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Longest time spent playing an MMORPG?

    • 9115 posts
    August 15, 2016 3:56 AM PDT

    What is the longest amount of time you have spent playing an MMORPG and why did you end up leaving?

    • 624 posts
    August 15, 2016 4:07 AM PDT

    A bit less than five years - my community moved to another game so I switched as well.  That one lasted even less, as did the next one.  Settled on test servers after that for better experiences.

    Reason: The initial rush wears off after several expansions and particularly with all the now standard features that were being added (e.g. cash shops, easy mode, etc.). 


    • 1 posts
    August 15, 2016 4:13 AM PDT

    Honestly the MMO i have played the longest was Runescape ( I never had the Internet When EQ was in its prime ) and i played that for 3-4 years , i ended up leaving because the game got really stale for me and i got a better computer so i could run more advanced games.


    No MMO as really grabbed me in the last 6-8 years because i hate the hand holding of modern MMO's , Hopefully pantheon will be different and will be my goto MMO for a good few years .

    • 91 posts
    August 15, 2016 4:31 AM PDT

    EQ... We basicly all know this story. SoL was released and it was like "Cats on the Moon"-Feeling (if you played EQ to this time, you know, what im talking about). The end, of socializing began (automated Trading). But SoL was ~ok~. I didnt liked the new Graphics, but i enoyed zones like Ssra. And then, PoP came out. The end, for every Wizard (basicly). The end, for EC Tunnel. Also Dungeons (Planes) became 1-Way Dungeons. This was the thing, that starts to make me play lesser and lesser... I had great hopes for LoY and LDoN, but with LDoN, i quit. I gave EQ another try with OoW, but all what was left, was EXP grinding Players... Idk, how its today, but i dont care anymore.

    This post was edited by lyrina at August 15, 2016 4:33 AM PDT
    • 200 posts
    August 15, 2016 5:01 AM PDT

    World of Warcraft from 2005 to 2008. But with WotLK the hand holding, catering to keyboard turners and content recycling was so massive that the game was not fun any more. It was more an interactive movie. Unfortunately almost all other MMOs after 2005 copied this concept. But almost all failed. 



    • 25 posts
    August 15, 2016 5:07 AM PDT

    Easy.. Eq1, 6 years 3 guilds and 10 toons later . Moved on to eq2 at beta stayed till I got  vanguard beta then till sunsetting .. (cry)

    Loved them all . Didnt care much for Wow it was to easy and cartoony ..


    Longshanks King of England

    • 9115 posts
    August 15, 2016 5:09 AM PDT

    Nice folks and some decent years of fun have been squeezed out of those games! :)

    VG would have to be mine with 7 years, first invite beta to sunset :(

    • 308 posts
    August 15, 2016 5:39 AM PDT

    EQ1 - 16 1/2 years.  Bug ridden expansions, devs keep repeating the same mistakes, content sucks, etc.



    • 89 posts
    August 15, 2016 6:38 AM PDT

    3 years.  WoW from launch to 2007.  It probably would have been longer, but playing all day, everyday burnt me out.

    • 1778 posts
    August 15, 2016 6:44 AM PDT
    FFXI - just shy of 10 years. Though honestly that last year or so was rather bitter for that was the beginning of XIs radical changes for the worse.
    • 781 posts
    August 15, 2016 6:49 AM PDT

    7 years EQ , community changed, game changed, just wasn't the same :( 

    • 105 posts
    August 15, 2016 6:54 AM PDT

    The longest was 6 years in EQ2.  I left because of free to play and the cash shop.

    • 514 posts
    August 15, 2016 7:02 AM PDT

    Eq1 - until EQ2 - until 2 weeks ago.  But to be fair, I have beta'd Eq2, Vanguard, The Elder Scrolls Online, Star Wars the Old Republic online, Earth and Beyond, Rift, FreeRealms, and I feel like there may have been more...  oh yeah - I beta'd World of Warcraft as well.

    To be honest - I think that Vanguard was the best designed game of all of those.

    That's why I am here.  These guys keep creating games I WANT to play.


    I left EQ2 recently because I got tired of the BS politics those nutjobs that control it now that Sony sold it to a bunch of Russians.

    • 2 posts
    August 15, 2016 7:03 AM PDT

    Started in SWG, quit due the first combat change, still believe that ruined the game.
    I played EQ2 for about 5 years, I quit because I lost interest due to the same boring old content. My latest expansion was TSO, it just didn't do it for me anymore.
    Spend some time in SW:ToR but again, lack of content at end-game killed it.
    GW2 for a short while, but it got very repetitive very quickly.
    Currently in BDO, but I'm waiting for a new game cause BDO is pretty much dead atm (thanks to p2w).

    • 793 posts
    August 15, 2016 7:16 AM PDT

    EQ1 for a little over 5 years. Most of the guild began moving to newer games after Lost Dungeons of Norrath. As mentioned earlier in the thread, PoP really changed the way people interacted and the way things happened, and many grew tired.

