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True feelings about PROF

    • 20 posts
    January 4, 2024 10:18 PM PST
    Pantheon-Rise Of The Fallen (PROF) or at least PROF is how I will refer to it when its live anyways. To keep it short... I love it and always have. Ive been supporting, waiting, and talking about this game since 2017. All my friends and family know how much I desire to play this game and they are all now invested as well. Why do I post this? Because when you read this you will know without a doubt that there are people who believe in, and want to experience Terminus. Its not just a game, its a passion.
    • 1289 posts
    January 5, 2024 2:30 PM PST

    That's awesome.  I only have one person in my extended family who even plays video games.  He vowed to never play an MMO again in his life, but I still think there's a chance he'll be interested in this one.  I'll have him take a closer look when it's further along.  I expect he'll be interested in the crafting quite a bit, especially based on what Nephele has mentioned his hopes are for the crafting side of things.  

    • VR Staff
    • 540 posts
    January 5, 2024 3:57 PM PST

    I played a little during the holidays when my brother was visiting. I've got him sold on it.

    • 25 posts
    January 6, 2024 2:03 AM PST

    I picked up New World during the Steam sale, played the beta back in the day.... wasn't horrible so... why not? Not a bad game for those that want to do a medium effort MMORPG. Lots of crafting, lots of questing, fast paced, level 30 in a weekend and haven't died yet. Want to log on tomorrow... all for $15 and no subscription. Thats a win, not to mention is beautiful in every way. 

    PROF is the opposite in everything but the playability. I died 30X on my first day, made it to level 5 on a couple toons. Paid over $300, want to play but can't, have to group to fight a squirrel, it's going to have a subscription, looks like a phone game from 10 years ago. Still... I want to play it. Would be difficult to chose, but I have to be honest... they just have to scale up the graphics. What I saw last time looked like a school project. It will kill this game to look like that.... even Quest VR MMOs look better.  

    • 1289 posts
    January 6, 2024 6:54 AM PST

    Still...I want to play it :)   I like that.

    • 1020 posts
    January 10, 2024 3:16 PM PST

    SSgt said: Pantheon-Rise Of The Fallen (PROF) or at least PROF is how I will refer to it when its live anyways. To keep it short... I love it and always have. Ive been supporting, waiting, and talking about this game since 2017. All my friends and family know how much I desire to play this game and they are all now invested as well. Why do I post this? Because when you read this you will know without a doubt that there are people who believe in, and want to experience Terminus. Its not just a game, its a passion.

    I want to clarify something. Being critical of the game doesn't mean I don't want to play it or that I wish for it to fail. My critiques stem from the prolonged development time, constant re-works, and what seems like fabrications and misdirection. I genuinely want to enjoy the game, and I'd love to convince my friends and family to join me. But the current state is a far cry from what was initially presented, making it hard for me to proudly introduce it and say, "Let's dive into Terminus together." It's laughably amateurish and I sincerely believe if I showed this as a legitimate product to any one, they'd would seriously question my sanity. 

    I do acknowledge the hard work of the team on the ground. It's not their fault. The disappointment lies in the decisions made by those in charge, or in some cases, the lack of decisions. There's a tipping point where praising the effort turns into questioning what's really happening. I know I'm not alone in this shift from "you're doing great" to "what's going on?" It's a disappointment born out of genuine passion for the game.

    • 100 posts
    January 12, 2024 11:43 PM PST

    Kittik said:

    SSgt said: Pantheon-Rise Of The Fallen (PROF) or at least PROF is how I will refer to it when its live anyways. To keep it short... I love it and always have. Ive been supporting, waiting, and talking about this game since 2017. All my friends and family know how much I desire to play this game and they are all now invested as well. Why do I post this? Because when you read this you will know without a doubt that there are people who believe in, and want to experience Terminus. Its not just a game, its a passion.

