Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

Race A and Class B

    • 1019 posts
    October 5, 2016 5:44 PM PDT

    Do all male Dwarven Crusaders have all the same and only the same abilities?  Or is there an option for Dwarven Crusader A able to split an ability one way and Dwarven Crusader B able to split an ability a different way?


    Can one specialize in swords and one specialize in maces and they, a few dozen levels down the road, be almost completly different Dwarven Crusaders?  


    Not just talking Dwarven Crusaders, but all race and class combos.  Do all female Archai Summoners play and have excaly the same experience?  Is every Race A and Class B combo play like every other Race A and Class B?


    Or, as what I'm hoping for, at level 5 Ogre Shaman get an ability and with that ability they can choose to start trainng it down a path.  Down path A, B, or C.  Then another ability at 10, or 15 or something where more and more deviation of classes can happen, but without moving classes out of the base role.

    • 1584 posts
    October 5, 2016 6:07 PM PDT

    This sounds alot like what WoW did, not saying this is what your intending but the thing about this kind of making is that there will be people who will build to be the best of something either it be healer/tank/dps and instead of playing the chaarcter the way they really want to pay they will play them that makes them the best for that role for there class, or the grp will expect them to be played that way.  Not saying everyone will be like that but im sure some will be like why are you using that ability instead of choosing this one.

    • 1019 posts
    October 5, 2016 6:45 PM PDT

    Never played WoW past a level 10 character and not sure I remember that part about it.  But I understand what you're saying.  People are always trying to min/max a toon, but I like just have the ability to be different and bring something different to the table or raid.  I just hated it in EQ2 where you only needed 1 paladin because a 2nd paladin offered nothing useful over what having 1 did.  

    • 49 posts
    October 5, 2016 6:50 PM PDT

    pick a class that is useful to have multiple then :P When you start making tank/heal classes dps you start to need less and less of the natural pure dps classes. 

    • 187 posts
    October 5, 2016 7:45 PM PDT

    Hey Kittik, there are a couple of mechanics which address your question. I'll list the major ones.

    1) Ability Skills - We know they are implimenting skill system where characters become more proficient when using specific skills. To use your example, one female crusader could focus on 2hb (2-hand blunt) weapons and level that skill by battling with giant hammers to gain proficiency whereas another might decide to focus on the 1hs sword and and shield combo. With this system, the required time investment necessary to obtain proficiency in a particular weapon type will naturally lead to race/class differences. I know this isn't the degree of difference you talking about, but it is a factor nontheless.
    2) Class Specialization - This is more speculative and impactful, but it basically encompasses what you are talking about. The idea is that at a certain level, your character can "specialize" into a more focused subclass via a quest or something. The team has talked about class specializations a couple of times (I'm sure some forum vets can help me out here), including developer interviews and this tid bit from the recent AMA with Brad:

    Q: A newer trend among many of the games over the last 5 years or more has been for character classes to have multiple trees to build and grow in. Is this an approach Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen is intending to take? Or will it be warrior 12 = warrior 12?
    A: Pantheon is a traditional level based system with skills and abilities that are unlocked and practiced as you level up. Some customization and specialization will be present, but never to the point where a warrior ceases to be a warrior.

    There was a forum post which inadvertantly started talking about specializations even though the OP mean something more akin to your question. Definitely check out that post.