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Pledge Rewards Questions

    • 1095 posts
    April 17, 2019 4:13 PM PDT

    Wobels said: Any idea what the rewards for Patron's Pledge were? I forgot and cant seem to search them up. Just that it was reworked.

    Put a ticket in, they will tell you.

    • 34 posts
    April 17, 2019 4:56 PM PDT

    Assuming these are located in the same spot can we switch between them :)? 

    In-Game Badge

    Description: Exclusive badge icon attached to player nameplate. Each contribution level will have an icon attached to the nameplate to denote contribution level. The badge will have a description when the player is inspected that marks the player as a contributor to the November pledge.
    November pledge

    $100 level
    $500 level
    $1000 Level

    In-Game Nameplate Icon

    Description: Exclusive nameplate badge icon for each pledge level. Each badge icon will have a description when the player is inspected that details his or her’s pledge level.
    KS Cohort

    • 247 posts
    April 17, 2019 5:04 PM PDT
    What if you want to upgrade dose that mean u loose stuff u where already promised that are no longer given
    • 49 posts
    April 17, 2019 9:15 PM PDT

    Wow people can name NPC's??

    Thats so ******* awesome, I wish I knew about this game way back when..... 

    • 49 posts
    April 17, 2019 9:16 PM PDT

    How much $$ to name some NPC's my bros, pm me

    • 1281 posts
    April 17, 2019 9:50 PM PDT

    Artois said:

    With this month's newsletter, we sought to provide clarity to many of the earlier pledge rewards. We often were asked questions on what a particular reward meant and how it would be implemented. While we have addressed many of them in the newsletter, we know there can be other questions that we might have missed. In addition, you might have further questions on the rewards we have discussed. This thread is to serve as a place to ask those questions and we will answer them. Our goal is to be as transparent as possible in regards to what the pledge rewards mean.


    Therefore, give us your questions.

    It didn't discuss some of the other "swag" that has since disappeared from the Pledge levels since the revamp.  Such as the signed postcard for the Cohort pledge level, or the "pet" that was coming with some of the Pledge levels.  What about that stuff?

    • 432 posts
    April 18, 2019 1:58 AM PDT

    How do you deal with pledge upgrades over time ?

    Considering someone has pledged before october 2015 with pledge X .

    Then later he upgrades to pledge Y (pledge X could have in the meantime changed name and content)

    So obviously this person has pledged before october 2015 - but what do you want to grant him  ?

    X as in its original description when the pledge was paid ? Y as it was defined at the time of upgrade ? Or Y in its current form ?

    This post was edited by Deadshade at April 18, 2019 2:00 AM PDT
    • 160 posts
    April 18, 2019 3:09 AM PDT
    If my memory serves me correctly, when the pledges were changed they said that if you chose to upgrade your pledge going forward you would lose the earlier pledge benefits and they would be replaced with the new benefits. The reasoning was that some of the earlier pledge benefits weren't sustainable from a development/business standpoint on a large scale.
    • 432 posts
    April 18, 2019 4:10 AM PDT

    Nuggie said: If my memory serves me correctly, when the pledges were changed they said that if you chose to upgrade your pledge going forward you would lose the earlier pledge benefits and they would be replaced with the new benefits. The reasoning was that some of the earlier pledge benefits weren't sustainable from a development/business standpoint on a large scale.

    Well that would be in contradiction with the repeated statement that the benefits appearing in the pledge description at the time of the pledge would be honored even if the pledge description changed at a later moment probably for reasons you mention . What sense would it make if a later upgrade would remove these benefits which were precisely granted to be honored ? This could and would actually discourage many people (at least those who cared for this or that benefit) to upgrade their pledge which would go against the wish of VR to reward people who upgraded their pledge in order to get more crowd finance .

    I don't think that VR would say "OK you lost benefits X and Y that you liked because you gave us more money . It's your problem , not ours ."

    Especially now with the new version which specifies a time limit (e.g before october 2015) . If you pledged before october 2015 then you pledged before october 2015 regardless when and how many later upgrades you eventually did . That's why I asked my question .

    • 160 posts
    • VR Staff
    • 367 posts
    April 18, 2019 11:03 AM PDT

    Raidil said: What if you want to upgrade dose that mean u loose stuff u where already promised that are no longer given


    Anytime you upgrade, you get the new rewards for that pledge level and lose the rewards for the pledge you are upgrading from. 

    • VR Staff
    • 367 posts
    April 18, 2019 11:07 AM PDT

    Kalok said:

    Artois said:

    With this month's newsletter, we sought to provide clarity to many of the earlier pledge rewards. We often were asked questions on what a particular reward meant and how it would be implemented. While we have addressed many of them in the newsletter, we know there can be other questions that we might have missed. In addition, you might have further questions on the rewards we have discussed. This thread is to serve as a place to ask those questions and we will answer them. Our goal is to be as transparent as possible in regards to what the pledge rewards mean.


