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Its been too long. NEED STREAM

    • 217 posts
    June 29, 2018 4:21 AM PDT

    Absolutely love your streams guys!  Was hoping some more to come soon.  Really enjoy you guys discussing the game and hearing your passion for making a great game!

    An idea struck me... though I know you target persons to stream with that will benefit the game through advertising within their streaming community, I think it would be cool to have a community spotlight stream.  

    This could be once or twice a month picking a pre-alpha tester to join up with you all and play, while discussing the game.

    Just a thought.



    • 646 posts
    June 29, 2018 5:33 AM PDT

    That's a pretty cool idea Vig.


    In addition to just streaming gameplay, I would love to see a stream of a pre-Alpha player testing something or getting a little peek behind the scenese at whet they are doing in pre-Alpha.  No spoilers or NDa stuff - just to see a pre-Alpha player testing a quest or encounter and reporting back etc.



    • 1120 posts
    June 29, 2018 7:42 AM PDT

    That moment when you see theres a new post in news/ announcements so you go check it out. 

    That second moment when the new post has the word stream in it...

    That final moment you realize it's just someone asking for more streams :( :(

    • 64 posts
    June 29, 2018 11:22 AM PDT

    I like this idea. It would be much better watching someone who's actually good at the game play it rather than watching whichever dev is "tanking" fall off the platform and miss a jump over a small gap.

    • 1479 posts
    June 29, 2018 11:55 AM PDT

    nscheffel said:

    I like this idea. It would be much better watching someone who's actually good at the game play it rather than watching whichever dev is "tanking" fall off the platform and miss a jump over a small gap.


    Who is good as a game no-one plays yet ?

    • 154 posts
    June 29, 2018 6:03 PM PDT

    Porygon said:

    That moment when you see theres a new post in news/ announcements so you go check it out. 

    That second moment when the new post has the word stream in it...

    That final moment you realize it's just someone asking for more streams :( :(


    I feel you. 

    • 363 posts
    June 30, 2018 10:36 AM PDT

    I agree that more streams in between the long days would be awesome. I really dig the CohhCarnage streams and would like to see more streamers get a chance to play with you guys and see the game first hand through their eyes. Perhaps one stream a month to satisfy the hunger? haha

    I recently stumbled upon Alexensual on you tube in my search for information on Pantheon. He comes across as one of the more passionate and honest gamers and to be honest, its infectious. I would love to see this guy get a shot at streaming with the team.  I know I'm new to the community, but I wanted to share what I thought was a great video. Looking forward to more live streams since I've never been apart of one real time on any game and have only watched them second hand on you tube. :D

    Click here to see Alexensual Video

    This post was edited by Willeg at June 30, 2018 10:37 AM PDT