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Vanilla MMO

    • 578 posts
    December 1, 2016 8:05 PM PST

    I'm really hoping that Pantheon can take us back to an era where the game doesn't hold our hands. Where the game gives us freedom. A game that is challenging and rewarding. A game where the community is king and where the community is law.

    Of course it has to be modern and not literally take us back to 32 bit gaming with 8bit graphics. But hopefully it re-captures a lot of that spirit and combines it with what makes MMOs good today.

    I found this video the other day by Pewdiepie (he is a youtuber/vlogger) of him telling a story about his favorite video game which happens to be an older MMO (one that I've never heard about either actually). The video is funny but it's also another good story and good example of how some of those mechanics that developers have removed from MMOs to convenience players and to streamline features were actually big parts of why those games were so great.

    Hope you enjoy

    • 626 posts
    December 2, 2016 5:31 AM PST

    I have to say I compare everything I play to EQ. I loved that game so so much. In fact I hate grinding, and leveling yet in EQ due to the challenge of it. I loved it! I felt as if I was really playing the game as I leveled, and that is something others games never really gave. I remember spending days sometimes trying to get my corpse, and honestly that was some of the most enjoyable times lol. As simple as it sounds after days of trying once you finally got your corpse you felt almost as good as if you defeated an end game boss lol. 

    Either way I agree completely. I really want to experience the challenge of an old school MMO again, and get away from the mindless grind of no risk leveling. 

    • 119 posts
    December 3, 2016 6:28 AM PST

    I never played EQ or any of it's variations, but I did play Shadowbane as my first PvP oriented MMO and I still find myself comparing my online gaming experiences to the "good old days" of Shadowbane.

    • 578 posts
    December 3, 2016 10:45 PM PST

    Yeah, most people will always either compare all other MMOs to their first one or at least reference back to it often when discussing MMOs. EQ was my first but I tend to refer back to VG more often because I enjoyed VG so much more. But EQ still holds so much weight simply because it was my first ever experience into this type of world.

    Watching this video brought back great memories though. Especially of griefing. Memories of some toolbag trying to be a prick and all the players in the surrounding area coming to harass the prick. Or epic long battles between my guild and another guild when a group tried to come in and kill steal our boss we were fighting and ended in multiple guild mates coming from all corners of the world to get in on making sure the other guild left with empty bags and a 1000 deaths.

    I really hope PRF doesn't try to hold our hands as much as some of these other MMOs do these days. The less it does the more chance we have of great unscripted random events happening amongst the community and its members.