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The Eclipse

    • 2138 posts
    August 17, 2017 9:11 AM PDT

    I should be able to see it- well, part of it anyways not full occlusion but within visible range I am in North FLA.

    Anyone else making plans to see it? I will plan to go outside from work.

    I was thinking that would be a cool mechanic for those that like Vampire lore and fiction , like , the reason the Mayans allegedly had so many  human sacrifices was actually Vampires fleeing other developed regions to south america  based on established sea routes at the time and because of the eclipse- seeing it as a hunting-holiday during the day! being the only day they could actually be awake when all the humans were also awake and taking advantage of the native culture to have a massive feast- maybe causing the Mayans to be so particular about celestial calendars so they would not miss the next one to possibly avoid the massacre in the name of ritual.

    Hey! eclipses would be a neat RNG Pantheon event! where Day is night and all the undead STAY up. undead, normally restricted to dungeons actually leave the dungeon and roam until it passes ,maybe dieing to the light only to respawn back in the dungeon as normal when the eclipse is over. Lowbies would cower in cities, or be more careful about hunting the yard trash. Older players would urgently travel to those places wherever the path of the eclipse lay, to slay the undead and perhaps get rare, eclipse named mob spawns.

    heh,  an Eclipse is a vampire holiday! maybe thats when they turn on the charm to max to keep the vampire memory living/legendary and make humans fall in love with them instantly and forever without biting, or with? A one time, one day, of influence so steer humanity/food.



    This post was edited by Manouk at August 17, 2017 9:11 AM PDT
    • 769 posts
    August 17, 2017 9:57 AM PDT

    I'm actually totally behind that idea. Hell, don't make it a random event. Make it something that happens once a month, game time. Everyone has to be super aware of the days in game so they don't get caught flat footed outside.

    That. Would. Be. Awesome.

    A kithicor you can't escape.

    • 423 posts
    August 17, 2017 10:13 AM PDT

    Tralyan said:

    I'm actually totally behind that idea. Hell, don't make it a random event. Make it something that happens once a month, game time. Everyone has to be super aware of the days in game so they don't get caught flat footed outside.

    That. Would. Be. Awesome.

    A kithicor you can't escape.

    Once a month game time would be a bit much I think, but in any case I am with you on this sort of thing. I'd like to see "scheduled" events like this in the world. Make it feel more alive.

    Have a river flood a zone every so often due to rains or some such, turning a portion of the zone into an underwater area.

    It would be really neat to see some minor natural disasters, things that wouldn't permanently change the game world, crop up to mix it up every so often. Make it so that these happen on a fairly regular schedule, but randomize it a bit so it isn't completely predictable. Like having the eclipse happen during a certain part of the year, but it may vary by a month.

    • 50 posts
    August 17, 2017 12:14 PM PDT

    Sort of like the blood moon in Breath of the Wild.

    • 44 posts
    August 17, 2017 5:20 PM PDT

    I will be in the path of totality for the eclipse.  I should get about 3 minutes 29 seconds of total darkenss, and I am extremely excited about it.  I do think it would be a neat thing to do in the game as well.

    • 624 posts
    August 18, 2017 5:34 PM PDT

    Nice Brunt (and Manouk / others near or under totality!) - weather permitting you will have a grand spectacle.  I will only have 60% partial (blah) - but had a great time with the 1998 eclipse.  We went on a cruise that parked the ship in a perfect spot.  It was awesome.  Do remember to avoid looking directly at the sun - without the proper filter.  Take lots of pictures, but also spend time enjoying the show, it's freaky odd if you have never had the experience.

    As for in-game events, I am with Kellindil, the more the merrier.  I am sure those require extra dev effort so we probably won't be seeing them immediately upon release, but I do hope they are thinking ahead and planning for Terminus to be adaptable / malleable and not the exact same ground ad infinitum. 

    • 563 posts
    August 19, 2017 12:08 PM PDT

    According to what I can look up, I should be able to see at least a partial eclipse here in Ottawa :D I'll definitely be watching it. I just hope the sky is nice and clear that day for it, it seems like its always cloudy anytime celestial events occur for us lol :P

    I think it would be a very cool idea to have ingame events based around eclipses, meteor showers etc. could have a lot of fun with them :D

    • 2138 posts
    August 20, 2017 8:43 AM PDT

    Kumu said:

    ....  Do remember to avoid looking directly at the sun - without the proper filter.  Take lots of pictures, but also spend time enjoying the show, it's freaky odd if you have never had the experience.



