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What are you looking forward to the most?

    • 9115 posts
    February 14, 2019 4:02 AM PST

    What is the biggest feature, mechanic or system that you are looking forward to when Pantheon releases? #MMORPG #communitymatters

    • 124 posts
    February 14, 2019 4:24 AM PST

    I'm geussing the perception system and harvesting system have most my interest.

    I'm not a quester, but i am an explorer and i love puzzles. Also i don't like to be dependant where i don't have to be, thus why i'm interested in the harvesting system (and crafting system as a byproduct). From what i have seen so far, the harvesting system is more like 'modern' day small online rpg's? (Ark, The Forest, Atlas and the likes) where nodes are actually part of the scenery and not just a randomly plotted rock or bush.

    • 1247 posts
    February 14, 2019 5:34 AM PST

    I am going to second perception and harvesting. The exploration, depth, and challenge of Pantheon keeps looking better and better. I think features like these make Pantheon the true alternative to the mmo market that's out there right now. Pantheon onward!

    This post was edited by Syrif at February 14, 2019 6:02 AM PST
    • 123 posts
    February 14, 2019 5:49 AM PST

    Since I will probably be doing this the most: the combat system.

    • 1860 posts
    February 14, 2019 6:08 AM PST

    The 2 systems I am most looking forward to, even if they aren't the "biggest feature", are the colored mana system and the progeny system.

    • 259 posts
    February 14, 2019 6:29 AM PST

    I think the Atmosphere/Climate System.

    • 200 posts
    February 14, 2019 6:39 AM PST

    the grouping/community feature! sounds so unique and intriguing! =)

    • 1247 posts
    February 14, 2019 6:39 AM PST

    @Shyin Climate system definitely looks pretty awesome.

    • 438 posts
    February 14, 2019 6:40 AM PST
    Climate and progeny systems.
    • 2138 posts
    February 14, 2019 7:11 AM PST

    What the game thrusts upon me.

    By that I mean, my coming in with no preconcieved notions and experiencing the world as it is, and learning its rules and secrets and discoveries as I do what I feel like doing within the rough framework the game provides.

    I want to have to learn alot of things, I hope they are intuitive in nature as well as discoverable by my own mistakes or chance (oh, so THAT's what it does kind of eureka moment, but organic)


    The fact that there are other people interacting with the world and doing the same thing and chatting and sharing ideas? - is a huge huge bonus.

    • 81 posts
    February 14, 2019 7:16 AM PST

    I think for me it will be questing. I am very interested to see what approach the game takes. I know/hope it won't be talk to A and follow the sparkly line to B'. I also have a hunch it won't be as Everquest which took a more cryptic approach which required most to launch the internet. Will they get the balance right ...


    • 1315 posts
    February 14, 2019 7:17 AM PST

    I can’t decide between:

    1)      A complex crafting system where you mix and match materials to make your final product, an engaging mini game system that requires player knowledge, skill and preparation to succeed at for the highest level items, and is time constrained to level rather than basic raw material constrained.

    2)      A volume based inventory system rather than a feather and giant boulder taking up the same space, slot based inventories are so 1990s.

    3)      A robust and balanced mentor system that allows and encourages players to suppress  their characters to lower levels to allow them to experience content at its intended challenge and regain access to level locked drops, quests and achievements.

    4)      Localized banks and auction houses that players must rent to use but can scale infinitely removing the need for bank alts and making each area a sub economy for trader based players to utilize.

    5)      No on demand fast travel only point to point transfer methods.


    . . . . wait do we have a list of confirmed features, mechanics or systems?

    (snark aside I am looking forward to a cooperative RPG with real depth both in interdependence and scope of character development, here is hoping Pantheon delivers.)

    This post was edited by Trasak at February 14, 2019 7:17 AM PST
    • 3852 posts
    February 14, 2019 7:52 AM PST

    What am I looking forward to the most? Absolutely no question, this is trivially easy to answer with one word. Release.

