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Happens too often...

    • 578 posts
    April 5, 2017 9:36 PM PDT

    This happens more than it should on these forums;

    Quote#11 from Brad: "This should slow but not eliminate twinking"
    Quote#534 from player133: ...quotes Brad's #11... "Brad and the devs do not want twinking at all in the game"
    Quote#27 from player5719: "OMG, why won't they just leave some of these features that we loved from EQ alone and allow twinking."
    Quote#207 from player 835: "I'm glad to hear they are not allowing ppl to twink in game. It's for ppl with no skill and ruins the challenge."
    Quote#819 from player 22: "Yeah, that's a shame, I play lots of alts and twinking makes those early levels more enjoyable for me."
    Quote#7 from player 3001: "What? They're not going to let ppl twink in PRF? Welp, time to go look for some other MMO."

    I don't even know what I want from this post or the purpose of it. I had a long post in mind to write out but it's most likely pointless. I guess I just don't want people to have problems with this game based on assumptions. Some ppl have concerns over this game based on their OWN assumptions. They read something and misinterpret it somehow and then they post on the forums that they have a problem with the game and post their assumptions which then spreads to other people who may possibly create their own problems with the game based off of a false assumption created from another backer. It doesn't help that it's rather difficult to search for topics on these forums so at times all people have are these false assumptions that they read from other backers.

    I could say I'd love for people to try to just take a step back and not assume things. There's no point in paraphrasing for the devs especially when you have misunderstood the dev. Try to relax and not form an issue over nothing. But this has been happening for the last couple years on these forums so I doubt it will change. I proably sound like some hippy peace loving fool right now but whatevs. Cheers!

    • 729 posts
    April 6, 2017 2:02 AM PDT

    What, there'll be no twinking in Pantheon!!?!!!1! :)


    I don't know a good answer to this problem really. The best thing to do probably is for the community manager and/or knowledgeable forum users to try and answer quickly and rectify the information (as best as they can). Also, speculation isn't a bad thing per se, but sometimes it may be neccessary to step in and make a clear statement early.

    • 624 posts
    April 6, 2017 4:01 AM PDT

    Amen Noobie, well said.

    But your desire for patient, fact-based anticipation of this game goes against basic human nature, amplified by our friend the Internet.  The many thousands of people interested in Pantheon each have their own hopes and dreams for what they will experience in game, and thus latch on to what they think they read if it validates or threatens their fun.  Which then snowballs with each re-posting.  I am sure sociologists enjoy tracking these sorts of cascades, it just frustrates me.

    To paraphrase Mark Twain (who, by the way, never said the original quote...but that is another story) =>

    Forum post rumors can run halfway around the globe while the truth is still pulling its boots on.

    This post was edited by Kumu at April 6, 2017 3:43 PM PDT
    • Moderator
    • 9115 posts
    April 6, 2017 4:21 AM PDT

    NoobieDoo said:

    This happens more than it should on these forums;

    Quote#11 from Brad: "This should slow but not eliminate twinking"
    Quote#534 from player133: ...quotes Brad's #11... "Brad and the devs do not want twinking at all in the game"
    Quote#27 from player5719: "OMG, why won't they just leave some of these features that we loved from EQ alone and allow twinking."
    Quote#207 from player 835: "I'm glad to hear they are not allowing ppl to twink in game. It's for ppl with no skill and ruins the challenge."
    Quote#819 from player 22: "Yeah, that's a shame, I play lots of alts and twinking makes those early levels more enjoyable for me."
    Quote#7 from player 3001: "What? They're not going to let ppl twink in PRF? Welp, time to go look for some other MMO."

    I don't even know what I want from this post or the purpose of it. I had a long post in mind to write out but it's most likely pointless. I guess I just don't want people to have problems with this game based on assumptions. Some ppl have concerns over this game based on their OWN assumptions. They read something and misinterpret it somehow and then they post on the forums that they have a problem with the game and post their assumptions which then spreads to other people who may possibly create their own problems with the game based off of a false assumption created from another backer. It doesn't help that it's rather difficult to search for topics on these forums so at times all people have are these false assumptions that they read from other backers.

    I could say I'd love for people to try to just take a step back and not assume things. There's no point in paraphrasing for the devs especially when you have misunderstood the dev. Try to relax and not form an issue over nothing. But this has been happening for the last couple years on these forums so I doubt it will change. I proably sound like some hippy peace loving fool right now but whatevs. Cheers!