    I want to clarify something. Being critical of the game doesn't mean I don't want to play it or that I wish for it to fail. My critiques stem from the prolonged development time, constant re-works, and what seems like fabrications and misdirection. I genuinely want to enjoy the game, and I'd love to convince my friends and family to join me. But the current state is a far cry from what was initially presented, making it hard for me to proudly introduce it and say, "Let's dive into Terminus together." It's laughably amateurish and I sincerely believe if I showed this as a legitimate product to any one, they'd would seriously question my sanity. 

    I do acknowledge the hard work of the team on the ground. It's not their fault. The disappointment lies in the decisions made by those in charge, or in some cases, the lack of decisions. There's a tipping point where praising the effort turns into questioning what's really happening. I know I'm not alone in this shift from "you're doing great" to "what's going on?" It's a disappointment born out of genuine passion for the game.

    I agree and I think many ppl pushing back rought feedback don't perceive that.
    If we are taking time to give feedback it's because we want things to improve to enjoy the game. I don't have a desire to see the game fail, and Pantheon was not supposed to be a niche game it was meant to be a Good new MMO with certain values from older MMOs (Focus on group, and social, no easy solo to max level in 1 week, and more).
    But from the look we recently had it really only seem to be heading toward a pretty niche game ("mostly for old EQ players") which already has competition with Monsters and Memories, ...

    And I remember Joppa saying in a video that a win for the playtest was to have players enjoy the game and not wanting to stop when the test is finished. Sadly, for me and numerous others it hasn't been the case and that's why we give feedback.

    I don't have metrics to know how many players in % enjoyed the test or not. Not counting players not giving any feedback either. But in my eyes it's hard to see this game with the current direction being a successful, and you need the game to be successful enough to sustain at least one populated server.

    And after 10 years in development with the current state, only one person as full-time employee, funds dwindling ... it's normal it instills doubts in people. It's honestly easier to give up and not care about the game but we do care and we give feedback and our opinions even if it sounds rough sometimes.

    This post was edited by Khraag at January 13, 2024 12:05 AM PST
    • 1289 posts
    January 13, 2024 3:39 PM PST

    Just to clarify, they have more than one full time employee.  That rumor, based on someone's misinterpretation of something Joppa said, is not actually true.

    I personally wouldn't call funding dwindling, they have hired more people in the last two years, which to me implies that they have the money to hire people.  Clearly it's not coming in fast enough to hire more people faster, but I don't get the sense that they're running out at the moment.  As always, they should continue to try to raise as much as they can.  Glad they gave it a shot with 247, it didn't work out.  Hopefully the next idea works.  

    • 295 posts
    January 17, 2024 11:29 PM PST

    SSgt said: Pantheon-Rise Of The Fallen (PROF) or at least PROF is how I will refer to it when its live anyways. To keep it short... I love it and always have. Ive been supporting, waiting, and talking about this game since 2017. All my friends and family know how much I desire to play this game and they are all now invested as well. Why do I post this? Because when you read this you will know without a doubt that there are people who believe in, and want to experience Terminus. Its not just a game, its a passion.


    I share your sentiments. There is NO other MMO out there that I'm interested in as much as Pantheon. I have my own, in depth understanding of Pantheon and it has allowed me to sincerely appreciate VR's efforts to bring this game to release. While I acknowledge the challenges, I don't see them in the same negative and insurmountable way some do, although the task is daunting at times. There's a LOT of positive and admirable nuance to Pantheon's development that most of the critics overlook for the low hanging fruit of superficial, "popular"(sic) and unfair criticism. Despite the obstacles, I'm still enjoying the process.

    • 27 posts
    January 31, 2024 9:59 AM PST

    thank goodness i only purchased the low tier package.

    • 3 posts
    February 2, 2024 11:45 PM PST

    they just have to scale up the graphics. What I saw last time looked like a school project. It will kill this game to look like that.... even Quest VR MMOs look better.