    NASA published a guide to making a cereal box viewer for the Eclipse. I shared it at work with people I knew. I am making one. I mentioned it to someone I speak with in overseas branches and they asked if there was a crowd of people doing it to try to take a picture- heh- It would be hilarious to see an image of a group of people staring intently into cereal boxes with one eye- if you didn't know what was going on! lol. 

    • 142 posts
    August 21, 2017 9:25 AM PDT

    Here in cincinnati we're getting 95% solar coverage. I was considering a drive down to nashville for the total eclipse but decided the 95% was good enough.

    I'll be heading outside in an hour or so to join in the festivities.

    • 769 posts
    August 21, 2017 11:22 AM PDT

    Portland here - just finished. Tourists all over the dam place, clogging up my roadways.

    Was a fun experience, otherwise. 99% totality.

    • 624 posts
    August 21, 2017 12:05 PM PDT

    Congratulations - l bet it was a blast.

    How dark was 99%?  I hear it is still 10K times brighter than a total eclipse - but can't really put that into perspective.  I assume you didn't see any stars - but did you catch Venus?  Did it seem like dusk?

    Here in Beantown we only had 63-ish partial - if you didn't look up (WITH SPECIAL FILTERS!) you would never have noticed.  Plus, the high pressure system all the weather geeks were predicting that should have given us a perfect, cloudless day weakened and, well, ruined it (go figure).  Clouds rolled in starting this morning, though you could catch the partial eclipse for a few seconds here and there (the cloud coverage was not 100%, thank goodness, there were very very brief breaks / thinning).

    Need to start planning for 2024...

    • 769 posts
    August 21, 2017 12:12 PM PDT

    Here in Portland it was still too light to see stars - it looked like it was about 8 in the evening. Shadows were long and the temp dropped substantially.

    In Salem, where it was 100%, they were definitely able to see Venus, but I wasn't about to drive there and deal with that cluster of travellers and traffic. It was bad enough here.

    It was pretty cool, seeing the little shadow waves on the ground. That was a trippy experience.

    • 2138 posts
    August 21, 2017 2:17 PM PDT

    It was overcast here- darn- but I did see some of the begining.

    I was outside during 91% totality, and although it was obscured by the clouds at least I can say "I bathed in the shadow of the eclipse". I like to think I felt something even through the clouds, for what are clouds to such an event? Clouds wont stop the cosmic something-or-others from caressing or passing the earth. Like those gamma particles or neutrino's that can go right through you? same thing, but on the dark side, like the flesh-less embrace or enclosing you feel when it begins to rain.

    This post was edited by Manouk at August 21, 2017 3:56 PM PDT
    • 363 posts
    August 21, 2017 2:33 PM PDT

    Was 94% occlusion here in Wichita, Kansas. Not much change in brightness, but what I did notice was how much cooler it got shortly after the eclipse began. Imagine the sun being blocked by 94% for a month...brrrr!!!!

    • 264 posts
    August 21, 2017 4:05 PM PDT

    Here just north east of Nashville today the Eclipse was total.

    Venus was very bright, I would say as bright as the sun was when the eclipse was full.

    Just a couple minutes before full Eclipse the shadow snakes were amazing and covered everything including us, just after full eclipse they returned but much less.

    When the Sun just barely came back from behind the moon the power of our star was obvious. It was a blinding tiny shaft of light that hurt your eyes to look at. Venus blinked out of sight almost right after that happened.

    A very cool experience and my second eclipse, the first being in Virginia in the early 80's ish . I would travel to see another, if not too far. 

    • 44 posts
    August 23, 2017 2:38 PM PDT

    By the way it was pretty awesome.  Three coolest things:

    A 360 degree "sunset" view at 2,200 feet in elevation in the mountains of TN was pretty stunning.  

    The chromosphere is just amazing.  It really is like seeing something from a fantasy story coming to life.

    The temperature changing was just wild.

    • 188 posts
    August 23, 2017 8:49 PM PDT

    Wildest thing I saw was me yelling at the rest of my staff to get off the balcony and go back to work.  

    • 44 posts
    August 24, 2017 3:32 PM PDT

    I can only imagine - hopefully some nerf guns were involved.