    We moved on to EQ2 and then SWG for awhile, then WoW. When VG came out mny of us moved there for a year or so, and then they all went back to WoW. Which seems to have been the repeating pattern ever since. New game comes out, they try it, it is full of bugs or is min-numbingly repeatative, and they all return to WoW, where many remain to this day. They glean excitement at new expansions, which quickly wains, and everyone goes into hibernation til the next big announcement.

    Many were anticipating EQNext early on, but the then got turned off by some of the directions it was taking.

    I have jumped from game to game alot, with a long stint focusing on single player games that I could step AFK in a pinch and not abandon a group.

    I still play P99 classic occasionally, tinkered in Istaria, had returned to VG a couple times for short stints, played Rift for a bit and Guild Wars 1 & 2.


    This post was edited by Fulton at August 15, 2016 7:17 AM PDT
    • 279 posts
    August 15, 2016 8:13 AM PDT
    I originally read this wrong and thought 73 hours straight.

    I still play EQ so 17 years.

    I'll probably stop when Pantheon goes live.
    • 189 posts
    August 15, 2016 8:14 AM PDT
    9 years for EQ, quit a few times along the way but kept going back, finally had to delete all my characters because of a lack of will power. Needed a real life outside of EQ and raiding everyday. Every other MMO i played after lasted 6-9months..
    • 644 posts
    August 15, 2016 8:34 AM PDT


    1999 - EQ (1/2 year)
    2000 - EQ
    2001 - EQ (ultra hardcore)
    2002 - EQ (ultra hardcore)
    2003 - EQ (ultra hardcore)
    2004 - EQ (ultra hardcore)
    2005 - EQ (ultra hardcore)
    2006 - EQ
    2007 - Off
    2008 - WoW
    2009 - EQ
    2010 - EQ
    2011 - Off
    2012 - Off
    2013 - LandMark
    2014 - Off
    2015 - Off
    2016 - Off
    2017 - PROTF
    2018 - PROTF
    2019 - PROTF
    2020 - PROTF
    2021 - PROTF
    2022 - PROTF
    ??? - PROTF


    This post was edited by fazool at August 15, 2016 8:35 AM PDT
    • 395 posts
    August 15, 2016 8:37 AM PDT

    Reht said:

    EQ1 - 16 1/2 years.  Bug ridden expansions, devs keep repeating the same mistakes, content sucks, etc.





    EQ1 - 5 yrs (last 2 yrs off and on) then PoP changed things & WoW happened.

    WoW - 7 yrs Good guild for a long while then it split.

    EQ2 - 1 yr I got into it too late.

    EVE - 5 yrs (off and on).

    Rift - 1.5 yrs leveled too fast.

    GW2 - 1 yr leveled too fast.

    ESO - 2 yrs leveled too fast.

    I never tried Vanguard and regret I didn't try when it released.

    • 147 posts
    August 15, 2016 8:58 AM PDT

    EverQuest 8.5 years Only game I still have access to my character

    Shadows of Luclin added one main hub and started making travel easy for anyone and that started the killing of Norrath and then came the death knell called Planes of Power this was when the Devs tried to please everyone and it finished off Norrath. 

    Pantheon is my last hope if VR fails, I will be done with the genre, main reason I pledged 1k to try and help support VR.

    This post was edited by Obliquity at August 15, 2016 3:38 PM PDT
    • 430 posts
    August 15, 2016 10:08 AM PDT

    Everquest almost 6 years , left cause guild disbanded and went on to play other games ... 

    • 1434 posts
    August 15, 2016 10:13 AM PDT

    Played EQ classic and classic EQ emulators for probably around 8 years. Couldn't stomach EQ much past Luclin. Tried to play it a couple times around 2004- and it just wasn't the game I remembered.

    Lots of games in between but none nearly as much.

    • 180 posts
    August 15, 2016 11:21 AM PDT

    EQ from 1999 until 2002.  Quit sometime during Luclin.

    • 96 posts
    August 15, 2016 3:08 PM PDT

    Eq1 from kunark to just before luclin, then from a few months before PoP through OOW.  Left the first time because I was off to college, then picked it up again once I figured out a balance.  Left in the end because it just didn't feel like home any more after OOW.  Played WoW through Lich King then realized how easy it was getting.  Dabbled in several others but those were my two longest, and the only ones where the end game really held my interest for more than a month or two.

    • 114 posts
    August 15, 2016 3:37 PM PDT
    EQ 1 from beta till about 2005, then back again 2014-2016.

    EQ 2 from beta till 2014.

    Rift from beta to 2016.

    Smattering of trying out Wow (hated it!!), Tera (hated it), and a few others...and none gave me what EQ 1 and 2 did. I am getting the feeling that Pantheon will meet my need...I can't wait to get in there!! I have not even played it and I already have that "home" feeling like I had with EQ.