Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

Time for a head count!

    • 168 posts
    May 31, 2018 11:58 AM PDT

    I enjoy a somewhat necessary "change of pace" 10% PvP mixed with my 90% PvE and ABSOLUTELY 0% RP. I fully support the existance of RP servers to keep that stuff away from my RL eyes and ears, which will not be on an RP server.  Saying that; the PvP would perhaps have to be in the vein of DAoC (limited to specific zones) and not in the vein of WoW (world pvp) for me to concider a non-base game PvE server.

    • 752 posts
    May 31, 2018 12:12 PM PDT

    PvE with some RP within reason. Prefer just PvE.

    Edit: Arena's/Gladiator Pit/Specific PvP areas are the only option for me. Just for fun PvP. So i can avoid at all costs. 

    This post was edited by kreed99 at May 31, 2018 2:20 PM PDT
    • 151 posts
    May 31, 2018 12:52 PM PDT


    • 320 posts
    May 31, 2018 12:57 PM PDT


    a little rp is good. but a big NO to pvp. Keep it on its own server and you will not see me there .

    • 257 posts
    May 31, 2018 12:59 PM PDT

    It's all about community for me. In EQ I enjoyed PVE. I found the PVP community in WoW much better than their PVE. So, I'm going to try both and see how it feels.

    • 14 posts
    May 31, 2018 1:04 PM PDT

    I love me some PVE, but PVP is the true end game.

    • 213 posts
    May 31, 2018 2:15 PM PDT

    Mostly PVE and RP for me, but I do dabble in PVP occasionally.

    • 62 posts
    May 31, 2018 2:25 PM PDT

    I'm afraid I love PvE ... if a game has emphasis on PvP then I won't even look at it. Nothing worse than exploring a particular nook or cranny and getting griefed. With human nature like it is, sad to say there are trolls in real life too.

    I really hated the "nerfs" that WoW did to my characters based soley on their performance in a PvP setting. And I hated it when they bled PvP performance stats into my PvE game. IE: PvP armour stats in a PvE raid etc. Even though I played on a PvE server, we still had many influences of PvP - achievements, holiday events, etc.

    No, please keep PvP away. If you want a PvP game, then go to them, there are so many out there! Let me play my PvE/RP game quietly with great comradery and fun, rather than "thrills" and "spills" of PvP.

    • 52 posts
    May 31, 2018 3:12 PM PDT

    Definitely PVE 90% of the time but I am down say if there were some consensual PVP areas available on PVE servers.



    • 120 posts
    May 31, 2018 3:12 PM PDT

    Hardcore RPer here! No surprise, guys. xD

    I really appreciate the comments about non-RPers taking advantage of the RP servers, since RPers do (by nature) spend less time engaging in PvE. That's not a bash against RPers at all. It's simply a law of time. We have additional activities that we engage in that non-RPers simply don't have to spend time on, like writing stories beyond the game, actively roleplaying within the game or on forums, character building...that's not to say that we roleplayers are poor at PvE; I don't think that's a fair sentiment, but it's simply true that we tend to progress more slowly.

    Having fewer bodies vying for resources (whether it be a rare spawn, gathering nodes, or simply a good camping spot) in a non-instanced world could be attractive to the more hardcore.

    This was clearly evident in ArcheAge. We weren't given an official RP server, so the community chose an unofficial one: Tahyang. At launch, some of the biggest zerg/troll/PvP guilds rolled onto Tahyang because they felt that the RPers would be less competition, and they were largely right.

    I think the suggestions to alter the RP servers to make them less attractive to non-RPers is a good idea, but that's a careful line to walk. Sure, we could implement things like "hunger meters" where you have to have your character eat to be strong and healthy, with additional bonuses for eating a nutritious, balanced diet... but that kind of sounds annoying even to me as an avid roleplayer (though I'm sure a system such as that (depending on how time-consuming it could be) would dissuade a lot of pure PvErs from rolling on the RP realm.

    This type of thought likely deserves its own thread, but I'm masterful at finding tangents.

    I think the best server modifications to the RP server would be things that take little developer resources to implement and make the server distasteful for non-RPers while making it more attractive for RPers. Whether that be language barriers (I remember seeing in a post a little bit ago that if language was implemented, it would be across all servers), harsher naming conventions, more dramatic base reputation or different factors for gaining or losing reputation... whatever different rulesets we see for the RP server, just please let them be thoughtful and well-executed.

    • 1 posts
    May 31, 2018 3:25 PM PDT

    PvE but Mainly pvp!

    • 76 posts
    May 31, 2018 3:47 PM PDT

    Koala said:

    I'm afraid I love PvE ... if a game has emphasis on PvP then I won't even look at it. 

    Pantheon has an emphasis on PvE that is undoubtably true.


    Koala said:

    I really hated the "nerfs" that WoW did to my characters based soley on their performance in a PvP setting. And I hated it when they bled PvP performance stats into my PvE game. IE: PvP armour stats in a PvE raid etc. Even though I played on a PvE server, we still had many influences of PvP - achievements, holiday events, etc



    They have already stated changes made to enhance PvP gameplay will be separated from PvE servers.

    Koala said:

    No, please keep PvP away. If you want a PvP game, then go to them, there are so many out there! Let me play my PvE/RP game quietly with great comradery and fun, rather than "thrills" and "spills" of PvP.


