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quest levels

    • 321 posts
    June 21, 2017 11:56 AM PDT

    Hi everyone

    I am curious to know if questd will all be level oriented. What I mean by that is, except for epic quests, will you need to be a certain level to get quests from quest givers. In  LOT OF MMORPG'S you need  to be a certain level to get quests in a higher level zone. If quests are group specific than I see no reason why you need to be level 50 to do a quest that involves level 50-60 mobs. After all, it's your arse that is in a sling if you fail.

    Now I know that level 10's should not be able to complete a level 20 based quest but sometimes you and your clan may want to test the waters in some areas. My belief is that it should be up to a pc player to determin what chances he/she may take.  We know that some players are able to do thngs that others are just not capable of. They are more advanced in gaming than the majority of other gamers. I consider myself in the lower end of the majority  even though I have been gaming online since EQ1 was released. But some of the people I have met in games are extremely good at tactics, etc.

    So I was just wondering if the quests were going to all be level restricted or can anyone get any quest they come across. With the perception system in place one player may come across quests and tasks that others may not see. It would be nice to be able to get info on a quest that your guild may not be aware of and you may be able to help a group of slightly higher guildies in that particular quest for a chance to get a little more ahead than if you were questing or adventuring with people your own level.

    So please V.R. do not make questing/adventuring restricted to your own level ares. I thought I read that the game was not going to be linear and you could go anywhere you want and explore.

    i also hope that "Go kill 500 goblins" will not be the norm in quests. Quests should involve some exploring/discovering as well as killing to find those special items the goblins stole.


    • 2886 posts
    June 21, 2017 12:57 PM PDT

    Because all quests are based on the perception system, I think they will probably become available to you based on your perception level, rather than your overall level. (Although maybe sometimes a combination of both) But more importantly, remember that questing is not going to be the primary focus of the game. You could get from 1 to 50 and never complete a single quest. It is indeed an open world, so you will not just be "going from quest hub to quest hub." This has been established pretty much from the inception of the game. Joppa said questing won't even be a primary source of XP. Completing quests will be rewarded in other ways. It's not just about levels. Even still, there will also be multiple level ranges of mobs within a particular area. So it would make no sense for all quests in an area to require a particular level. Furthermore, to answer your last statement, Joppa said in regards to quest design, they are going with more of a "quality over quantity" approach. So all quests will have meaning and interesting objectives. So with these fundamental design philosophies in mind, I really don't think you have anything to be worried about. :)

    This post was edited by Bazgrim at June 21, 2017 1:45 PM PDT
    • 2752 posts
    June 21, 2017 1:14 PM PDT

    I imagine that if quests are gated behind anything, it will be faction and/or the perception system. 


    I don't imagine they will have many/any "Go kill 500 goblins" quests. For lower levels I imagine we will see some "I'll reward you for each gnoll scalp you bring me." for a little bit of experience, money, and maybe some tattered armors. But I think repeatable quests like that will be limited more toward low levels or otherwise won't offer much exp. In fact I hope aside from those early level quests that questing in general offers next to no experience for turning it in. 

    • 542 posts
    June 21, 2017 3:35 PM PDT

    Like in secret world the quests could also be intelligence-oriented: putting the player's brain power to the test.(perception system might do that a little already)
    As players progress in the world,their actions and involvement with the world could give them the bits needed to finish up a quest that they'd consider unsolvable the first time around.
    -A belief that an immersive world requires intelligent inhabitants-
    So you'll get eaten by wolfs in a cave until you later on discover a lantern which enables you to get to the sacred grove behind the cave.I really like the idea of quests gated that way.
    The quests where you have to use brains would require involvement in order to connect all the dots I think.Hence an immersive world requires intelligent inhabitants
    There are a few ways to look at that tenet;intelligent NPCs are required for players to be able to immerse themselves
    And quests that require intelligent involvemnt of the players makes it more immersive and meaningful/satisfying to solve too

    This post was edited by Fluffy at June 21, 2017 3:35 PM PDT
    • 3852 posts
    June 22, 2017 2:04 AM PDT

    >So you'll get eaten by wolfs in a cave until you later on discover a lantern which enables you to get to the sacred grove behind the cave.<

    Or maybe you find a cage and capture some birds in another part of the cave and release them to scare the wolves off ((reference to old adventure game going back to when they were played on some college mainframes before the days of even the Apple II, Commodore or Osborne)).

