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a game worth considering to kill time

    • 112 posts
    December 5, 2016 7:05 AM PST

    Overwatch.  Personally I started playing it thanksgiving break and have found it enjoyable, think WoW teams pvp but with a variety of classes (16 total) and at the same time simplified controls with a typical character having a primary fire, alternate fire, special #1, special #2, and an ultimate.


    I know it's not a mmo, but I would assume a good number of players here have dabbled in other games before.  That aside, there are multiple class types to play in the game if you are just assuming it's a straight-up shooter.  A lot of it is twitch gaming, but there are melee characters and healers as well where you just need situational awareness and some competent teammates in order to have fun.


    Either way, try it or don't, figured I'd share what I've found to help pass the time while waiting patiently ;)

    • 2886 posts
    December 5, 2016 7:17 AM PST

    Overwatch is definitely solid. Can't deny that Blizzard makes clean games. But myself and everyone else I've talked to about it agree that it gets boring fairly quickly. There is almost no sense of progression, so after the initial allure of the game wears off, there's not really any motivation to keep getting better and therefore it's pretty easy to just stop playing. So it's very fun for a little while, but it doesn't totally suck you in like an MMO will.

    Edit: It's pretty much the same exact problem as No Man's Sky.

    This post was edited by Bazgrim at December 5, 2016 7:18 AM PST
    • 668 posts
    December 5, 2016 7:20 AM PST

    Taking advantage of the post and title...

    There are a bunch of us playing EQ2 under the guild "Voices of Terminus", learning to play together and building up our toons to raid in a bit...  Have to say, quite fun and taking up a good amount of my time.

    If you are looking for something to latch on to waiting for PRotF to release, this is a nice way to build comradery with like-minded folks!

    PS- ask for Yarnila for in game for invites

    This post was edited by Pyye at December 5, 2016 7:22 AM PST
    • 112 posts
    December 5, 2016 1:55 PM PST

    Haven't hit that point with overwatch yet.  Still trying to improve on certain levels for some chars, maybe when I feel like I've hit a plateau I will be bored.  Til then I'll keep playing, scolding myself every game when I fail to react properly >.>


    EQ2... have they dumbed down the game like most MMO's?  Or is it actually worth picking up besides the social aspect?

    • 44 posts
    December 5, 2016 4:17 PM PST

    Actually - I've been enjoying Paragon while I pass the time for Pantheon.  It's got pretty defined roles and, obviously, is very team oriented.  

    • 5 posts
    December 9, 2016 10:58 PM PST

    been tinkering around with Path of Exile but everything gets boring quick when you're just waiting around for a different game

    i hope alpha is in Q1 this is killer


    • 208 posts
    December 11, 2016 9:20 AM PST

    I jump on Overwatch occasionally. Spending most my time now playing Civ 6 and Terraria.

    • 69 posts
    December 12, 2016 10:10 AM PST

    Bluefyre said:

    I jump on Overwatch occasionally. Spending most my time now playing Civ 6 and Terraria.


    How are you liking Civ6? I am a longtime Civ5 player and have sunk far too many hours into that game and I have been wanting to jump into

    Civ6 around Christmas time. I read some initial reviews which were not stellar and I am wondering if the game feels polished and if there are

    balance issues, which is what many seemed to be reporting after the release...



    • 208 posts
    December 12, 2016 11:47 AM PST

    jexx said:

    Bluefyre said:

    I jump on Overwatch occasionally. Spending most my time now playing Civ 6 and Terraria.


    How are you liking Civ6? I am a longtime Civ5 player and have sunk far too many hours into that game and I have been wanting to jump into

    Civ6 around Christmas time. I read some initial reviews which were not stellar and I am wondering if the game feels polished and if there are

    balance issues, which is what many seemed to be reporting after the release...




    Its pretty good. However Note I did not play 5. My roommate did and he is enjoying 6. We both agree it could use some work, but from what he said it is a much better place than 5 was at release. There are definitely some AI balance issues. I'd say wait a little while if you are still content with 5. Maybe 6 just needs a little more time in the oven.

    This post was edited by Bluefyre at December 12, 2016 11:47 AM PST
    • 69 posts
    December 13, 2016 4:42 AM PST

    Thank you for getting back to me. I did not try V at release, it took me a few years to discover it after spending lots of time playing Rome: Total War, but I recall reading about how messed up it was at release time. I'm worred about waiting too long to get into VI because once Pantheon is out I doubt I will have much time for playing other games for awhile... ;)


    Thanks, Jexx

    • 610 posts
    December 19, 2016 3:41 PM PST

    Pyye said:

    Taking advantage of the post and title...

    There are a bunch of us playing EQ2 under the guild "Voices of Terminus", learning to play together and building up our toons to raid in a bit...  Have to say, quite fun and taking up a good amount of my time.

    If you are looking for something to latch on to waiting for PRotF to release, this is a nice way to build comradery with like-minded folks!

    PS- ask for Yarnila for in game for invites

    what server?


    • 172 posts
    December 21, 2016 4:42 PM PST

    Sevens said:

    Pyye said:

    Taking advantage of the post and title...

    There are a bunch of us playing EQ2 under the guild "Voices of Terminus", learning to play together and building up our toons to raid in a bit...  Have to say, quite fun and taking up a good amount of my time.

    If you are looking for something to latch on to waiting for PRotF to release, this is a nice way to build comradery with like-minded folks!

    PS- ask for Yarnila for in game for invites

    what server?


    I am also curious which server...

    • 1468 posts
    December 21, 2016 4:48 PM PST

    I've been playing Elder Scrolls Online for a couple of weeks now and am really enjoying it. I did my first group dungeon yesterday and it is so much fun and surprisingly challenging as well. Great mix of of stuff to do and it is certainly going to keep me entertained for some time to come. I'm also streaming it on Twitch which adds its own level of fun to the mix.