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Project Gorgon

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    • 93 posts
    October 29, 2016 8:39 PM PDT

    I finally got around to getting the PC I have been looking at for quite some time about a week ago. I ordered CIV 6 and was very impressed with it, invested many hours since launch, but it couldn't quite fill this void in my soul, the MMO itch. Since Pantheon testing won't be starting for some time, I had to have something to keep me occupied until then. I was fearing I might have to go try World of Warcraft: Legion (cringe), when I suddenly remembered a few posts here about Project Gorgon. The sandbox appeal sounded really nice, it sounded innovative, but I still wasn't interested.

    Long story short, I decided to try it out. Extremely impressed. I had no idea what I was doing as I walked around dying and figuring out the mechanics. I finally feel like a noob again, and it feels great. No rails whatsoever, very sandboxy. I have spent the majority of my time just exploring the lands and killing/looting animals. I can't necessarily say why, but it reminds me a lot of Morrowind. Anywho, I just wanted to let you folks here know it's worth a shot, and also to connect with anyone here who maybe plays. The download isn't very big and it's currently in beta I believe.

    Name is Ghandushoka, see ya there maybe!

    P.S. Kilsin I looked everywhere on these forums for a previous Project Gorgon Thread so I could post this, but I couldn't seem to find any so I sincerely apologize if there is one somewhere. The last one I could find was a thread from August of 2015 with some links you posted to other threads and those links would not open, so I assumed they no longer existed. I know it's a pain for you to have to constantly close threads and redirect people.

    This post was edited by halflingwarrior at October 29, 2016 8:47 PM PDT
    • 119 posts
    October 30, 2016 6:10 AM PDT

    Here is one thread about other games:

    This post was edited by Oldtimer at October 30, 2016 6:11 AM PDT
    • Moderator
    • 9115 posts
    October 30, 2016 4:23 PM PDT

    As Oldtimer pointed out there is a multi games thread and there is already a Project Gorgon thread that is active that you referred to: the links I posted I think went back prior to Jan 1, 2015 which means they would be archived but you can still join that discussion, we just need to minimise the spread of posts on the same topic, so for that reason I will close this one down but I appreciate you trying to search first, thank you and feel free to copy/paste this into the other thread to continue the discussion :)