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Some of my hopes and wishes

    • 9 posts
    September 29, 2017 9:45 AM PDT



    I am quite new to the forum and have looked around a bit and i see lots of nice ideas and inputs here a few ides and wonderings of my own.
    ( By the way English is not my first language so i do appologize for my spelling and grammer)


    1) World size:

    Since it will be a large world i hope there will be more than one newbee starting zone for each playable race , that way friends and guildmates from other games and RL choose to start in roughly the same vincinity thus not having to run for ages just to meet up with friends ( in other words , let people play class class and race they want, not just the one they can accept so they can be close to each other). And please no ports that will make the game into a bounce to exp type of game. I would like to see mounts and movement boost spells though.
    For me this allso means the fewer servers the better, since the world seems so large its better that its filled with people rather than many servers making it feel empty.

    2)  Expantions( early true but...)

    When we get expantions it would be nice if it where put into existing continents,  look at EQ for instance the wast majority of zones are void of people  , imho if expac contents are put into existing continents those said continents will stay active and vibrant

    3) Tradeskills:

    I would like to see a extensive trade skill system, where making weapons and armor creates more than just basic items , as an expample it would be fun if a weapon smith could make some magic swords ( i hopefully with the help of spells and dropable items/runes) and being able to have buy a farm and either grow produce your self o hire farmers to do it for you. I like to slay monsters and raid just as much as the next peron but some times i like to log on  realx , sipping a brew at home chatting with friends and guildmates and just do some tradeskilling.

    4) Levels:

    Levling should be slow paced , i would not mind a quicker pace the first few levels so we can leave the newbee zones quickly and start to explore the world. I hope this game is more of a game where the journey to the max level is the point and fun,  rather than a race to max level and raiding ( could be nice with raid targets for midlevels tho , might have to make a max level cap to enter so high levels just dont sail through the raid encounter)

    5) Classes:

    It would be fun if we get some type of AA's that enables us to coose a more defined roll with in a certain class. As an example a cleric can choose to be more of a healer/buffer type of cleric with extra healing and buffing power but that will make that said cleric weaker when it comes to attack spells and armor skill use or a Enchanter can choose to be more skilled at charming monsters and NPC and thus maybe lose power for his/her DD spells.
    I also hope there will be content/dungeons/encounters that are better suited to certain classes, for instance some dungeons need a rogue some a ranger some a specific type of tank e.t.c, just so all classes are needed ( as an example EQ druids not allways the most sought after healer in the game).

    6) Game mechanics:

    I do hope this game will be challenging and difficult i am tired of games that are so easy that its boring, peronally i would love to see corpse runs, exp loss that hurts when we die. It should be dificult to find all spells for casters and maybe melee classes have to find an instructor for the nice weapon attack they want , maybe not all spells and melee skills but the "top shelves" stuff.
    Faction should mean some thing , the better faction the more missions and things to find a city/area (with the perception system).


    these are some iof my few ideas , will put in some more later on when i have the time.

    I have one fear though and that is that the developers listen to much to what we players are asking for ( ironic isnt it since i have made a wish list) but i rather see all my ideas and wishes ignored if the developers stick to their vision rather that trying to cater to all our(players) wants and ideas , that would water down the game alot i guess


    /wave Nibelung

    • 2886 posts
    September 29, 2017 10:02 AM PDT

    Welcome! I would suggest looking over the FAQ ( first if you haven't already - there's lots of stuff in there. Otherwise, use the forum search function to find threads on topics of interest. For example...

    world size:


    tradeskills: or



    You will find that most if not all of your thoughts have already been addressed over the past several years of discussion.

    Tbh, these types of wishlists are not very helpful to the developers because these fundamental decisions have already been made long ago. As you had wished, the devs are sticking to their vision of how the game should be. Fortunately, you can just rest assured that your hopes are shared by the rest of us and that's exactly why we're here.

    You may also want to read these if you haven't already:

    Hope this helps!


    This post was edited by Bazgrim at September 29, 2017 10:20 AM PDT
    • 633 posts
    September 29, 2017 11:21 AM PDT

    I think Bazgrim is an AI bot...

    • 155 posts
    September 29, 2017 11:23 AM PDT

    kelenin said:

    I think Bazgrim is an AI bot...


    Teehee Kelenin 

    • 423 posts
    September 29, 2017 12:22 PM PDT

    kelenin said:

    I think Bazgrim is an AI bot...


    • 1921 posts
    September 29, 2017 1:08 PM PDT

    kelenin said:

    I think Bazgrim is an AI bot...

    Waaaay better than a Bot.  He's an ugly bag of mostly water, for sure. ;)