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Pantheon App Intergration

    • 84 posts
    July 29, 2016 10:43 AM PDT

    Hopefully this hasn't been discussed... and I am not sure if any other MMO has done this.
    How about a phone/tablet app that allows some integration with the game and your character for purposes of lore?

    It could have these features:

    1) General Terminus lore: Things all residents know.
    2) Race specific lore: Things every one of your race and/or people born/grew up in your starting location know.
    3) Class specific lore: Things those of your class know.
    4) Locations visited lore: Things you have learned exploring new places
    5) Quest lore: things you learned questing
    6) Creature/monster lore: things all know about specific creatures + things you have learned in combat or observing
    7) Quest log: Written as notes as a person would write, not straight dialog that you have read
    8) Book log: Books your character has read in game

    It could also have guild chat integration.


    For me I play in groups and with the guild. A lot of times I want to read things but I also refuse to be the slow guy in the group. I end up passing up so much lore that is in game just so the group can keep marching forward. It annoys me, but I also like to be playing while I am playing not reading 5 pages of lore in a book. However I do have time I am not in game that being able to review the lore would be great and would make me feel much more connected to the game.

    Put ads on it and make additional revenue. Let anyone download it from the various app stores and include some marketing to drive new people to the game.

    • 8 posts
    July 29, 2016 1:31 PM PDT

    I'm pretty sure there's another topic for this, but I'll respond here anyway.

    I like the lore ideas you suggested. I think it would add a lot to the game being able to access lore in the app (especially lore specific to content you've explored or completed), and would also give meaning to the app.

    Regarding your request to add chat to the app... I'd like to see "chat" in general built in to the app. In EverQuest, I consistently grouped with friends who were in different guilds. I'd hate to see the chat feature of the app devolve into something solely used for guild chat if the core functionality is there to make it better or more comprehensive.

    That said, I'd also like to see auctioning built into the app. At least, being able to monitor global auctioning chat channels, anyway. Since most people seem to be against an auction house system, it would be nice to see recent messages from users in game listing what they're selling, perhaps even with a filter to notify you when someone is selling a specific item you're looking for. It wouldn't take the social aspect out of the game, seeing as you'd still have to speak with them and meet in game to get/sell it, but it would certainly make finding/selling those items easier and would also allow you to make deals while you're unable to play the game. I hated that part of EverQuest. It would be much better having something like this in place if an auction house is not appealing to most players.

    • 9115 posts
    July 29, 2016 6:24 PM PDT

    I have actually asked this question as an official CM content question and posted it in our huge list of questions via the google doc a while ago but I can't even find my own post using the search function so I will let this one remain so it can be discussed again.

    Officially speaking, we have not decided either way on an App but it is something we are discussing on and off, the feedback we got from the community was pretty much 50/50 of wanting it/not wanting it so we are not sure if we want to use dev resources on something that would take away from game development for only 50% of our community, this may be something we look at once the game has been released when we can reevaluate.

    • 109 posts
    July 30, 2016 12:04 AM PDT

    I want WoW Armory for Pantheon. I want to be able to show my friends my latest character look, and tap on gear and show off my new dagger of awesomeness etc.

    I want to be able to see guild achievements (if the game plans to keep track of anything like that), see guild chat, look at all my characters, see server status, guild calendar events etc.

    maybe not 100% of everything from the WoW armory app but at least the meat and potato parts. (like I guess there is no AH, no nothing to manage there, no talent calculator needed etc. etc.)

    When you select a character, be able to see lore books that I have looted so that I can read them later, even if not logged into the game.

    There is a lot that can be done with an app. And when we are showing it off to friends, it may help bring new customers as well. 

    Of course, waiting for the game to make the app would make sense. Just know, I vote for an app. I want to have a way to be connected to the game when I am at work, on lunch etc.


    • 202 posts
    July 30, 2016 6:49 AM PDT

    Nydan said:


    It could also have guild chat integration.


    For me I play in groups and with the guild. A lot of times I want to read things but I also refuse to be the slow guy in the group. I end up passing up so much lore that is in game just so the group can keep marching forward. It annoys me, but I also like to be playing while I am playing not reading 5 pages of lore in a book. However I do have time I am not in game that being able to review the lore would be great and would make me feel much more connected to the game.

    Put ads on it and make additional revenue. Let anyone download it from the various app stores and include some marketing to drive new people to the game.


    I remember the last post for this but cannot find it either like kilsin XD

    but I agree that I like the point made above. The rest of the idea's were covered in the last thread or atleast most of them. But would be nice to see some new eyes on it

    Nydan said:


    It could have these features:

    1) General Terminus lore: Things all residents know.
    2) Race specific lore: Things every one of your race and/or people born/grew up in your starting location know.
    3) Class specific lore: Things those of your class know.
    4) Locations visited lore: Things you have learned exploring new places
    5) Quest lore: things you learned questing
    6) Creature/monster lore: things all know about specific creatures + things you have learned in combat or observing
    7) Quest log: Written as notes as a person would write, not straight dialog that you have read
    8) Book log: Books your character has read in game


    • 84 posts
    July 30, 2016 10:45 AM PDT

    I did search for an existing thread... but obviously failed as well.


    I really just want it for the lore reading. Being able to see my character/bank/chat is all secondary for me, although they would be nice as well.