    Ever play Everquest? Yeah, byt todays standards the graphics suck... but for 1999 it was pretty good. But if you look at earliest beta the graphics were a joke...

    Better Together: Stories of EverQuest | Shacknews

    Which isnt unusual. Early testing isnt about graphics quality, its about testing everything else. Graphics and the visual portion of the engine are things usually concentrated on later in the process.

    Keep in mind... technically we arent even in full alpha.

    • 3 posts
    February 3, 2024 1:20 AM PST

    I don't have a desire to see the game fail, and Pantheon was not supposed to be a niche game it was meant to be a Good new MMO with certain values from older MMOs


    Huh. Maybe we saw different start up info. Everything I saw from day one told me this would be a niche MMO, especially the statement that they werent trying for large numbers of "general game" subscribers, just a core of players who liked the older style MMO using modern graphics and updated mechanics.

    I can tell you right now... if they end up going to a general appeal MMO they'll lose a lot of the people who've supported and looked forward to the game for the better part of a decade.

    • 1 posts
    February 10, 2024 7:25 PM PST

    I guess my question is...

    is this game?^  

    it looks far more finished in that video from 4 years ago then it does today in pre alpha

    The concern is the development time and what we have for a pre alpha, we all know its pre alpha, what we are concerned about is that is has been in development for so long and it looks like we went backwards and not forwards in development

    • 48 posts
    February 11, 2024 9:24 AM PST

    ezchunka said:

    I don't have a desire to see the game fail, and Pantheon was not supposed to be a niche game it was meant to be a Good new MMO with certain values from older MMOs


    Huh. Maybe we saw different start up info. Everything I saw from day one told me this would be a niche MMO, especially the statement that they werent trying for large numbers of "general game" subscribers, just a core of players who liked the older style MMO using modern graphics and updated mechanics.

    I can tell you right now... if they end up going to a general appeal MMO they'll lose a lot of the people who've supported and looked forward to the game for the better part of a decade.


    One of the reasons for the new direction in terms of Art was specifically to attract a broader audience 'cos even VR realized that the niche demographic they were appealing to would not make the wheel turn in the long run. It was most definitely the primary drive to change the art style. You can try to cover it up in "well, it's faster to produce and it runs better" and that's all true - it is faster to produce and it does run better, but that doesn't bring in the money.

    Looking at the graphics it is obvious they are aiming for a mix of World of Warcraft players that's tired of Blizzard's shenanigans and Fortnite players.

    Sorry, but I know they say their graphics are unique, but it's really not.. It looks exactly like Fortnite and I get it.. It's what a very large demographic has grown up playing and you're more likely to sway those with graphcis they are used to and it's not too dissimilar from World of Warcraft so it's reasonable to guestimate that you can sway a decent portion of the Classic crowd and the disgruntled retail crowd that's tired of how watered down the game has become with your own flashy new product that promise difficulty with a familiar look and feel.

    This post was edited by Ashreon at February 11, 2024 9:27 AM PST
    • 55 posts
    February 12, 2024 4:18 AM PST

    SSgt said: Pantheon-Rise Of The Fallen (PROF) or at least PROF is how I will refer to it when its live anyways. To keep it short... I love it and always have. Ive been supporting, waiting, and talking about this game since 2017. All my friends and family know how much I desire to play this game and they are all now invested as well. Why do I post this? Because when you read this you will know without a doubt that there are people who believe in, and want to experience Terminus. Its not just a game, its a passion.

    After playing PRotF in this past Feb 10-11 playtest, I'm honestly leaning more toward playing Monsters & Memories.  The look and feel of M&M just suits me better and that playtest was far more interesting to me despite M&M being in a far less advanced state than PRotF, and being in development for a much shorter amount of time.  Plus, the devs at Niche Worlds Cult seem FAR more enthused about their game and are obviously putting a lot more work into it, than the devs at VR.  Whenever I hear a podcast or watch a video from VR, I end up going away depressed.  Just my two cents.

