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Saga Of Lucimia

    • 383 posts
    September 24, 2016 8:56 AM PDT

    Anyone else playing this? Wife and I are going to check it out today during one of their closed alpha tests where they show off progress by letting the early backers play the game. It's not a class based game, however they want to bring back that same old school grouping aspect. Both Pantheon and SoL should be great RPGs to check out!

    This is their discord where they answer questions and have Q&A sessions about the game. Most of the time it's adhoc and no set time you just ask and one of the devs answers when they get time. (Not sure if this is a perm link, though the information can be found on their website.)


    This is the link to their page:


    And if anyone wants to this is my personal referral code. ( I don't need it though it's cool to see how many people sign up from posts like this.)


    Either way I hope to see some of you in game!


    Kislin please delete this if it's not allowed, I put it here thinking it might be okay, though I realize that it is for another game. However they have positively promoted Pantheon so I figured it was a two way street.

    • 119 posts
    September 25, 2016 6:22 AM PDT

    I have not heard of SoL Niien, I did check out website though and it looked pretty good to me. I will bookmark it and keep checking in on their progress. Cheers

    • Moderator
    • 9115 posts
    September 25, 2016 5:50 PM PDT

    It's fine to post this here in Off Topic Niien and I appreciate the note, thank you. :)

    • 383 posts
    September 25, 2016 6:57 PM PDT

    My wife and I tested an alpha build of the game and it looked great! It played really good for still being so early on in the development. They still have a long ways to go, though it's nice to see that we have at least two teams working on our dream game, though both are pretty different in terms of progression!


    Oldtimer it's good for us to spread the word about these two games in particular since they are being built around our general idea of what an MMO should consist of.


    Thanks Kilsin!

    • 1468 posts
    September 27, 2016 7:45 AM PDT

    I've been following SoL for a while now although I'm not sure I'll back it. I only really have time for one MMO and that is Pantheon for me.

    I've spent quite a lot of money on Pantheon and I'm not sure I have the spare cash or time to back another game although I have been looking at another game that I can play while I wait for Pantheon pre-alpha.

    • 1434 posts
    October 5, 2016 4:43 AM PDT

    I decided not to back SoL as its not exactly the game I want (Pantheon is), but I have been keeping an eye on it.

    Specifically, the reasons I haven't considered it more are mostly their aversion to PvP and their open classless system (potentially game-breaking).

    The last thing I find troubling is their hardline stance on immersion. As a small company, that policy is going to tie their hands and severely limit the number of players they will attract.

    That may come as a surprise for those who read the forums who know I'm 100% for sacrificing most convenience in the name of immersion. You have to be smart about it though. You have to know that designing one-time quests and one-time items is going to be a massive strain on developers, writers and designers. They have to find a sweet spot that is manageable while sticking to their guns, but the more I read into their design, the more unreasonable their aspirations become and the deeper of a pit they are digging for themselves. The only indie game more guilty of this is Chronicles of Elyria with their totally unachieveable feature list.

    This post was edited by Dullahan at October 5, 2016 4:45 AM PDT
    • 1468 posts
    October 5, 2016 5:07 AM PDT

    Dullahan said:

    I decided not to back SoL as its not exactly the game I want (Pantheon is), but I have been keeping an eye on it.

    Specifically, the reasons I haven't considered it more are mostly their aversion to PvP and their open classless system (potentially game-breaking).

    The last thing I find troubling is their hardline stance on immersion. As a small company, that policy is going to tie their hands and severely limit the number of players they will attract.

    That may come as a surprise for those who read the forums who know I'm 100% for sacrificing most convenience in the name of immersion. You have to be smart about it though. You have to know that designing one-time quests and one-time items is going to be a massive strain on developers, writers and designers. They have to find a sweet spot that is manageable while sticking to their guns, but the more I read into their design, the more unreasonable their aspirations become and the deeper of a pit they are digging for themselves. The only indie game more guilty of this is Chronicles of Elyria with their totally unachieveable feature list.

    I have to admit I was very close to backing Chronicles of Elyria when it was on Kickstarter but I decided I can only concentrate on one MMO and I'm firmly in the Pantheon camp for that. CoE did sound really cool though. In a moment of weakness I did back Camelot Unchained but only for $60. I doubt I'll really play it though as my guild is totally Pantheon focused so I'll chalk it up to experience and write off the $60 as a mistake.