    What game mechanic?  I could write a page or a lot longer on all the things I am expecting Pantheon to have that current games mostly do not have. Most more important than the one I am about to pick. Things like slow leveling, challenging content, non-trivial crafting, real death penalty. Things that easily make up for the things I don't want that I also expect it to have. We all have different priorities and no game can be perfect for all, or even most, or maybe even *any* of us. Just ....very very good.

    But to name one I will pick one that I really do consider important, that I focus on in all MMOs, and that few of us would put in their top 5 priorities. Harvesting. 

    That VR is using Vanguard as a secondary inspiration and source of ideas is certain (meaning secondary to EQ of course). That we can expect to see some things that reflect the glory that was Vanguard, well OK the glory that would have been Vanguard given another year of financing before release, but not many other things from Vanguard is also certain. 

    Best harvesting system of any game I have played. Nodes that could give both mundane and rare items - and later so-called ultrarares. Harvesting equipment that could be crafted and bought and sold. Group harvesting (which I don't believe is planned for Pantheon but no game is quite perfect not even Pantheon).

    This post was edited by dorotea at February 14, 2019 7:54 AM PST
    • 287 posts
    February 14, 2019 8:02 AM PST

    I am most looking for to sitting down at my computer on the day of launch, and feel as though I'm imersed in a new world rather than playing a video game. I look forward to exploring every little nook and enjoying the journey rather than trying to get to max level as quickly as possible. I look forward to being amazed by how quickly time flies by as I'm in Terminus meeting new friends and exploring some amazing new landscape.


    More specifically, I look forward to a game with actual quadrinity and support classes that are actually important and seeing what new novel ideas that VR has in store for us all.

    • 1785 posts
    February 14, 2019 8:03 AM PST

    dorotea said:

    What am I looking forward to the most? Absolutely no question, this is trivially easy to answer with one word. Release.

    What game mechanic?  I could write a page or a lot longer on all the things I am expecting Pantheon to have that current games mostly do not have. Most more important than the one I am about to pick. Things like slow leveling, challenging content, non-trivial crafting, real death penalty. Things that easily make up for the things I don't want that I also expect it to have. We all have different priorities and no game can be perfect for all, or even most, or maybe even *any* of us. Just ....very very good.

    But to name one I will pick one that I really do consider important, that I focus on in all MMOs, and that few of us would put in their top 5 priorities. Harvesting. 

    That VR is using Vanguard as a secondary inspiration and source of ideas is certain (meaning secondary to EQ of course). That we can expect to see some things that reflect the glory that was Vanguard, well OK the glory that would have been Vanguard given another year of financing before release, but not many other things from Vanguard is also certain. 

    Best harvesting system of any game I have played. Nodes that could give both mundane and rare items - and later so-called ultrarares. Harvesting equipment that could be crafted and bought and sold. Group harvesting (which I don't believe is planned for Pantheon but no game is quite perfect not even Pantheon).

    Dorotea, get out of my head!

    My answer is what dorotea said.  Almost word for word :)

    This post was edited by Nephele at February 14, 2019 8:13 AM PST
    • 10 posts
    February 14, 2019 8:06 AM PST

    Crafting and the perception system are the only real answers for me. I cannot wait to enjoy this game with all of you!

    • 432 posts
    February 14, 2019 8:35 AM PST

    A good , intelligent and challenging AI . I'd like that at last there is a game where the AI is not just a scripted bot governed by only 1 parameter : aggro or non aggro .

    Too many games confuse a little randomness inserted in the script with intelligence but of coourse it isn't .

    This post was edited by Deadshade at February 14, 2019 8:36 AM PST
    • 49 posts
    February 14, 2019 8:36 AM PST

    Kilsin said:

    What is the biggest feature, mechanic or system that you are looking forward to when Pantheon releases? #MMORPG #communitymatters


    Content forcing players into grouping along with the quantrinity - Tank/healer/DPS + crowd control.


