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Pantheon Crafters - Fan Site

    • 40 posts
    June 21, 2018 6:04 AM PDT

    Great news, I am so looking forward to seeing how The Pantheon Crafters site evolves, and hope to be able to contribute also, just need the devs to let us in on on their crafting plans :D.

    • 1785 posts
    June 26, 2018 7:40 AM PDT

    Just to mention it here, we're starting a new weekly feature called Crafter's Roundtables.  I just posted the first one up on the site and cross-posted it in the crafting forums here as well actually :)  We will always start at least one a week, we may sometimes start more than one depending on how many ideas we have.

    We're still looking for more staff writers to help us with this process by the way! :)

    • 1120 posts
    June 27, 2018 3:03 PM PDT

    Love this.

    • 2111 posts
    June 28, 2018 2:29 PM PDT

    Happy to see more hands helping with the work, and the site making progress.


    Nephele said:

    We're still looking for more staff writers to help us with this process by the way! :)

    I hope to help with some writing when I see how my crafting adventures shape up.

    • 1785 posts
    July 17, 2018 9:36 AM PDT

    Now behold the power of our fully operational TWITTER ACCOUNT!!!

    If you do the twitter thing, you can follow @PantheonCrafter to see updates and crafting stuff from us :)


    • 1785 posts
    October 30, 2018 8:06 AM PDT

    So, I wanted to give an update on our site and what we're doing :)

    We've been working over the summer to build up our community by starting Crafter's Roundtable discussions.  We've definitely been getting lots of views and we're up to 137 twitter followers now, so it's having some impact, but the relative lack of information coming out of VR about crafting and gathering has definitely kept things moving slow.  We're hoping that will change in Alpha.

    Anyway, here's some of what we're planning for the near-ish future.

    1) We're moving the Roundtables into a new format starting in November, where we ask our staff writers to provide some additional commentary in each post.  Along with them we're going to be starting the discussions every 2 weeks, instead of weekly.  We have three goals with this change.  First, we think it will foster more community discussion because there will be more for people to respond to.  Second, we think it will allow us to go a little deeper into things as we get closer to Alpha.  And third, moving to every two weeks will make room for some stuff we want to start doing in the new year.

    2) When the game goes to Alpha, if the NDA allows us to, we're planning to start doing some featured columns on the site.  At the same time, we're also going to start building out our crafting database using the wiki module.  Again this is assuming that the NDA allows us to do this - if it doesn't, we'll have to adjust and do this stuff during Beta (hopefully) instead.

    • 18 posts
    November 15, 2018 2:18 AM PST

    I feel like this is a site that I will spend a whole lot of time on.

    Keep up the good work!

    • 2419 posts
    November 28, 2018 3:15 PM PST

    woops!  wrong post on wrong forum.

    This post was edited by Vandraad at November 28, 2018 3:16 PM PST
    • 1785 posts
    April 4, 2019 9:26 AM PDT

    It's been a bit since I posted an update on what we're doing!  So here's an update:

    Like just about everyone else, we're sort of in "wait mode" to learn new information about Pantheon.  Since very little has been revealed about the crafting sphere yet, we can't really do much other than just try to keep the community talking, which is why most of our focus has been on starting roundtable discussions and giving people a friendly place to talk about their ideas.

    However, we want the site to be a lot more than that in the end, so with that in mind - starting in May, we're going to activate our wiki module and try to get a basic structure in place.  We fully expect information to be super-thin at first, but we want the platform to be ready as more information does start to come out of VR around crafting and gathering.

    Our goal for launch is to have Pantheon Crafters be the definitive resource for the crafting and gathering sphere in Pantheon.  That's not just the wiki module to let people help each other with reference information, but also player-written guides, discussions to help people gather and generate feedback on the crafting/gathering side of the game for VR, and community sections to help people find and get to know each other on their servers.  Launch is a long way off still, but that's the goal we're slowly marching towards.  On the writing side, we have a sort-of plan to start having our staff members publish "columns" on a regular basis about different aspects of the crafting sphere and the game economy, once there's enough information to really support that anyway.

    Some other stuff we're thinking about but haven't really figured out yet:

    1) Whether we should do something special for fishing in Pantheon.  In other games, fishing is usually big enough that it sort of warrants special attention.  We just don't know for Pantheon yet though.

    2) Whether we want to try and maintain a cosmetic gallery of images for crafted equipment.  You know, for that whole Looks <> Stats thing that people do.

    3) Whether and how we want to expand the site to handle post-launch features that might show up, such as housing, diplomacy, and so on.  Ideally, we want to have a playbook for that in the years following launch, the site is easy to maintain and update.


    Community feedback is always welcome!  If there's something you feel like we could do now to make the site more useful, please let us know.

    • 77 posts
    January 29, 2021 3:32 PM PST

    Just adding this post here so there is no confusion as Pantheon Crafters has merged with Pantheon Plus: