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Favorite spots, favorite NPCs

    • 453 posts
    September 16, 2015 10:34 PM PDT

    From EQ and VG (or other games) what are some of your favorite spots you would go to just to enjoy the atmosphere?


    As a second question, have you ever "met" an NPC that had so much personality or humor that you would return back to that NPC time and time again just to enjoy the experience?



    • 729 posts
    September 16, 2015 11:25 PM PDT

    In EQ I really like the (northern) Desert of Ro. Spend a good amount of time there in my early EQ days. Loved the inn halfway between city and the desert...always felt like coming home there, after spending some time hunting in the desert. Similar with the other zones and inns around Freeport, but NRO was special to me :)


    • 89 posts
    September 17, 2015 8:52 AM PDT

    My favorite spot was probably Darguns Tomb from Vanguard. I really enjoyed hanging with the undead dwarves. Sure they would try to stick an axe in your skull but were otherwise good peeps. Oh and what fun when someone stepped on the carpet and moved too far in the throne room and all the dwarves would spawn at one time and charge lol. Lucky for all the stairs you could lose agro running up and then taking a huge leap back down.

    • 112 posts
    September 18, 2015 5:51 AM PDT

    Those out of the way, lesser known, camps, always seemed appealing to me.  


    Gargoyle/spectre island in OOT, gargoyle eyes sold for mad gold ;)


    Hadden in qeynos hills, I was always surprised when I saw him up and not being killed.  A single pull that was outside, yes plz.


    Always loved lower guk, it seriously has a spot in my heart for all the time I spent there.  Any time an alt made it to lower guk to start the grind there, it felt like I was coming home.

    • 3 posts
    May 29, 2017 7:03 PM PDT

    Favourite all time zone from EQ1 - Unrest. My friend escorted me there when i first started playing and i was so scared. I was just high enough to kill the beatles and he told me to stay against the wall near the fountain while he safely got a beatle. Saw my first train there and experienced all the wonders of being able to kill a pumpkin head guy in the yard feeling a big accomplishment and hoping for no adds. Then having a group invite me inside the house and the crazy fun in there. I got my first magical weapon there too as a high level player wanted to by my yard loot for leveling profession and traded with me.

    I also liked many of the luclin zones too such as umbral planes where id be hiding way up high on the hill near the zone enterance waiting for a trash mob to be pulled and seeing huge trains go by every hour or so. I used to like farming rock hoppers with a ranger using animal fear snare combo or acrylite ore in caverns.


    • 190 posts
    May 29, 2017 9:41 PM PDT

    There are a few EQ2 NPC's that I still enjoy hearing do thier "spiel".  The Erudite broker Odyssneu on the East Freeport docks. He has this snooty voice over and then laughs at the end of one of his statements "but then again, who doesn't? Haha!" which has always entertained me. 

    The gnome in Wailing Caves, off of the Commonlands.  His name is Cog Burn and he's voiced by Richard Steven Horvitz (aka Invader Zim) and even rewards you with a Doom Stick once you complete his quest.

    Nightbloods.  I love killing them.  They make the best dramatic dying sound.

    Most favorite dungeon in that game for me is Nektropos Castle.  It is just a cool zone with minor puzzles, some neat lore and interesting mobs and NPC's.

    Sadly, a lot of the voiced over NPC's have gone silent over the years in that game.

    In SWTOR, I love a few of the Sith you encounter through your travels.  That game has some great VO work and I'm spoiled by the inclusive cinematics as you progress.