    • 46 posts
    February 29, 2024 8:14 AM PST

    ezchunka said:

    they just have to scale up the graphics. What I saw last time looked like a school project. It will kill this game to look like that.... even Quest VR MMOs look better.

    Ever play Everquest? Yeah, byt todays standards the graphics suck... but for 1999 it was pretty good. But if you look at earliest beta the graphics were a joke...


    Everquest in 1999 looked better than current Pantheon art.

    • 21 posts
    March 1, 2024 7:21 AM PST

    Gemdiver said:

    ezchunka said:

    they just have to scale up the graphics. What I saw last time looked like a school project. It will kill this game to look like that.... even Quest VR MMOs look better.

    Ever play Everquest? Yeah, byt todays standards the graphics suck... but for 1999 it was pretty good. But if you look at earliest beta the graphics were a joke...



    Everquest in 1999 looked better than current Pantheon art.

    That's the biggest hot take I have ever seen. I feel like you are either blinded by your nostalgia or just in denial because of how much you don't like the new art style. The new graphic style is objectively better than 99 Everquest is every regard.

    • 1921 posts
    March 3, 2024 8:12 AM PST

    drewber2814 said: ... The new graphic style is objectively better than 99 Everquest is every regard. 


    While what looks 'good' is always subjective, as far as performance goes, to this day EQ1 uses a tiny percentage of the GPU load of Pantheon or almost any other MMO since 2010.  It may not look omg super awesome, but it runs on a potato.  On the same video card, same OS, everything the same, EQ1 uses about 10% of a 3xxxx series Nvideo RTX card.  Pantheon uses at least 4 times that, minimum, and often much, MUCH more, in its current pre-launch state.

    Yes, I'm aware optimization is an ongoing process.  Yes, I'm aware it's a pre-launch client.  Yes, I'm aware the number of rendered pixels/vertices/polygons and textures is higher.  There is no doubt that 'more' is going on mathematically within the rendering viewport in Pantheon, yet.. EQ1 runs on a potato. :D  And visually, it provides all the player needs to perform their role in an MMORPG.

    • 11 posts
    March 4, 2024 8:21 AM PST

    Gelf said:

    I picked up New World during the Steam sale, played the beta back in the day.... wasn't horrible so... why not? Not a bad game for those that want to do a medium effort MMORPG. Lots of crafting, lots of questing, fast paced, level 30 in a weekend and haven't died yet. Want to log on tomorrow... all for $15 and no subscription. Thats a win, not to mention is beautiful in every way. 

    PROF is the opposite in everything but the playability. I died 30X on my first day, made it to level 5 on a couple toons. Paid over $300, want to play but can't, have to group to fight a squirrel, it's going to have a subscription, looks like a phone game from 10 years ago. Still... I want to play it. Would be difficult to chose, but I have to be honest... they just have to scale up the graphics. What I saw last time looked like a school project. It will kill this game to look like that.... even Quest VR MMOs look better.  

    There will always be people who hate a game. Whether it's because it's too easy, too hard, too expensive, etc. I prefer a game that's hard over one that is easy, and my very first day playing EQ1 back in 2002 is a memory I'll cherish forever. I was scared to go near other players, because I didn't know if they could attack me. And when you died there was a very loud Crraaack, that sounded like your skull was being split open. And the trains to the zone entrances were quite the menace. Not sure how they'll manage them with an open world.  But, those were the days. EQ1 in it's early days was best described as "not for sissies". If this game lives up to half of what that experience was I'll be pleased. And I'm hoping to meet some old friends from EQ1 and DDO too. Not sure I like being able to gain 10 levels in a day though, as I would rather take a week to gain 1 level.

    • 6 posts
    March 29, 2024 12:05 PM PDT

    Okay so where do I start. I want to love it. I would be happy to like it but... I am indifferent. I didn't even playtest most of this week. I just couldn't summon enough interest to log on more than 10 minutes. 