    Therefore, give us your questions.

    It didn't discuss some of the other "swag" that has since disappeared from the Pledge levels since the revamp.  Such as the signed postcard for the Cohort pledge level, or the "pet" that was coming with some of the Pledge levels.  What about that stuff?

    We didn't include the signed postcard as it is mostly self explanatory by what it is. Our purpose of the descriptions we shared was to provide details on those pledge rewards that hadn't been discussed previously.

    We will continue to provide details on more of the pledge rewards, including the pet and other in-game items that are currently being offered as rewards, over the next several months.

    • VR Staff
    • 367 posts
    April 18, 2019 11:12 AM PDT

    Deadshade said:

    Nuggie said: If my memory serves me correctly, when the pledges were changed they said that if you chose to upgrade your pledge going forward you would lose the earlier pledge benefits and they would be replaced with the new benefits. The reasoning was that some of the earlier pledge benefits weren't sustainable from a development/business standpoint on a large scale.

    Well that would be in contradiction with the repeated statement that the benefits appearing in the pledge description at the time of the pledge would be honored even if the pledge description changed at a later moment probably for reasons you mention . What sense would it make if a later upgrade would remove these benefits which were precisely granted to be honored ? This could and would actually discourage many people (at least those who cared for this or that benefit) to upgrade their pledge which would go against the wish of VR to reward people who upgraded their pledge in order to get more crowd finance .

    I don't think that VR would say "OK you lost benefits X and Y that you liked because you gave us more money . It's your problem , not ours ."

    Especially now with the new version which specifies a time limit (e.g before october 2015) . If you pledged before october 2015 then you pledged before october 2015 regardless when and how many later upgrades you eventually did . That's why I asked my question .


    For a point of clarification, if your pledge includes a reward that has since been retired, as long as your pledge is still active and hasn't been upgraded to a different pledge, you will receive the reward.

    I spend an inordinate amount of time ensuring we get our pledge levels and rewards correctly assigned to those that have pledged. It is something we as a company take seriously as we appreciate the support our community has given us. If you ever have a question in regards to what your pledge entitles you to, please open a support ticket and we will work with you.


    • VR Staff
    • 367 posts
    April 18, 2019 11:17 AM PDT

    Lewtz said:

    Assuming these are located in the same spot can we switch between them :)? 

    In-Game Badge

    Description: Exclusive badge icon attached to player nameplate. Each contribution level will have an icon attached to the nameplate to denote contribution level. The badge will have a description when the player is inspected that marks the player as a contributor to the November pledge.
    November pledge

    $100 level
    $500 level
    $1000 Level

    In-Game Nameplate Icon

    Description: Exclusive nameplate badge icon for each pledge level. Each badge icon will have a description when the player is inspected that details his or her’s pledge level.
    KS Cohort

    We haven't nailed down all of the specifics on how the switching will work for these. However, given that we have several available as pledge rewards, it stands to reason there will be a way to choose which you wish to display or not display.

    • 261 posts
    April 18, 2019 3:11 PM PDT

    Raidil said: What if you want to upgrade dose that mean u loose stuff u where already promised that are no longer given

    Thats whay I never looked at upgrading. Didn't want the chance to lose my lifetime membership they said the would still honor for the early pledges which has them :)

    • 201 posts
    April 19, 2019 1:45 PM PDT

    Wow that is TERRIBLY short sighted in my opinion.  I mean, if I pledged X way back when and got say, alpha access, but I now pledge another $Y, I would LOSE alpha as an example?  That seems beyond moronic.  The logical thing (frankly I NEVER for a second thought that if I gave more money that I would lose anything...WOW what a wake up) would be to keep the previous benefits as they stand, and only add new benefits from the higher level pledge and replace existing ones with the new ones if they are superior (ie from alpha access to prealpha etc).  I had contemplated adding to my pledge before but no chance now.  I get the administrative aspects of managing it would be harder but seems like disincentivizing people from giving more money is the absolute wrong idea.

    • 160 posts
    April 19, 2019 7:46 PM PDT
    Which is why you have the option to make another account for your wife/girlfriend, incase they want to play some day too.
    • 1095 posts
    April 20, 2019 3:47 PM PDT

    antonius said:

    Wow that is TERRIBLY short sighted in my opinion.  I mean, if I pledged X way back when and got say, alpha access, but I now pledge another $Y, I would LOSE alpha as an example?  That seems beyond moronic.  The logical thing (frankly I NEVER for a second thought that if I gave more money that I would lose anything...WOW what a wake up) would be to keep the previous benefits as they stand, and only add new benefits from the higher level pledge and replace existing ones with the new ones if they are superior (ie from alpha access to prealpha etc).  I had contemplated adding to my pledge before but no chance now.  I get the administrative aspects of managing it would be harder but seems like disincentivizing people from giving more money is the absolute wrong idea.

