1.

      Two more key points will be required to make this work. First is nothing stacks, ever. An item is an item and always will be though most formerly stacking items will be tiny items of negligible weight. Next is that the players inventory is 8 large sized slots that cannot contain bags with anything in them and one primary backpack slot that can equip a large sized container. Special note that there may be magical backpacks that have large slots in them rather than just medium slots.

    Banks/warehouses could then contain 2 square meter storage boxes that you can rent monthly and stuff any amount of weight into as you are not carrying it around.