    No, I don't like the graphics. It isn't what they sold me on when taking my pledge. They have promised a gritty experience and frankly the cartoony graphics are reminiscent of Warner Brothers cartoons which I can firmly say were not gritty. Okay so looking past that I still want to love the game.

    Okay things to kill... Nothing feels like fantasy. We are killing wildlife. Some of it cute little non aggro wildlife. I find it very hard to get excited about that. Yes in EQ they did have wildlife at the lower levels but they still had fantasy creatures dispersed among the creatures. The wildlife didn't look cute either, It looked mean and I wanted to kill it. The art doesn't allow the models to have a fantasy feel either. Okay so I am probably wrong but the models look very much like they were purchased from the Unity store. I don't know. I just get that impression. They seem uninspired.

    The Seasons seem to be about pushing out area versus content. What are the state of the races, classes and why are the areas already put out vastly unfinished before moving on? I am totally in the dark about the process which doesn't garner trust. I read the forums and the news but I don't follow facebook. I left facebook years ago. I hate it. It would be nice if the news and other areas would enlighten me some on the roadmap.

    Now all that being said. It does have a good group feel and I feel hopeful that it will present well down the road. I just hope it does before too many lose interest. People are easily distracted. The people that will stay no matter what are the core audience that has waited so long. I wouldn't lose sight of that.

    I still want to love it; so I will keep trying.

    Just my thoughts.


    This post was edited by Cuedainya at March 29, 2024 12:21 PM PDT
    • 5 posts
    March 29, 2024 10:47 PM PDT

    Cuedainya said:

    Okay so where do I start. I want to love it. I would be happy to like it but... I am indifferent. I didn't even playtest most of this week. I just couldn't summon enough interest to log on more than 10 minutes. 

    No, I don't like the graphics. It isn't what they sold me on when taking my pledge. They have promised a gritty experience and frankly the cartoony graphics are reminiscent of Warner Brothers cartoons which I can firmly say were not gritty. Okay so looking past that I still want to love the game.

    Okay things to kill... Nothing feels like fantasy. We are killing wildlife. Some of it cute little non aggro wildlife. I find it very hard to get excited about that. Yes in EQ they did have wildlife at the lower levels but they still had fantasy creatures dispersed among the creatures. The wildlife didn't look cute either, It looked mean and I wanted to kill it. The art doesn't allow the models to have a fantasy feel either. Okay so I am probably wrong but the models look very much like they were purchased from the Unity store. I don't know. I just get that impression. They seem uninspired.

    The Seasons seem to be about pushing out area versus content. What are the state of the races, classes and why are the areas already put out vastly unfinished before moving on? I am totally in the dark about the process which doesn't garner trust. I read the forums and the news but I don't follow facebook. I left facebook years ago. I hate it. It would be nice if the news and other areas would enlighten me some on the roadmap.

    Now all that being said. It does have a good group feel and I feel hopeful that it will present well down the road. I just hope it does before too many lose interest. People are easily distracted. The people that will stay no matter what are the core audience that has waited so long. I wouldn't lose sight of that.

    I still want to love it; so I will keep trying.

    Just my thoughts.



    • 70 posts
    March 30, 2024 8:57 AM PDT

    I went in with pretty low expectations but by the end I felt more attached than i imagined I would have. The world and the zones itself are really interesting with the verticality of the cliffs in thronefast and avendyr's pass. Grouping was pretty much what i expected and wasn't disappointed in what little of it i got to enjoy. Combat as a monk felt mostly straightforward but also left opportunity where knowledge of abilities and timing could play a role in force dodging certain attacks or using a 2 hit combo to stun a creature during a deadly attack, which i thought was great, also situational tanking with stances and taunting was a nice option. I enjoy the slow level of progression as it makes it feel like you have to experience more of the world to progress through it. Looking forward to season 2 and the upcoming content that we can test out next time i have access. I know it has been a long time in the making but what i see here is promising to me, keep up the good work.