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Octobers Newsletter is hot off the press!

    • 9115 posts
    October 14, 2016 2:57 AM PDT
    • 19 posts
    October 14, 2016 3:37 AM PDT

    Great read as always

    • 9115 posts
    October 14, 2016 4:10 AM PDT

    nefi said:

    Great read as always

    Glad you liked it Nefi :)

    • 221 posts
    October 14, 2016 4:15 AM PDT

    Thanks all. Nice read. 

    • 118 posts
    October 14, 2016 5:16 AM PDT

    Sweeeet.... Thanks Kilsin

    • 27 posts
    October 14, 2016 5:35 AM PDT

    Great read! But i wonder when we will get more class info. At this speed, we will have the last class info sometime in 2019 :)


    • 563 posts
    October 14, 2016 6:19 AM PDT

    Lots of great questions asked and answered, it was a fun read :)

    I liked Kumu's "enchantertainer" idea :P

    • 118 posts
    October 14, 2016 6:24 AM PDT

    Humperding said:

    Great read! But i wonder when we will get more class info. At this speed, we will have the last class info sometime in 2019 :)


    All of us are waiting on the Class info as well, and I will venture to guess it will NOT be in 2019.

    • 1778 posts
    October 14, 2016 6:43 AM PDT

    Awesome Q&A guys. Some good stuff in there. I look forward to the new forums. I know you guys said soon, but any approximation on what soon is? 


    Kumu!!! My Bardic brother! Way to represent. Oh and I expect you to be a master of Dwarven Acrobatic Lore by the end of the month..................... good luck with that ^.~

    • 9115 posts
    October 14, 2016 7:01 AM PDT

    Humperding said:

    Great read! But i wonder when we will get more class info. At this speed, we will have the last class info sometime in 2019 :)


    We have bigger updates in thew works that will be released separately to the newsletter but it is a huge job and one we are working hard on, so when we have a significant update on classes or anything else, we will release it for everyone to see but for now, heads down working hard on some big systems and features that we need to fully focus on and get right :)

    • 9115 posts
    October 14, 2016 7:02 AM PDT

    Amsai said:

    Awesome Q&A guys. Some good stuff in there. I look forward to the new forums. I know you guys said soon, but any approximation on what soon is? 


    Kumu!!! My Bardic brother! Way to represent. Oh and I expect you to be a master of Dwarven Acrobatic Lore by the end of the month..................... good luck with that ^.~

    No ETA but I can assure you we are doing everything in our power to make it happen as soon as humanly possible, we just need to sort out some backend code, account permissions and eCommerce links to subs/pledges and purchases :)

    • 187 posts
    October 14, 2016 8:11 AM PDT

    Great content everyone! It was a fun read with some interesting subtle implications (Human/Shaman confirmed? Does that mean my wacky desire for Gnome/Shaman might be available?!) Now, back to work on that major update! *cracks whip* :D

    Thanks for all the hard work VR! Despite our insatiable need for more pantheon updates, we really do appreciate your passion and dedication.

    This post was edited by Syntro at October 14, 2016 8:11 AM PDT
    • 3016 posts
    October 14, 2016 8:53 AM PDT

    Thanks for the Newsletter!! :)

    • 595 posts
    October 14, 2016 9:52 AM PDT

    "...striking him with my magical water enchanted daggers (named Dream Crusher MH & Bean Keeper OH)"

    Love it!

    • 395 posts
    October 14, 2016 11:12 AM PDT

    Great newsletter! Thanks heaps. I really love the screenshot as well, it's so dark, as I would expect it to be at night. Amazing.

    Favorite highlihgts: That all classes contribute to their group in many ways regardless of their class role; That begining cities will be utilized throughout characters leveling process and that certain functions are kept in those cities; Jazzed about the weather system!!!; Confusing, pantless, drunken dwarf (haha)!;

    • 202 posts
    October 14, 2016 11:59 AM PDT

    Am I the only one that was like 0.0 or was like -.- or even like :3 when I read the part where Kilsin had a counterpart!?

    Good read as always!, And what is this about MORE big info being released outside of the newsletter!?