    Welcome to my life man! I swear I lose IQ points and brain cells from repeating myself so often and being a master search function addict but such is life, there will always be people that misinterpret and confuse statements with what they want to hear, the trick is being able to correct their perception without starting a war in the forums, it is harder than some may think :)

    Sarim said:

    What, there'll be no twinking in Pantheon!!?!!!1! :)

    I laughed harder than I should have at this! lol :D

    • 2886 posts
    April 6, 2017 6:17 AM PDT

    Kumu said:

    But your desire for patient, fact-based anticipation of this game goes against basic human nature, amplified by our friend the Internet.  The many thousands of people interested in Pantheon each have their own hopes and dreams for what they will experience in game, and thus latch on the what they think they read if it validates or threatens their fun.  Which then snowballs with each re-posting.  I am sure sociologists enjoy tracking these sorts of cascades, it just frustrates me.

    100% accurate. I have taken it upon myself to champion the cause of weeding out rumors, assumptions, and misinformation on these forums as much as possible. But I realize that it will never be perfect. People will always do that and unfortunately there's no foolproof way to stop it completely. People are simply going to believe what they want to believe. If their own misconceptions drive them away from the game, that's sad, but it's their own fault and we can't really let it bother us. Because as Kumu said, this problem goes far beyond these forums. It's just part of human nature. People often assume things without even realizing it. So I don't even bother getting frustrated about it because that would just decrease my own patience and endurance. Trying to control other people's responses is a surefire path to unhappiness. The only thing I can control is my input into the situation. No one else's. So as long as I can keep my input polite and factual, I'll be happy. I look at it more like a fun little mini game of trying to sniff out the problems and mitigate them as much as I possibly can. But you win some, you lose some. Thus is life.

    This post was edited by Bazgrim at April 6, 2017 6:24 AM PDT
    • 2752 posts
    April 6, 2017 10:59 AM PDT

    Bazgrim said:

    I have taken it upon myself to champion the cause of creating rumors, assumptions, and misinformation on these forums as much as possible. There's no foolproof way to stop it completely. 


    You heard it here first folks. Somebody stop this man! 

    • 2886 posts
    April 6, 2017 11:59 AM PDT

    Iksar said:

    Bazgrim said:

    I have taken it upon myself to champion the cause of creating rumors, assumptions, and misinformation on these forums as much as possible. There's no foolproof way to stop it completely. 


    You heard it here first folks. Somebody stop this man! 

    Lol! You're starting rumors about starting rumors! Rumorception!

    • 578 posts
    April 7, 2017 11:43 PM PDT

    R U M O R C E P T I O N  lol

    Sarim said:

    What, there'll be no twinking in Pantheon!!?!!!1! :)



    Kumu said:

    Amen Noobie, well said.

    But your desire for patient, fact-based anticipation of this game goes against basic human nature, amplified by our friend the Internet.

    Forum post rumors can run halfway around the globe while the truth is still pulling its boots on.

    Just boggles my mind how I, and probably you and a good handful of others, can look at a quote from a dev and easily understand the message yet others look at it and see something completely way off base. /shrug what can you do though. I guess maybe make a post such as this and hope it makes sense to somebody.

    Kilsin said:

    Welcome to my life man! I swear I lose IQ points and brain cells from repeating myself so often and being a master search function addict but such is life, there will always be people that misinterpret and confuse statements with what they want to hear, the trick is being able to correct their perception without starting a war in the forums, it is harder than some may think :)

    I think we've talked about it once or twice so I know your struggle lol. I don't envy your position one bit. If you knew me personally you'd know that I'm an extremely patient and calm person but damn, I see some of these posts and I'm just like...ughh

    Bazgrim said:

    I have taken it upon myself to champion the cause of weeding out rumors, assumptions, and misinformation on these forums as much as possible. Trying to control other people's responses is a surefire path to unhappiness. The only thing I can control is my input into the situation. No one else's. So as long as I can keep my input polite and factual, I'll be happy.

    You hit the nail on the head. I try to smooth things out when I see someone misunderstanding something or when I see someone making a poor assumption and speaking it as truth just to try to 'nip it in the butt'. But then you are telling another person that they are wrong in their thinking and that doesn't always go over so well, especially when dealing with some of these topics. I swear some people want their false assumptions to be truth just so that they can be mad at it. lol

    • 542 posts
    April 8, 2017 1:34 PM PDT