    I have trouble envisioning adventuring quests that aren't mostly level based - what good does high perception or intelligence do as a quest gateway do if it gives you access to quests far beyond your abilities even grouped with others near your level? Then again I have been playing quest-based MMOs for so long I have trouble envisioning anything that doesn't follow that system. I am content to wait and see what VR comes up with.

    • 321 posts
    June 22, 2017 8:20 AM PDT

    dorotea said:

    >So you'll get eaten by wolfs in a cave until you later on discover a lantern which enables you to get to the sacred grove behind the cave.<

    Or maybe you find a cage and capture some birds in another part of the cave and release them to scare the wolves off ((reference to old adventure game going back to when they were played on some college mainframes before the days of even the Apple II, Commodore or Osborne)).

    I have trouble envisioning adventuring quests that aren't mostly level based - what good does high perception or intelligence do as a quest gateway do if it gives you access to quests far beyond your abilities even grouped with others near your level? Then again I have been playing quest-based MMOs for so long I have trouble envisioning anything that doesn't follow that system. I am content to wait and see what VR comes up with.

    As you say all quests should be level based. What i want is to be able to take those quests whenever you want. i do not believe you should have to wait  untill you are level 20 to get a quest that is based on level 20 mobs.

    The perception system seems like an excellent way of determining how we get info on quests. If that is the only system used to learn about them than some people may miss a lot of content because I have seen a few posts where people are not in favor of the system. I do not know why because it is a new system and they have not even tried it yet.

    to me it seems an awesome system and I for one cannot wait to try it. But if thier are other ways to get quests/tasks like just talking to npc's than I do not think levels shoild keep you from getting them until you reach the level the mobs/zones are. Get the whenever you want and have fun trying to find the items/mobs you need. You never know when you may bump into a group who needs a little help to fill up and can take a player who may be 5 levels below them just to get the group bonuses available. What is not fun is joining a group and recieving no exp or credit because of the level cap.

    • 399 posts
    June 23, 2017 11:26 AM PDT

    Some quests should be level based.  It would be ridiculous for a level 1 to walk around with an epic weapon.  But epic quests should also not be dependent on being say level 180/200 perception. 
    Some other quests should be dependent on completion of other quests and/or activities (think prayer shawl/coldain rings etc. ... yes I know tradeskilling is severely restricted in PRotF)


    • 2752 posts
    June 23, 2017 4:04 PM PDT

    Durp said:

    It would be ridiculous for a level 1 to walk around with an epic weapon.  


    Eh, I don't really have an issue with that. If epic quests truly are epic and require many players or even raids to get the no-drop items then more power to that person for putting all of that together and having the network of people to make it happen. I think if anything it only causes envy for others, so long as the item is level gated in proc and skill gated in damage like everything else then I think it's just fine.


    I think of it like this: If you have a quest/task you need done and some young adventurer says "Sure I'll do it." You'd look at him thinking "This weakling? Yeah right." But he returns one day with everything you asked for, then you'd still reward him the same and be even more blown away if anything. 

    • 279 posts
    June 23, 2017 11:01 PM PDT

    I have a level 1 beast lord with their epics in EQ.

    Not ridiculous at all! Well maybe just alittle, but I have too much time on my hands!

    • 77 posts
    June 24, 2017 1:56 AM PDT

    I think it would be cool for some quests to rely upon harvesting and crafting levels for the sake of variety and appealing to those who want to be gathering/crafting centric would make crafters feel more immersed in a world where NPC's and players need them alike.

    • 763 posts
    June 24, 2017 3:58 AM PDT

    Given that Quests are indicated as falling into 2 categories:

    1. Perception led quests (say 90% of all)
    2. 'Traditional' quests for 'rare' spells and 'epic race/class' items. (remaining 10%)

    Perception led quests would be 'extras' available to those with high enough perception (or right type?). This content would be available (eg via areas only accessible from key dropped for quest 'holders') for both individual questers or the group they are in (since this is a social game).

    The more 'traditional' quests would likely (from what Brad et al have said) be for getting access to rarer spells from reclusive trainers or for doing such things as Epic Quests.

    Details can be found in the AMA write-ups and the stream including a look at the perception system iirc.