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How many of you will be playing Pantheon on a laptop?

    • 1468 posts
    September 19, 2016 5:15 AM PDT

    Fir various reasons I need to get a laptop because I can't be with my computer all week. So I thought I might as well get a gaming laptop while I am at it so that at least I can play Pantheon as well when I am away from home. But I was just wondering how many people actually plan on playing Pantheon on a laptop? And if you do plan on playing Pantheon on a laptop what are the technical specs for your laptop?

    This information might be useful for the developers because then they'll know what sort of hardware they need to optimise the game for. I have to be honest that I'm a bit worried about buying a full on gaming laptop now and finding out that it won't be able to play Pantheon but I can't really wait any longer as I'm without a computer most of the time now.

    So any replies would be really useful for me just see what other people's laptop specs are. Thanks for the replies :).

    • 1468 posts
    September 19, 2016 5:26 AM PDT

    Forgot to add the specs of the laptop that I will be getting:

    Intel i7 6700HQ

    Nvidia 1070 8GB

    256GB SSD

    1TB HDD

    16 GB RAM

    15" 1080p Screen

    Do you think those specs will be good enough for Pantheon? I don't know anything really about laptops. I've only ever owned desktop machines before so this is the first laptop I'll have bought for about 15 years so you can imagine how out of date I am :). I'm not expecting to run Pantheon on max settings but I do need to be able to play it on medium or low settings.

    • 563 posts
    September 19, 2016 6:41 AM PDT

    I don't know too much about laptops, but I do remember hearing/reading that the mobile versions of the pascal cards are very similar to the desktop versions so I can't see that computer having any issues playing pantheon. The CPU also sounds like a pretty powerful quad-core so I can't imagine that having any issues either. :)

    I'd say the only limiting factor would be the screen size, but that comes with the territory of laptops :P

    How much is it going to set you back? :P

    This post was edited by Rachael at September 19, 2016 6:42 AM PDT
    • 119 posts
    September 19, 2016 7:31 AM PDT

    I'm not a big laptop guy, I usually only deal with them when my wife or daughter have problems, but it looks like the CPU is topnotch, as well as the GPU. Remember to get an OS that supports 16 GB of RAM. When I built my last desktop system I put in a Samsung 250 GB SSD and it filled up pretty fast so, I would think about an internal SSD of at least 500GB depending on the price of course and an external drive for media etc.  Cheers.

    CPU Hierarchy charts,4312.html

    GPU Hierarchy charts,4388.html

    • 1095 posts
    September 19, 2016 7:47 AM PDT

    Cromulent those specs would play almost anything lol.

    Pantheon is supost to be being built so normal machine can run it so I wount worry too much.

    But I will be buying a new machine for launch just because my current machine is aging and is a desktop and I will be getting a laptop.


    I plan on getting an Alienware laptop with the graphics amplifier adapter so I can run desktop level GPUs. Also I will be running a nice size monitor so the laptop will basically be closed and sitting on the desk.

    I also wanted the mobility of a laptop for travel so thats why I am going laptop this time instead of desktop.

    I plan on getting a i7 top of the line, 500gb SDD and 1TB storage drive. nice nvidia 1080 series card and maybe 32gb ram.

    Also external keyboard and mouse.

    • 1468 posts
    September 19, 2016 9:23 AM PDT

    Rachael said:

    I don't know too much about laptops, but I do remember hearing/reading that the mobile versions of the pascal cards are very similar to the desktop versions so I can't see that computer having any issues playing pantheon. The CPU also sounds like a pretty powerful quad-core so I can't imagine that having any issues either. :)

    I'd say the only limiting factor would be the screen size, but that comes with the territory of laptops :P

    How much is it going to set you back? :P

    Thanks for the reply :). I was hoping that the Pascal cards would have pretty good performance so thanks for telling me that. I don't mind the screen size so much. 1080p seems like a reasonable resolution to play at on a 15" screen. Although I guess I could get a 17" screen instead.

    I think the laptop costs about £2,000 which is a lot but I get a lot of use out of my computers so it is worth it in the long run and if it means I'll be able to play Pantheon on the move as well it will be doubly worthwhile.

    Oldtimer said:

    I'm not a big laptop guy, I usually only deal with them when my wife or daughter have problems, but it looks like the CPU is topnotch, as well as the GPU. Remember to get an OS that supports 16 GB of RAM. When I built my last desktop system I put in a Samsung 250 GB SSD and it filled up pretty fast so, I would think about an internal SSD of at least 500GB depending on the price of course and an external drive for media etc.  Cheers.

    CPU Hierarchy charts,4312.html

    GPU Hierarchy charts,4388.html

    Thanks for the links. That confirms what I thought that this laptop is pretty powerful and should last a couple of years at least. It isn't just gaming that I am looking to use it for so that is important as well.

    Aich said:

    Cromulent those specs would play almost anything lol.

    Pantheon is supost to be being built so normal machine can run it so I wount worry too much.

    But I will be buying a new machine for launch just because my current machine is aging and is a desktop and I will be getting a laptop.

