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Importance of AA's

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    • 801 posts
    May 13, 2016 10:29 AM PDT

    EQ style, for those that dont know AA's Alternate abilities.


    How imporant was it for the game in EQ to have AA's added? did it give you a feeling of more leveling or leveling off important abilities?

    It may have been talked about to death and if so, remove the topic and close it for now.


    I feel personally that AA's gave the character class in EQ a special improvement to the levels. You have the choice to keep leveling to max AA's for that level and below, giving you all the freedom to level up without just maxing out your character and wait another 6 months for the next expac to come out.


    Do you think we need it in this game too? or some form of.


    • 801 posts
    May 13, 2016 10:35 AM PDT

    I personally also hated leveling them off, but it gave me a self improvement to my character in the end. Wow and rift where too much a copy and paste, in EQ you had some stronger and weaker then the next, but eventually you could max out 12000 aa's to be the best you can be. I think if we take the best of both worlds, and have massive amounts of AA's like EQ had, we could allow the character to be much different.

    Get my drift? Branch out the character, and add massive leveling improvements in each catagory but at the same time not 2 will be alike. Its a in depth system but it would make the game much more involved.






    Also it still was a great way to add components to be able to use those abilities. Such as Jaspers to cast xx spell.

    I was ok with this, it was dummed down in many games after you hit max game years..


    So if we take all of those worlds and broke them down further, would it improve the game any? or add too much to your character.

    This post was edited by Crazzie at May 13, 2016 10:43 AM PDT
    • 2419 posts
    May 13, 2016 5:17 PM PDT

    There's an AA thread still on the first page....

    • 9115 posts
    May 13, 2016 6:15 PM PDT

    I appreciate the post Crazzy but Vandraad is correct, we already have multiple AA threads going and there is one on the main page with 3 pages of discussion, please join that thread to continue this topic, I will go ahead and close this one down.