    There’s nothing wrong with adding PvP to a mmo, in fact it’s quiet fun for some people. We play for the PvE and to actually use that equipment for something other than... more equipment. 


    Also whats with all the people wanting to not have a server that they won’t play or have any affect on them in the first place?

    I could say the same thing about the grossesness of a person role playing (Which no, I do not feel this way I actually role play and do D&D) but I don’t and neither has any PvP players.

    It’s almost comical to see people berating PvPers for being toxic and ruining things when we stick to our own servers and don’t complain about yours, yet you call us toxic and bad “human nature”.

    • 303 posts
    May 31, 2018 3:49 PM PDT

    I really enjoy PvP, its a big part of what makes me stay in a game. I don't really like the pvp focused games, though. I prefer a PvE game where I can PvE to gain gear, experience etc to use against other players. I absolutely would NOT like to see pvp with loot.

    • 221 posts
    May 31, 2018 3:54 PM PDT

    PVE and PVP.. Am I allowed to answer these?!  




    • 23 posts
    May 31, 2018 4:23 PM PDT
    I'm 100% a PVE player my worry about pvp is how games "balance" classes geared towards pvp players it's very frustrating .
    • 223 posts
    May 31, 2018 4:30 PM PDT

    PvE and Roleplay servers are my favorite. As far as a head count acording to the voices I might have three or four...

    • 287 posts
    May 31, 2018 5:19 PM PDT

    PvE for me, but I did like hanging in the EQ pvp arenas every now and again. Would be cool to see that again. Might start an alt on a pvp server just for a change of pace. 

    • 9115 posts
    May 31, 2018 5:21 PM PDT

    Convo said:

    PVE and PVP.. Am I allowed to answer these?!  




    Absolutely man! :D

    • 107 posts
    May 31, 2018 5:52 PM PDT
    I will break my lurkage for this one!
    • 3 posts
    May 31, 2018 5:54 PM PDT

    PvE/RP here. PVP forces balancing between classes which to me results in classes becoming evened out with other classes just to be able to have the ability to fight/survive vs another player. 

    • 107 posts
    May 31, 2018 5:56 PM PDT
    PVE RPer. Huh...for some reason that didn't come across on my previous post.
    • 1785 posts
    May 31, 2018 6:24 PM PDT

    I'm PvE/RP.

    You'll only find me doing PvP if there's a very strong strategic group element and meaningful territorial control involved.  Normal MMORPG PvP only bores and frustrates me :)

    • 114 posts
    May 31, 2018 6:56 PM PDT

    PvE or PvE RP. 


    • 62 posts
    May 31, 2018 7:10 PM PDT

    Koala said:

    I really hated the "nerfs" that WoW did to my characters based soley on their performance in a PvP setting. And I hated it when they bled PvP performance stats into my PvE game. IE: PvP armour stats in a PvE raid etc. Even though I played on a PvE server, we still had many influences of PvP - achievements, holiday events, etc

    They have already stated changes made to enhance PvP gameplay will be separated from PvE servers.

    Koala said:

    No, please keep PvP away. If you want a PvP game, then go to them, there are so many out there! Let me play my PvE/RP game quietly with great comradery and fun, rather than "thrills" and "spills" of PvP.

    There’s nothing wrong with adding PvP to a mmo, in fact it’s quiet fun for some people. We play for the PvE and to actually use that equipment for something other than... more equipment. 

    Also whats with all the people wanting to not have a server that they won’t play or have any affect on them in the first place?

    I could say the same thing about the grossesness of a person role playing (Which no, I do not feel this way I actually role play and do D&D) but I don’t and neither has any PvP players.

    It’s almost comical to see people berating PvPers for being toxic and ruining things when we stick to our own servers and don’t complain about yours, yet you call us toxic and bad “human nature”.


    Perhaps I didn't make myself clearer here ... PvP in WoW - yes they had seperate "dedicated" pvp servers, as well as PvE and RP servers. WoW sadly let PvP be played on the PvE & RP servers as well. Sure you had to go to a battleground, contested area, and/or switch your flag on! Unfortunately such was WoW's insistence in "balancing" the classes so that one would not be more disadvantaged in a PvP battleground on a PvE server, that the classes were often nerfed. I played a holy pally, and I simply loved my utility cast to be "unkillable" it saved the corpse run so many times in raids. The pallys would organise themselves in the raid team so that X would cast a DI on Y priest/shammy/druid/pally (with resurrect) and so on. But the children of the PvP world complained so much and a time limit was put on it, a long CD, then it was reduced to 12 seconds, then 6 seconds, then gone! No more DI, it was such a fun spell. I loved it. I would fly up as high as I could go, then dismount in mid-air, using my DI only at the absolute last second to avoid the "splat" /sigh. Sadly it was taken away because of PvP. There were PvP achievements for holiday events, that literally forced non-pvp'ers into the battlegrounds so that they could complete their quest achievment, etc.

    That's EXACTLY the point I was trying to make. No others. If you want PvP then go to the PvP game and/or servers. Please don't let PvP influence my game on a PvE/RP server.

    Sure, make PvP servers if you want, but do not let it into my PvE world please!

    One thing I do disagree with though is that ... I think allowing PvP does introduce the possibility for toxic behaviour to become (if not the norm) then acceptable! I've seen it happen too many times.


    This post was edited by Koala at May 31, 2018 7:14 PM PDT
    • 259 posts
    May 31, 2018 7:23 PM PDT

    No PVP, light RP, mostly PVE.