    Will make for fantastic gameplay and community building

    • 287 posts
    February 14, 2019 8:50 AM PST

    I'm most looking forward to the game as a whole given it is based on the idea of strong community.  I want to experience the world of EQ again but modernized.  That experience has existed here and there since EQ but those games inevitably shift toward stupidification and solo play in an effort to pull in more subscriptions.

    I'm also looking forward to the return of the enchanter class.  A class whose primary purpose is crowd control hasn't fit into the overly simplistic combat designs of other games despite EQ proving it can be done well and demonstrating how to do it.  It's my all-time favorite class and I'm hoping beyond hope that Pantheon's Enchanter can reproduce that playstyle.

    • 2419 posts
    February 14, 2019 9:44 AM PST

    Kilsin said:

    What is the biggest feature, mechanic or system that you are looking forward to when Pantheon releases? #MMORPG #communitymatters

    The Log-In button.  That itself is a big feature, a required mechanic and an important system.  If you don't get that right, nothing else matters.  :)

    Seriously though, perception is highest on my list, followed very closely by an incredibly involved and ever present faction system.

    • 130 posts
    February 14, 2019 9:54 AM PST

    My current answer would have to be the lack of immersion breaking "convenience" features dictating the way the game is played, like dungeon finders, excessive fast travel and no downtime.

    There are some specific systems I'm moderately excited about, such as Perception and reputations/alignment, but there's not enough specific information about the implementation of these to be able to tell if they will be simply a nice addition or truly amazing and engaging systems that elevate the gameplay experience to new heights.

    For example with the Perception system all we really know for sure is that there will be triggers in the game that give a popup with some background information or the ability to investigate something for characters of a certain class class/with a certain perception score, and that some of these are going to be logged. That'd just be nice to have for flavor and exploration. But there's potential to let many more factors (like race, non-combat character skills, possession of items, faction reputations, previous activated perception triggers, etc) play a part in how players are allowed to engage with the world through these perception triggers.

    Also if there can be multiple investigate/action input options from the player to create branching storylines, it could be a fairly unique way to handle 'quest' design within the game in a choose your own adventure-style. Pillars of Eternity and King of Dragon Pass have done these very well, and I'd like to see something similar in an MMORPG. Meaningful choices/dilemmas - beyond what are we going to kill today and what item do I want to wear in this slot - would really help bring the sorely neglected RP back into the MMORPG. It would still be fun for people who are normally not into roleplay, because the world reacts to their choice and it's not just make-believe.

    If I knew for sure that this is how it'd be implemented,  it'd be at the top of my list of reasons to recommend the game to others. But since the game is still in pre-alpha and under heavy NDA and we only know the basics, I'll have to settle for a more generic feature (or non-feature) as stated at the top of this post.

    This post was edited by Kaeldorn at February 14, 2019 10:13 AM PST
    • 1921 posts
    February 14, 2019 10:40 AM PST

    Kilsin said: What is the biggest feature, mechanic or system that you are looking forward to when Pantheon releases?

    Colored Mana.  Progeny.  Caravans.  Raid exclusion solution.  The Living Codex. Climates/Environments. Dual Targeting.  Status effects/exploitation.  Co-op group-only synergy.  Faction.  Celestials. Unique Class Roles.  Challenging group content.  Situational gear. . . .

    • 646 posts
    February 14, 2019 1:22 PM PST

    Perception system. And group-focused open world content.

    Also looooooooore.

    • 1430 posts
    February 14, 2019 1:24 PM PST

    dynamic encounters, open world, actually having specialized equipment for certain zones, meaningful professions and dat sweet sweet and bitter pvp

    • 206 posts
    February 14, 2019 3:38 PM PST

    Naunet said:

    Perception system. And group-focused open world content.

    Also looooooooore.

    Same. Exaclty.