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Your worst memory of EQ1.

    • 363 posts
    June 3, 2016 3:50 PM PDT

    We all like to wax nostalgic over the greatness of Everquest 1. Heck, it was my first MMO, after all. I loved everything about it...well, almost. Just for fun, I'd like to share my worst memory of Everquest 1. Feel free to post yours, if you like......


    I was running around in Everfrost Peaks with my lowbie Barbarian Shaman. I came across a wood elf (female) and we decided to group up, since two was always better than one, in most cases. After a week or so of playing together, I started to develop an odd sort of attachment to her, since we spent several hours each night together. We shared stories of our "real life" and joked with each other constantly. One evening I decided to procalim to everyone in OOC how I felt about her...about how connected I felt to her, even through a computer game. Other players commented back about how great it was that we had connected through the internet/game/etc. and were generally supportive of it all.

    Roughly one minute after I had shouted out to everyone in the area about how I felt about this special woman in my life, I receive this /tell from her:


    "Dude, I'm really a guy in real life. I just like playing female characters."

    Yeah, that was something special.................................

    By the way, this post isn't a knock against EQ or anything. Just trying to see if anyone else had a similar worst expereince like I did. Which was also a very memorable one! LoL!!!


    Mod Edit: Copy pasted double post into first post so the double post could be deleted, please use the edit function instead of creating a new post.

    This post was edited by VR-Mod1 at June 3, 2016 11:52 PM PDT
    • 1468 posts
    June 3, 2016 4:32 PM PDT

    That sounds awkward. Very awkward.

    My worst experience in EverQuest was losing my corpse in Kithicor Forest. Being a total newbie I ran through towards the end of daylight and didn't know it got really bad at night so I died somewhere in the zone. Also being a newbie I didn't know about necro corpse summoning either and I forgot to take a /loc of where I had died so I had no idea where my corpse was. Luckily it was a low level character so I didn't lose too much but it taught me to be careful in the future :).

    • 1434 posts
    June 3, 2016 5:03 PM PDT

    Rofl, ya that is very awkward, but not at all uncommon for that time. Back then, almost everyone roleplayed to some extent. It was common courtesy.

    I had all male character with 1 exception, a female gnome. Even though I never did anything feminine, I also did not do anything that was overtly masculine while playing that character. I simply did not want to break anyone's immersion. Except for the few people I spoke with OOC (which was actually a fairly uncommon thing to do back then), most of the guild I joined on that character assumed I was female (but no one really ever asked out of politeness). Lol, glad no one proclaimed their love for me though.

    Probably the worst memory of EQ1 for me was when I botched my monk epic somewhere at one of the parts with turning pieces in to the npcs in Trakanon's Teeth. It was confusing going back and forth talking to npcs with the same names, and I think I gave one of them the wrong pieces. I was kind of devastated, but my guild went ahead and redid the epic fights again and I think it only took a couple weeks to get back to that place in the quest.

    NPCs that refused irrelevant quest items was definitely a good thing and spared people a lot of hardship.

    • 769 posts
    June 3, 2016 5:36 PM PDT

    What about dial-up and seeing that black screen all the time? Does that count?


    • 2419 posts
    June 3, 2016 5:42 PM PDT

    How is a 'worst memory of EQ1' even considered a 'General Panthon Discussion' worthy thread?

    • 264 posts
    June 3, 2016 5:47 PM PDT

    I thought the same thing Vandraad, But then I thought that it being allowed was very telling about Pantheon and the link it has to EQ and now I realize it is just super cool that it is allowed.

    Of course K man may have a much different opinion :)

    Oh yeah, MY worst memory of EQ. My wife and I were playing together and we were in Qeynos doing some banking. We were about level 17 and she had this new quiver that was a spectacular item supposedly for a Ranger Girl. This quiver was friggen rare as hell at the time I do remember. Bag space was at a premium and she asked me to hold on to it while she sold some stuff and went into the bank. I also had some space issues and decided to drop a couple things. Well, I dropped the Quiver by accident. I was standing alone outside the bank in Qeynos. An NPC opened up the door of the city office or whatever it was and picked up the quiver as he walked by on his pathing. I had one hell of a time explaning that. I talked to a GM, who got back with me like a day later, and said the NPC did indeed have the Item. However because it happened as a normal course of playing the game we would have to figure out how to get it back. That meant killing the NPC. Him and those damned Guards outside the Bank smashed our group in about 5 seconds. We tried to split them up, we waited for the guy to walk someplace to kill him, nothing worked, so I felt really bad. We de-leveled after a few deaths and we all gave up on it. Lesson learned. I still feel bad about that. Some advise , do not give your quiver to a Wizard.


    Mod Edit: Copy pasted double post into first post so the double post could be deleted, please use the edit function instead of creating a new post.

    This post was edited by VR-Mod1 at June 3, 2016 11:51 PM PDT
    • 151 posts
    June 3, 2016 6:23 PM PDT

    I played up until Planes of Power. The first time I went to PoK and saw that you could port dang near anywhere for free and at will, that was the end for me. The whole world just got smaller when I saw that. Played for a few more weeks then had to quit. For me its not a game world if you can be anywhere in it in a few minutes anytime you want with no effort. Been trying to come home to that pre PoP EQ ever since.

    • 431 posts
    June 3, 2016 7:05 PM PDT
    Not knowing at the time what pvp meant and joining the rallos Zork sever ( pvp server ) . I was enjoying a mammoth hunt on mammoth rock , low n behold I was killed by another player actually camped by another player 50 odd corpse later with hundreds of players trying to help n tell me to pull plug . Course little did I know pulling plug meant the cord to the electricity being plugged . Learned a vauable lesson about binding myself to a area . Made great friends on a pvp server although I never pvp'd . Spent 5 great years with a great guild .. Where there's a will there's a way
    • 47 posts
    June 3, 2016 7:40 PM PDT


    Hehehehe I think I had a few experiences along those lines. Didn't declare my love for anyone but got comfortable with the notion I was playing with what I THOUGHT was a woman only to be /BOGGLE'd when they finally let it slip they were a man. I was like.... WHY would a man roll a female?!?! LOL



    • Moderator
    • 9115 posts
    June 3, 2016 11:50 PM PDT

    Moved to Off-Topic as this is not related to General Pantheon, please no back seat moderating as that is against the rules also, I read everything and rarely miss a post, if you see something that should not belong please PM me after a couple of days rather than post publicly.

    • 39 posts
    June 4, 2016 11:12 AM PDT

    This one is easy I died in cazic in the maze and lost my corpse went in  to retrive it and died tons  even lost 2 lvls  that sucked hard LOL...

    • 363 posts
    June 4, 2016 6:51 PM PDT

    Vandraad said:

    How is a 'worst memory of EQ1' even considered a 'General Panthon Discussion' worthy thread?


    Thbbthhh!!!!!  :)

    • 180 posts
    June 5, 2016 10:07 PM PDT

    Earlier on I played on Tallon Zek (Team PvP).  I had just acquired almost full bronze armor on my paladin back when bronze was something.  I was so proud of it and hanging around Crushbone showing off to the noobs a dark elf Pked me and looted all my bronze. This was before they changed the loot rules .  Saddest day ever :(


    Needless to say I eventually rerolled on a PvE server. Lol.