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Which Pantheon race would be your choice of tattoo?

    • 98 posts
    October 26, 2017 11:50 AM PDT

    Mine would have to be female Dark Myr, it was close though, female Halfling is super cute 8)

    Am interested in how the races stack up.

    • 1921 posts
    October 26, 2017 12:11 PM PDT

    naked gnome. ;)

    • 248 posts
    October 26, 2017 12:49 PM PDT

    vjek said:

    naked gnome. ;)

    Lol, what would that look like? A beautifully glowing light? :D

    Mine would be a fierce Halfling!


    • 334 posts
    October 26, 2017 1:05 PM PDT

    Sorte said:
    Lol, what would that look like? A beautifully glowing light? :D
    Mine would be a fierce Halfling!


    A Lava Lamp, so I suppose tattoo's would come in the form of shapes and colors of oil or grease droplets.


    • 248 posts
    October 26, 2017 1:18 PM PDT

    Rydan said:

    Sorte said:
    Lol, what would that look like? A beautifully glowing light? :D
    Mine would be a fierce Halfling!


    A Lava Lamp, so I suppose tattoo's would come in the form of shapes and colors of oil or grease droplets.


    I guess watercolour tattoos is the way to go then :D

    But what would be your choice, Rydan?


    • 557 posts
    October 26, 2017 2:12 PM PDT

    I don't know if I'd want a tatoo of a race, but getting a tatoo with the striations of an Archai would look awfully cool.

    • 98 posts
    October 26, 2017 2:22 PM PDT

    Celandor said:

    I don't know if I'd want a tatoo of a race, but getting a tatoo with the striations of an Archai would look awfully cool.

    That would look seriously cool.

    • 121 posts
    October 26, 2017 2:37 PM PDT
    My last one was going to be a plate wearing dwarven cleric with a mace and shield, but I went with a dragon instead. Still want that dwarf someday though
    • 454 posts
    October 26, 2017 5:53 PM PDT

    A dragon would be so cool!  If it would be a playable race, I’d go female Dark Myr - hot!  The Archai lines would also be just awesome.

    • 1315 posts
    October 27, 2017 5:13 AM PDT

    I was very tempted to get the Cabilis Fist of Scale icon as a tatto back in the day, Iksar Monk symbol that is.

    • 3852 posts
    October 27, 2017 7:16 AM PDT

    I hope there is a separate control for tatoos, scars etc and it has an option for none.

    Not a fan of tattoos at all.

    • 334 posts
    October 27, 2017 7:45 AM PDT

    I was a bit dissapointed on the character creation tool pre EQ2 launch, where I couldn't opt for my EQ1 beard and had no 'none' tattoo option for Erudite.
    Tattoo's or any self mutilation option should be in character of the race. As such I used from the options in context to what I wanted to display as character.
    Clearly the devs had redesigned Erudites; no more forehead billboards, but tattoo's was a bit overdone i.m.o. an most if not all races in EQ2

    • 769 posts
    October 27, 2017 8:54 AM PDT

    Not sure I'd be tattooing a race on me. Sounds odd. 

    However, the current tattoo I have came off of a package of unopened chopsticks. It's the logo of the chinese take-out I was eating at the time - I was also 18 and intoxicated, shutup. 

    So, maybe I'd just follow that trend and get some other advertizement on myself. Maybe the dwarves will pay me royalties to have the logo of their favorite brand of ale on my arm. Become a walking Terminus billboard. 

    Oh, maybe I can just get VR tattooed on my forehead. 

    • 2886 posts
    October 27, 2017 9:24 AM PDT

    Rather than just an image of a random elf, dwarf, archai, or whatever, I'd rather have a tattoo of the iconography of the race. For example, in the last newsletter we saw the symbol with the seed that permeates all halfling architecture. I'd like to see what the equivalent icon for the dwarvish architecture is and then possibly get a tattoo of that. Or I'd just get a tattoo of the Cleric symbol. (Not sure if the ones on the classes page are just placeholder. I liked the more detailed and animated logos of each class in EQ. But either way, gotta get that inked) Or maybe both!

    This post was edited by Bazgrim at October 27, 2017 9:25 AM PDT
    • 2752 posts
    October 27, 2017 11:16 AM PDT

    War Wizard race. More specifically an image of Brad McQuaid brandishing a flaming sword while getting a piggyback ride from a faceless human plated in green armor.

    • 3016 posts
    October 27, 2017 12:42 PM PDT

    Not sure about tattoos,  would have to see what the Pantheon selection looks like,  for each race that I plan on playing,  far as the gnome is concerned,  where would the tattoo go on that ethereal Maybe the mask?  

    • 248 posts
    October 28, 2017 1:48 AM PDT

    Iksar said:

    War Wizard race. More specifically an image of Brad McQuaid brandishing a flaming sword while getting a piggyback ride from a faceless human plated in green armor.


    Ha ha ha! I'm almost willing to sponsor you that tattoo. A picture of that on the forum would be hilarious!  xD


    • 646 posts
    October 28, 2017 6:52 AM PDT

    Halfling female in honor of Lyone.

    • 13 posts
    October 28, 2017 7:20 AM PDT

    "I have been marked once, my dear, and let me assure you.... no needle shall ever touch my skin again." ~Erik Lehnsherr

    • 321 posts
    October 28, 2017 1:24 PM PDT

    1-Female elf

    2-Female dark myr

    3 female halfling