    I plan on getting an Alienware laptop with the graphics amplifier adapter so I can run desktop level GPUs. Also I will be running a nice size monitor so the laptop will basically be closed and sitting on the desk.

    I also wanted the mobility of a laptop for travel so thats why I am going laptop this time instead of desktop.

    I plan on getting a i7 top of the line, 500gb SDD and 1TB storage drive. nice nvidia 1080 series card and maybe 32gb ram.

    Also external keyboard and mouse.

    Nice to know that those specs will play almost anything. That is what I really want. A mobile games playing machine that I can also do work on. Sounds good if you get an Alienware laptop. I did look at them but the laptop I'm looking at looks a little nicer and the specs seem a bit better for the price. I'll certainly be getting a mouse to go along with it at some point. But I'll have to get used to using the laptops keyboard, I doubt I'll have the room for an external keyboard as well.

    • 19 posts
    September 19, 2016 9:40 AM PDT

    Are you planning on playing outside or for example in the train? If you aint got any electricity to power your device on the go its clear that you have to rely on a portable solution.

    If you are just traveling a lot there are still other options. The hardware nowadays is just getting better and smaller which can be seen by the really capable laptops on the market. Though also desktops profit from this aspect, there are special cases predestinated to be very portable and waiting for you to be taken whereever you like. The desktops easily fit in bigger suitcases and still leave you with a lot of space. The problem here is with all the equipment that goes along like montor, keyboard, cables... If you plan on commuting between two places having at least two monitors maybe also two keyboards could be a solution.

    This is just to give another opinion. Most people who are very experienced in this would probably never buy a gaming laptop. You are not limited in any aspect of your rig, also the costs will be (a lot) less depending on what you get and how much stuff you already have at home. On the other side you need to have a bit of experience to build your own destop, but its never to late to learn and there are thousands of people out there willing to help ;) Also alienware if REALLY expensive, there are cheaper gaming laptops with similar benchmarks to the alienware products.

    • 1468 posts
    September 19, 2016 9:49 AM PDT

    nefi said:

    Are you planning on playing outside or for example in the train? If you aint got any electricity to power your device on the go its clear that you have to rely on a portable solution.

    If you are just traveling a lot there are still other options. The hardware nowadays is just getting better and smaller which can be seen by the really capable laptops on the market. Though also desktops profit from this aspect, there are special cases predestinated to be very portable and waiting for you to be taken whereever you like. The desktops easily fit in bigger suitcases and still leave you with a lot of space. The problem here is with all the equipment that goes along like montor, keyboard, cables... If you plan on commuting between two places having at least two monitors maybe also two keyboards could be a solution.

    This is just to give another opinion. Most people who are very experienced in this would probably never buy a gaming laptop. You are not limited in any aspect of your rig, also the costs will be (a lot) less depending on what you get and how much stuff you already have at home. On the other side you need to have a bit of experience to build your own destop, but its never to late to learn and there are thousands of people out there willing to help ;) Also alienware if REALLY expensive, there are cheaper gaming laptops with similar benchmarks to the alienware products.

    I won't be travelling a lot. I've basically moved house and am now spending my time split between two places. At my main place I have my desktop machine which is my primary gaming rig but when I am at the other place I have no computer at all. I can't really fit a desktop machine there either so a laptop is pretty much my only choice. I know I could build a second desktop machine with better performance for less money but it just isn't an option that would work for me unfortunately. Anyway if I had the laptop it also means I can take it on holiday and stuff as well which is a nice bonus.

    I've built my own computers enough times in the past to know that it is a decent option but it just wouldn't work in my current situation so a laptop it is. Thanks for the reply :).

    • 121 posts
    September 19, 2016 10:26 AM PDT
    I game on a laptop. Those specs should be smooth...internet connection speed should be your only question. Mine looks like this

    I7 6820HQ
    32GB RAM
    17inch 1080p screen
    GT980 8GB desktop version
    • 1468 posts
    September 19, 2016 10:47 AM PDT

    streeg said: I game on a laptop. Those specs should be smooth...internet connection speed should be your only question. Mine looks like this I7 6820HQ 32GB RAM 17inch 1080p screen GT980 8GB desktop version

    Cool. I hope the specs will be good enough. Your laptop sounds pretty high end :).

    • 1095 posts
    September 19, 2016 11:07 AM PDT

    nefi said:

     Also alienware if REALLY expensive, there are cheaper gaming laptops with similar benchmarks to the alienware products.


    Yeap but for me I've always wanted an alienware and I'm at a place now that I can afford it even if it is for the name.

    I also want the graphcs amplifier which is only for alienware laptops. Its a device that hooks to the laptop and you can put a desktop GPU inside.

    Video on that page explains it.

    3k for a machine is reasonable since my pcs' usually last me 5+ years. I've had this desktop for over 5 years I know, prolly closer to 6-7 years.

    I may change my mind when I go to buy but right now leaning towards alienware. 


    Cromulent may also want to look into a thing called FragBox.


