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Perception Brainstorm (melee)

    • 432 posts
    July 23, 2016 7:22 AM PDT

    Hello forums,


    I was reading the section called "the pantheon difference" and while I was reading I did not see many examples of where perception would be used for melee classes.

    In fact, melee classes wore the dunce cap when the explained perception is different for others. (i will also point out the same kind of dispairity was in the atmosphere and climate systems. Magic focus much?)


    Those of you who know my other thread 'Magic in the Melee' know that I love those classes which get up close and personal with their enemies. I made this thread to brainstorm perception and your ideas of 'specific' examples as well as ideas of how it can be used or how you think it should be structured. While I want a focus on melee I won't ask you to stick to them, feel free to share your magician focused ideas as well.


    First, I imagined base perperrception structures.


    Perceptions for each race. This would include specific language or focus on something specific. Ie. Dwarves and stone, Myr and water, Halflings and wraiths, Ogres and large creature types. Elves and trees, Archai and elements, gnomes and technology, humans and ...I'm drawing a blank. Somebody fill me in.

    Mana focused perception.

    This means if your class inherently used red mana you share other perceptions.

    Ie: Wizard, Enchanter, Summoner are paired. So are Monk, Warrior, Rogue. And also paired is Ranger, Shaman, Druid. Then Cleric, Crusader and Direlord which somehow makes sense but doesn't. 

    Second to last, class specific perception. Which I will not currently be giving examples.


    And lastly TRADE SKILL specific perception. Gathering trade skills like mining fishing  etc, can also help fuel exploration.

    Thinking of POKEMON GO and perception should make people excited. 


    So I'm finished but here is my example of a warrior specific perception.

    Warrior picks up on a specific emblem shape on an enemies breastplate. From afar he can see other mobs with different or similar emblems. The warrior knows the rankings of these and can lead his group to their leader over time. 


    What are all of your examples of perception or what are ways you want to see it structured?

    sent via mobile



    • 279 posts
    July 24, 2016 1:14 PM PDT

    Maybe the Warrior could get perception tips in combat after fighting in an area for a while.

    • 578 posts
    July 24, 2016 9:15 PM PDT

    Perception could be used for classes, both melee and casters, to learn new skills and abilities from fighting mobs. A warrior could have a line of powerful dual wielding attacks that they need to learn from a specific type of troglodyte. Once they find these troglodytes they need to engage them and with the perception system they can study them for some time and learn the new abilities.

    • 1434 posts
    July 24, 2016 10:44 PM PDT

    NoobieDoo said:

    Perception could be used for classes, both melee and casters, to learn new skills and abilities from fighting mobs. A warrior could have a line of powerful dual wielding attacks that they need to learn from a specific type of troglodyte. Once they find these troglodytes they need to engage them and with the perception system they can study them for some time and learn the new abilities.

    I did like that system from Vanguard that offered certain abilities to be learned from specific mobs. I think that could be expanded on. Don't think it should be the only source of new abilities/spells etc but its a good one, imo.

    • 839 posts
    July 24, 2016 11:12 PM PDT

    @Noobiedoo That sounds like a cracker of an idea, damn i wish i had caught the Vanguard train before it wrapped up, sounds like they had some amazing features going on in there. Nice suggestion!


    • 839 posts
    July 24, 2016 11:36 PM PDT

    @Tehtawd - On a side note regarding what you mentioned about the mana/climate being caster focus and how this might exclude mele classes a bit, if you have a look at the picture used behind the forums here you will see the character depicted has some pretty funky "liquid" delivery system on his sword, maybe this is how you can use the special mana to coat your weapon with and get some benefits out of it as a non caster.  Although maybe this is a rogue type with some hi tech poison delivery system, maybe someone on here knows for sure or has another idea?