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Football is back!

    • 86 posts
    September 7, 2016 10:15 AM PDT

    NFL football that is.  'Merica!  The season kicks off tomorrow night, Thursday 9/8/16, and finishes up Sunday 2/5/2017.  Will we be in pre-alpha/alpha by then?  How about we bump up the timeline, buy advertising during the Superbowl (its reasonably priced), and launch PRotF Sunday 2/12/2017!  

    Anyway, who's your team? Think they have a shot this year?  I've lived near Cincinnati most of my life, I'm a diehard Bengals fan so I'm biased but I can see us taking the division or at least a wild card.  Where we go from there is the problem.

    Who Dey!


    • 119 posts
    September 8, 2016 7:02 AM PDT

    Hello coach, I too am glad to see football season starting again. I used to watch the NFL for many years and was in a Fantasy football league starting waaay back in 1987, but the last few years I have gotten completely away from the NFL and have become a College Football fanatic.

    The traditions in CFB are so amazing with teams and rivalries  that have played since the late 1800s. Many games have fans in excess of 100,000 cheering fans that can be louder than a jumbo jet taking off and the cheering usually goes the whole game, so it really makes for an exciting experience.


    • 86 posts
    September 8, 2016 1:17 PM PDT

    Yep.. Starts tonight!!! Poor Broncos... No more Peyton, and Brock Osweiler is on my beloved Houston Texans. Its too bad we didnt get the football fans together sooner and start a fantasy league.

    GO TEXANS!!!!!

    • 51 posts
    September 8, 2016 10:19 PM PDT

    Eagles fan for life. I don't see them doing a whole lot this year with a rookie head coach and a rookie QB. But who knows. I don't see the division being that great so it could be a 7-9 or 8-8 team going to the playoffs in the NFC East.

    • 205 posts
    September 9, 2016 12:19 AM PDT
    HUGE Bill's fan here. Family has had season tickets since 1974. My brother works for them as well. Tonight's game was a good one to start off the season.
    • 321 posts
    September 11, 2016 8:45 AM PDT

    Patriots fan and always will be. Even though they got a raw deal from NFL over deflategate , they will always be champs to me.Belichek will be the most outstanding coach of all time and Brady will be the best quarterback ever.

    • 10 posts
    September 11, 2016 11:31 PM PDT

    49er faithful for life!

    We're somewhat less of a dumpster fire this year (RIP Coach/Chef/Oilman/Officer/Proffessor/Doormat Salesman Tomsula), but it's still a rebuilding year and I'll be thrilled if we go 6-10. I hope it's at least a fun year- we've got a lot of exciting new players- but if nothing else I can look forward to hating on Seattle and their fans. 12s since '12 WOO!

    • 249 posts
    September 14, 2016 1:14 PM PDT

    How about them Rams

    • 2 posts
    September 14, 2016 2:26 PM PDT

    I am also a diehard Bengals fan. Hope this is finally our year.



    Who Dey!

    • 1 posts
    September 14, 2016 3:23 PM PDT

    I was raised a Seahawks/Cowboys fan (Dad was from Seattle, Mom from Dallas). Usually this has kept me pretty balanced growing up, as one team traditionally does pretty well while the other does not.



    • 10 posts
    September 14, 2016 8:55 PM PDT

    Ashvaild said:

    How about them Rams

    Indeed, what can be said about the Rams? They are definitely a team that plays football, and their hard work and dedication are heavily responsible for the 49ers being the second worst in the division.

    • 119 posts
    September 18, 2016 10:08 AM PDT

    Last night went to the Cal Bears vs Texas Longhorns. What fantastic effort and outcome for the Bears, except when the RB dropped the before crossing the goal line. During warmups, the Longhorn players looked bigger and faster than the Bears, and after watching Texas beat Notre Dame last week, I , and many others thought that Cal didn't have much of a chance and was in for a drubbing. What a great experience and environment to see a game. The Texas fans were there in great numbers, during warmups the stadium was filled with more Texas fans than Cal fans. When Texas fans started a cheer, the Cal cheer section would go into overdrive and quickly drown them out, and it went on like that for over 4 hours, with the game ending after 11:30.

    I hope that the NFL has some exciting games today for my football brothers. Cheers

    • 249 posts
    September 18, 2016 5:41 PM PDT

    hemolytic said:

    Ashvaild said:

    How about them Rams

    Indeed, what can be said about the Rams? They are definitely a team that plays football, and their hard work and dedication are heavily responsible for the 49ers being the second worst in the division.


    How bout them Seahawks. I think im gonna be sick 

    • 119 posts
    September 19, 2016 6:05 AM PDT

    Ashvaild said:

    hemolytic said:

    Ashvaild said:

    How about them Rams

    Indeed, what can be said about the Rams? They are definitely a team that plays football, and their hard work and dedication are heavily responsible for the 49ers being the second worst in the division.


    How bout them Seahawks. I think im gonna be sick 

    Yeah, tough game only 3 points? Ouch!