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Jumping puzzles

    • 180 posts
    August 29, 2015 1:40 AM PDT

    I'm honestly not a huge fan of jumping puzzles but I however know some friends who really love to do them. I also think they add a nice way of rewarding people who enjoying exploring. I think they also add to the number of things you can do in game to pass your time.

    The following descriptions was taken from the Guildwars 2 wiki.

    Jumping puzzles are open world mini-dungeons with platforming elements that require the player to find the correct route to the end of the puzzle. The reward for solving the puzzle resets daily (per character) and is typically a Grand Chest, Splendid Chest, or Magnificent Chest. Completing a jumping puzzle will also reward the player with an achievement. Some common themes for the puzzles are environments matching the theme of the zone, veteran enemies guarding the end chest, other hidden chests, and false endings.

    Here is a list of jumping puzzles inside Guildwars 2 incase you never played the game.

    And here is an example of somebody who loves doing a jumping puzzle and somebody who hates them trying to complete one. This is a low level jumping puzzle and pretty easy.

    This is a video of a harder/higher level puzzle.

    I honestly wouldn't care if their was a reward, achievement, or just some cool mobs to fight. I just believe it would be a fun way to do something different for those of us who enjoying exploring.

    • 729 posts
    August 29, 2015 2:43 AM PDT

    I liked the jumping puzzles in GW2. However I don't remember them being linked to any daily...was that changed?


    I would like to see some of these for quests or just exploration. Just no dailies please.. ;)


    • 338 posts
    August 29, 2015 5:49 AM PDT

    In a game not designed for platforming I would rather see other types of puzzles.


    Slippery slopes and traps... not just figuring out how to jump up stuff.




    • 384 posts
    August 29, 2015 10:12 AM PDT
    I liked the jumping puzzles in gw2 but to me they don't really seem fit with the aesthetics of Pantheon. A jumping puzzle that's just there for the sake of doing a jumping puzzle would feel out of place to me. Now if there's a jumping puzzle that you have to figure out to get to a particular dungeon or something, that would make more sense.
    • 74 posts
    August 29, 2015 1:36 PM PDT

    Personally, I'm not a fan of the "jumping puzzle" thing and prefer them not to be in. 


    If the jumping puzzle mechanic were to exist, I'd prefer it to be very limited and exist for a more tangible reason other than achievement points.


    Example of a more tangible use for something like this:


    * There's a raid with a sealed off door.


    * Door requires a member (or small number of members) of the raid to scale/cross some crazy jumping puzzle to release the lock (or summon people onto the other side).


    * This solves the itch for players may enjoy this sort of thing and get better with practice at it. For obvious reasons these people would be in demand and likely land spots more easily in raids if they show their effectiveness at the puzzle. They get to enjoy what they enjoy, there's no achievement point attached, others don't feel compelled to do it who don't enjoy it since a raid is still needed to complete the dungeon, and there's more of a reason for it to exist. 

    Only an example off top of my head, but the scattered GW2 jumping puzzle and achievement model is not something I want to see (although I'm a fan of an AA system through normal playing such as what existed in EQ1). 

    This post was edited by spyderoptik at August 31, 2015 2:13 PM PDT
    • 180 posts
    August 29, 2015 10:17 PM PDT

    I really like these ideas!

    Example of a more tangible use for something like this:


    * There's a raid with a sealed off door.


    * Door requires a member (or small number of members) of the raid to scale/cross some crazy jumping puzzle to release the lock (or summon people onto the other side).


    * This solves the itch for players may enjoy this sort of thing and get better with practice at it. For obvious reasons these people would be in demand and likely land spots more easily in raids if they show their effectiveness at the puzzle. They get to enjoy what they enjoy, there's no achievement point attached, others don't feel compelled to do it who don't enjoy it since a raid is still needed to complete the dungeon, and there's more of a reason for it to exist.

    Like I mentioned above I'm not a huge fan of jumping puzzles but I think they can add some nice flavor to a game and add to it's potential to be a great game.

    • 1778 posts
    August 31, 2015 2:55 PM PDT
    XI had an instance that you had to go through a sort of maze with a mountain in the middle and then had to find your way up a small winding trail up the mountain with a lot of optical illusion false ledges........ oops time to start over. Of course once you do it a few times you eventually memorize it and it was no longer a challenge.