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Living environment feature

    • 21 posts
    September 15, 2016 10:02 PM PDT
    So I watched the livestream/reddit replay the other day and heard a bit about monster spawns and areas and there not being many instanced raid areas. It would be cool to see the world evolve. As in once you take out the enemies or the boss of the enemies in one area, other mobs move in and take thier place (they said something about this). If they do it right it would keep things fresh and new by having different areas to explore all the time. Sometimes the hardest boss and monsters would take over an area and not leave till a group of players wiped the boss out. Especially if there was like 200-300 man level raid groups for some of the hardest ones to take down so that there is really challenging and strategy move to make with small and large groups.

    After its wiped the next 3 sets of mobs walking in might be super easy ones and another mass level set of mobs won't spawn somewhere else for a for days or weeks. It would just keep things fresh and you never know when a group of these super hard areas spawn till someone scouts the area and finds it.

    Maybe an area that nobody goes to all the time spawns the hardest mob in the game in the back corner of a zone and nobody finds it for 3 weeks because nobody ever went to look or came across it.

    I've always been looking for a game to make use of massively dynamic environment where you didn't just spam dungeons and raid at a certain place. They would be more like temporary massive world events that needed massive coordination with multiple guilds and classes to accomplish, then the world changes completely and something totally different happens in another part of the world because world population of players finally came together to change it.