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Rang in the New Year with EQ

    • 2886 posts
    January 1, 2017 2:46 AM PST

    I'm proud to say that me, my cousin, and my grandmother (yes, my grandmother) carried on our annual tradition of being in Norrath when the clock strikes midnight for the New Year... with in-game fireworks of course. Since we all have been playing since '99, in our opinion, it's the best way to start off a new year!

    Last night, we decided to take some lowbies to our favorite zone, Unrest, for some good ole fashion grinding. Was good times :)

    • 781 posts
    January 1, 2017 5:05 AM PST

    loved that zone ! :)  Good times * cheers 

    • 780 posts
    January 1, 2017 11:07 AM PST

    That's pretty neat.  You've done that every year since 1999?

    • 1618 posts
    January 1, 2017 12:20 PM PST

    My family of 7 play together, with all our alts, we can fill the blanks in any raid.