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Looking for a player

    • 21 posts
    February 20, 2018 1:32 PM PST

    I know this is like a chance out of a million, but I did see some familiar names and found the guild I was in like ten years ago hanging on the forum, so I'm gonna post this here. 

    I'm looking for a player, I used to play alllllll the time with. 

    We were on Maelin StarPyre on the original EQ, I say this was about 2002-2004. Can't be sure. 

    The character name was Cleo, was an Erudite Enchanter. 

    I had such a blast playing with that person but sadly, we lost each other. I'm hoping this person is on this forum somewhere, being as hyped as I am for Pantheon. 

    And the other way around, if anyone remembers me from Maelin StarPyre (Kaycha SoulWrath), come say hi!