Forums » Crafting and Gathering

Crafting Expansion

    • 308 posts
    September 26, 2015 10:09 AM PDT

    I have an idea for an expansion to crafting systems. Skin loading. i know there is some wiggle room to be able to do this in a modern MMO because of archage with the graphic gear.


    say i want to create a legendary tier sword. i have all the mats. i can grab a 3d model made in a studio like blender and upload it while i am creating the item. the finished product will have the graphic that i uploaded.


    i know this would be intensive to operate. which is why it would only be available to special items, and if brad wants to put on his businessman hat it could even only be allowed for people who pay an extra premium on their sub. or as a perk for us benefactors of pantheon.

    • 180 posts
    September 26, 2015 12:03 PM PDT

    This might actually be possible under the *Design an item** pledges.

    Advisor's Pledge ($300)

    Cohort's Pledge ($500)

    Originator's Pledge ($1,000)

    Aesthetician's Pledge ($3,000)

    **Design everything about the item from looks, to name, to story. All designs are subject to the dev team's approval.

    ***All designs/names are subject to the dev team's approval. 

    • 9115 posts
    September 26, 2015 6:42 PM PDT

    CryEngine and Unity are two very different engines mate and AA is on a much bigger budget than us! I am not sure this could be implemented but even if it could, this type of customisation is still being heavily debated by the community after my last question ;)

    Anasyn has a good point though, for a one off item that you really want in game, these pledges would be the way to go about it, of course it would be up to the team to have the last say to make sure it fit in without lore and theme.