    • 523 posts
    October 14, 2016 2:03 PM PDT

    It's something I guess.  Rather than hear more thoughts, opinions, and answers from the team, I would rather continue to see the list of patch notes, updates, and improvements made to the actual existing game.  Crowfall and Camelot both do a great job of showing their accomplishments each week or month with tangible data.  That type of transparency is welcome and also allows those that have plunked down money, the ability to see the game progressing, as well as the pace at which it is progressing.  You guys tend to use the right buzz words in your answers, but as we've seen with failures like EQ Next or No Man's Sky, the proof is more in the pudding, not so much in what the developer claims is happening or will be amazing.  Your twitch streams were a necessary initial step to show there is infact some form of game here, and it alleviated some of the skepticim surrounding the project, but if that was the big reveal of 2016, and now we're back to community spotlights, theoretical class descriptions, and "trust me, it's gonna be great" type AMAs, I believe that skepticim will rightly return.  Surely the team understands this.  I think just telling us what you've actually accomplished and worked on each month would be a nice bridge the gap type of concept, especially since most other MMOs are doing so.  Anyway, here's to hoping November's update has significantly more meat to it.

    • 294 posts
    October 14, 2016 2:17 PM PDT

    Awesome as always folks. I enjoyed that read so much. The questions were perfect, the answers made my mouth water.

    Kumu, I cant say enough of how I enjoy the unique way that you word things. You truly are a Bard at heart. Thank You for your part in this fantastic news letter.

    • 249 posts
    October 14, 2016 3:05 PM PDT
    I like the ideas mentioned to keep cities relevant. Good stuff
    • 9115 posts
    October 14, 2016 5:15 PM PDT

    Nikademis said:

    "...striking him with my magical water enchanted daggers (named Dream Crusher MH & Bean Keeper OH)"

    Love it!

    Haha, I thought you might like it Nika :D

    • 9115 posts
    October 14, 2016 5:17 PM PDT

    OakKnower said:

    Great newsletter! Thanks heaps. I really love the screenshot as well, it's so dark, as I would expect it to be at night. Amazing.

    Favorite highlihgts: That all classes contribute to their group in many ways regardless of their class role; That begining cities will be utilized throughout characters leveling process and that certain functions are kept in those cities; Jazzed about the weather system!!!; Confusing, pantless, drunken dwarf (haha)!;

    Glad you like it OakKnower, I am trying to take the highest quality screenshots possible for all of my CM content and this one stood out, so we decided to go with it for the newsletter, I want to show the world of Terminus to you in the best way possible until you folks can jump in and see it for yourselves :D

    • 9115 posts
    October 14, 2016 5:18 PM PDT

    LeonSanborn said:

    Am I the only one that was like 0.0 or was like -.- or even like :3 when I read the part where Kilsin had a counterpart!?

    Good read as always!, And what is this about MORE big info being released outside of the newsletter!?


    Haha, be very afraid! :D

    I just meant it in the sense that we don;t need to wait for a newsletter to release big news/updates, once one is ready to go we will get it out to you all as soon as humanly possible :)

    • 9115 posts
    October 14, 2016 5:21 PM PDT

    Mathir said:

    It's something I guess.  Rather than hear more thoughts, opinions, and answers from the team, I would rather continue to see the list of patch notes, updates, and improvements made to the actual existing game.  Crowfall and Camelot both do a great job of showing their accomplishments each week or month with tangible data.  That type of transparency is welcome and also allows those that have plunked down money, the ability to see the game progressing, as well as the pace at which it is progressing.  You guys tend to use the right buzz words in your answers, but as we've seen with failures like EQ Next or No Man's Sky, the proof is more in the pudding, not so much in what the developer claims is happening or will be amazing.  Your twitch streams were a necessary initial step to show there is infact some form of game here, and it alleviated some of the skepticim surrounding the project, but if that was the big reveal of 2016, and now we're back to community spotlights, theoretical class descriptions, and "trust me, it's gonna be great" type AMAs, I believe that skepticim will rightly return.  Surely the team understands this.  I think just telling us what you've actually accomplished and worked on each month would be a nice bridge the gap type of concept, especially since most other MMOs are doing so.  Anyway, here's to hoping November's update has significantly more meat to it.

    Once we have more updates like that we will share them Mathir, we are at a stage where we need to focus on larger core mechanics and systems which take a lot of time and they don't have weekly or monthly updates but once they are finished the pace will pick up again and you will see more frequent game based updates, until then, we try our best to show you all some love with developer interactions and give answers to some popular questions.

    • 172 posts
    October 14, 2016 8:39 PM PDT
    Check out what class and race the devs say they're playing that confirmed a couple race an class combo's although maybe not set in stone it gives us some insight! :)
    • 78 posts
    October 14, 2016 11:22 PM PDT

    Another great newlsletter - good to see personalities shine through.

    Holding out hope that bards will be available at launch! Utility / Support ftw.