    They made that choice because some of the items were in fact powerful and could be damaging, like create an item, quest , boss etc. I'm just glad they are honoring the old perks.

    This post was edited by Aich at April 21, 2019 7:56 AM PDT
    • 11 posts
    April 20, 2019 3:52 PM PDT

    antonius said:

    Wow that is TERRIBLY short sighted in my opinion.  I mean, if I pledged X way back when and got say, alpha access, but I now pledge another $Y, I would LOSE alpha as an example?  That seems beyond moronic.  The logical thing (frankly I NEVER for a second thought that if I gave more money that I would lose anything...WOW what a wake up) would be to keep the previous benefits as they stand, and only add new benefits from the higher level pledge and replace existing ones with the new ones if they are superior (ie from alpha access to prealpha etc).  I had contemplated adding to my pledge before but no chance now.  I get the administrative aspects of managing it would be harder but seems like disincentivizing people from giving more money is the absolute wrong idea.


    Exactly, I have no dog in this fight, but it completely kills the poossibility of future pledging, VR is shooting themselves in the foot with this policy.

    • VR Staff
    • 367 posts
    April 22, 2019 12:24 PM PDT

    Aich said:


    Will the people who have the design questline, name a POI, name a NPC, create an item and name an item have a chance to scope out the game for possible locations to help make the decision?



    Will more details on creating an item as in balance and available stats/clicky effect be available, this would be NDA material I am sure so I assume woudl well with my first question given access.

    Also what about partical effects etc



    Same for Boss and questline, point system on npc design and stats/skills per difficulty. Also NDA Item



    Can we combine all the perks like name an POI, questline, npc, create item etc into one cool experience.


    More information on the submission instructions of these items will be released once we ask for submissions. For the most part, you won't be able to combine all of the perks because not all who are elgible for one of these perks have all of them. We will work with each submitter as time allows to direct the design in a direction that can be used in game.


    • 194 posts
    April 22, 2019 8:48 PM PDT

    Artois said:


    More information on the submission instructions of these items will be released once we ask for submissions. 


    Please send an email out once that occurs. I almost missed this due to Pantheon emails being caught in my promotions filter.

    • 3 posts
    April 24, 2019 2:28 PM PDT

    Nameplate Color

    Description: Different player nameplate color frame.

    November 2018 pledge

    Can you tell us anything more regarding nameplate frame colors?  Is the plan ultimately to offer a variety of colors through various means (in-game quest/feat/etc-based, as an example)?

    Also, is there any chance this pledge-drive reward may return (and for the same still-unannounced color)?

    Sorry to bump but is there any chance for clarification on this?  Thanks!

    • VR Staff
    • 367 posts
    April 24, 2019 4:12 PM PDT

    yajin said:

    Nameplate Color

    Description: Different player nameplate color frame.

    November 2018 pledge

    Can you tell us anything more regarding nameplate frame colors?  Is the plan ultimately to offer a variety of colors through various means (in-game quest/feat/etc-based, as an example)?

    Also, is there any chance this pledge-drive reward may return (and for the same still-unannounced color)?

    Sorry to bump but is there any chance for clarification on this?  Thanks!

    We don't have any more information we can share yet on the different colors for the nameplates. In regards to the November pledge drive returning, we don't have plans for that specific drive to return. However, there could potentially be another depending on the circumstances. We do rely on the pledges from each of you to help us make Pantheon and appreciate all the support you have given us.


    • VR Staff
    • 367 posts
    April 24, 2019 4:13 PM PDT

    justdrop said:

    Artois said:


    More information on the submission instructions of these items will be released once we ask for submissions. 


    Please send an email out once that occurs. I almost missed this due to Pantheon emails being caught in my promotions filter.

    We will make sure to use all of our social media channels to let you know when this is happening.

    • VR Staff
    • 367 posts
    April 24, 2019 4:16 PM PDT

    Gingernaut said:

    antonius said:

    Wow that is TERRIBLY short sighted in my opinion.  I mean, if I pledged X way back when and got say, alpha access, but I now pledge another $Y, I would LOSE alpha as an example?  That seems beyond moronic.  The logical thing (frankly I NEVER for a second thought that if I gave more money that I would lose anything...WOW what a wake up) would be to keep the previous benefits as they stand, and only add new benefits from the higher level pledge and replace existing ones with the new ones if they are superior (ie from alpha access to prealpha etc).  I had contemplated adding to my pledge before but no chance now.  I get the administrative aspects of managing it would be harder but seems like disincentivizing people from giving more money is the absolute wrong idea.


    Exactly, I have no dog in this fight, but it completely kills the poossibility of future pledging, VR is shooting themselves in the foot with this policy.

    I don't have much to add to this yet other than this is a discussion I am leading internally in regards to our early supporters and rewards. As we continue to refine our pledge packages, we want to ensure our early supporters are able to continue to upgrade their pledge if desired and not worry about losing some of the rewards they previously got through their pledge.