    This post was edited by Aich at September 19, 2016 11:13 AM PDT
    • 249 posts
    September 19, 2016 7:09 PM PDT

    I recently posted a thread regarding laptops and Pantheon and received some great advice. Since then ive done a ton of research. My goal is a laptop that can play max settings no issue. I really want to be able to enjoy everything they put into the game, but I have a limit to what i want to spend.

    On that note, the specs you posted are high-end for current laptops and shouldnt have an issue from ive researched. My question...why would you want to run a pc gpu if youre already going to have a 1080? From my understanding, the gains would be minimal unless you plan to run another 1080 sli but im not sure if that's possible with that setup. They have laptops that come with twin 1080's if youre looking to go as overkill as possible. 



    *edit gains would be minimal because the mobile pascal series seem to be right there with their pc counterparts if you look up the charts

    This post was edited by Ashvaild at September 19, 2016 7:11 PM PDT
    • VR Staff
    • 102 posts
    September 20, 2016 7:13 AM PDT

    I have a two year old Alienware gaming laptop that I got a great deal on. It has relatively similar specs to some of those listed here and it runs the client just fine. I think a few of us use laptops. 

    • 1468 posts
    September 20, 2016 8:17 AM PDT

    BlueEyedGator said:

    I have a two year old Alienware gaming laptop that I got a great deal on. It has relatively similar specs to some of those listed here and it runs the client just fine. I think a few of us use laptops. 

    That is great to hear :). That makes me feel a whole lot better about getting this laptop. At least then I'll know that it will run the client properly. Thanks.

    • 1468 posts
    September 27, 2016 7:41 AM PDT

    Well I bought the laptop and have to say it is pretty awesome :). The keyboard is taking a little while to get used to because it is quite small compared to the full size keyboards I am used to but it seems to work OK. I haven't had a chance to play any games on it yet but I have run some benchmarking software and I am really impressed with the graphics it can handle. The graphics are much better than I expected a laptop could handle. So it should be able to handle Pantheon just fine when the pre-alpha comes out.

    • 119 posts
    September 28, 2016 3:48 AM PDT

    Cromulent said:

    Well I bought the laptop and have to say it is pretty awesome :). The keyboard is taking a little while to get used to because it is quite small compared to the full size keyboards I am used to but it seems to work OK. I haven't had a chance to play any games on it yet but I have run some benchmarking software and I am really impressed with the graphics it can handle. The graphics are much better than I expected a laptop could handle. So it should be able to handle Pantheon just fine when the pre-alpha comes out.


    This post was edited by Oldtimer at September 28, 2016 3:48 AM PDT
    • VR Staff
    • 102 posts
    September 28, 2016 8:29 AM PDT

    Congrats Crom.  I hope you enjoy it.  For me, though I'd LOVE to have a nice rig like some of you have, it was more a matter of convenience and being able to "game on the go" no matter where I was.  I guess there are benefits and drawbacks to everything.  Now you'll have the best of both worlds! :)

    • 646 posts
    September 30, 2016 7:41 PM PDT

    I always played primarily on a laptop - I travelled a lot on business so always got a laptop with a discrete nVidia card for "business needs.  I hope to play on a laptop again.

    • 1468 posts
    October 3, 2016 6:03 PM PDT

    BlueEyedGator said:

    Congrats Crom.  I hope you enjoy it.  For me, though I'd LOVE to have a nice rig like some of you have, it was more a matter of convenience and being able to "game on the go" no matter where I was.  I guess there are benefits and drawbacks to everything.  Now you'll have the best of both worlds! :)

    Thanks :). Yeah I needed a mobile gaming machine as I am stuck between two houses at the moment and so don't always have access to my main gaming desktop. The laptop seems to be going really well though at the moment. It has some really impressive power behind it and the graphics it can cope with are amazing. Really pleased I got it now. Just got to wait for Pantheon to become available now :).

    • 189 posts
    November 17, 2016 7:09 PM PST
    I run an Alienware 18" and I ran into keyboard issues, comfort issues more specifically so I invested in something easier than hauling a full sized keyboard with me.. />
    Its small, easy to program each key to whatever you want, conforms to hand etc.. was pricey but it rocks!

    • 119 posts
    November 18, 2016 6:06 AM PST

    Fairchild said: I run an Alienware 18" and I ran into keyboard issues, comfort issues more specifically so I invested in something easier than hauling a full sized keyboard with me.. Its small, easy to program each key to whatever you want, conforms to hand etc.. was pricey but it rocks!

    Oooh nice, mechanical switches too. I may need to look into one in the near fututre.

    • 22 posts
    November 19, 2016 9:50 PM PST

    I do miss the days of being on a laptop. The ability to move around the house is sorely missed. All I have at the moment is a desktop, but maybe one day I will become mobile again

    • 2886 posts
    November 21, 2016 2:27 PM PST

    I imagine I'll be running it on both a desktop and a laptop, depending on where I am. Desktop at home, but still gotta have it ready to go on the laptop because LAN parties will always be fun :)