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    July 3, 2015 5:24 AM PDT



    A common fact about gamers who enjoy massively multi-player online role-playing games are usually introverts. However, most players are actually very social and have exceptional leadership skills. Leadership skills and communication are vital in any online game, especially role-playing games.


    Leaders must communicate with each member of the party/raid/guild to ensure that their team is successful during fights, bosses, or even player versus player matches.


    Leaders often issue directions to the rest of the group to overcome some incredible challenges, which makes MMORPG gamers exceptional leaders and communicators.


    So, are you a Leader or do you like following orders instead? Do you have any experiences or stories to share? :)

    • 33 posts
    July 3, 2015 7:29 AM PDT

    I tend to be able to fill both roles personally, but I have found that good or bad leadership can have a huge impact on a players entire experience. 


    I have found that there are generally two major driving factors, or archetypes, of a leader in MMOGs. The first is the leader who organizes folks to achieve a personal goal, while the second is someone who takes the reigns with a desire to help a large group of folks achieve their goals; the classic example of servant leadership. Now of course there are many different variables and subsets of folks on either side of this spectrum, and while there are many of the former who make fantastic leaders, it's usually the latter who shine. 

    The reason, I believe, that the servant leader type has more success is that those people also tend to be more patient, more objective and have an easier time keeping an even demeanor. There are exceptions of course, and when you are talking about an entire guild dynamic (as opposed to a raid or even a small group) there tend to be other personality types in the officer ranks that can greatly affect things as well. 


    Having a leader who remains on an even keel from the first pull of raid night through your 60th wipe on an encounter makes such an impact and can help stop some of the toxic attitudes that creep in when folks start to get frustrated. 

    • 2138 posts
    July 3, 2015 8:10 AM PDT

    I don't fill the leadership role very well, only because it has been my experience that I am often not listened, to.

    Seriously. In a group, I will suggest a plan of attack. The discussion is about the plan of attack- how are we going to do this? kind of thing. I will make a suggestion at the appropriate time and when no one else is speaking. There will be a pause before and after I have spoken. The discussion will ensue with appropriate pauses. It will be obvious that I may have not been heeded, so I will repeat- again at the appropriate time. No reaction, the discussion will continue. I will take it to mean that my suggestion was really not all that great and the group is being polite in not shutting me down publically, so I will internally think highly of the group members. Then in the course of the discussion, the exact same thing- almost word for word- that I said as a strategy, will be said by someone else and everyone will say, "oh yes! lets try that!" and it would sound rude if I said, "yes I said that too, look, scroll up." 

    So I try to be a part of a good leader and usually find myself in a sub group leadership positon, to like- patiently respond to and handle tells from people that didn't listen up for whatever reason.

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    July 3, 2015 8:37 AM PDT
    Medawky said:

    I tend to be able to fill both roles personally, but I have found that good or bad leadership can have a huge impact on a players entire experience. 


    I have found that there are generally two major driving factors, or archetypes, of a leader in MMOGs. The first is the leader who organizes folks to achieve a personal goal, while the second is someone who takes the reigns with a desire to help a large group of folks achieve their goals; the classic example of servant leadership. Now of course there are many different variables and subsets of folks on either side of this spectrum, and while there are many of the former who make fantastic leaders, it's usually the latter who shine. 

    The reason, I believe, that the servant leader type has more success is that those people also tend to be more patient, more objective and have an easier time keeping an even demeanor. There are exceptions of course, and when you are talking about an entire guild dynamic (as opposed to a raid or even a small group) there tend to be other personality types in the officer ranks that can greatly affect things as well. 


    Having a leader who remains on an even keel from the first pull of raid night through your 60th wipe on an encounter makes such an impact and can help stop some of the toxic attitudes that creep in when folks start to get frustrated. 

    I couldn't agree more Medawky, there are certainly different types of leaders, some of the best leaders are also the best at listening and taking orders, while leading by example, I try to model my leadership roles in game and in real life on those principles, while learning from my mistakes!

    • 366 posts
    July 3, 2015 8:37 AM PDT
    Manouk said:

    I don't fill the leadership role very well, only because it has been my experience that I am often not listened, to.

    Seriously. In a group, I will suggest a plan of attack. The discussion is about the plan of attack- how are we going to do this? kind of thing. I will make a suggestion at the appropriate time and when no one else is speaking. There will be a pause before and after I have spoken. The discussion will ensue with appropriate pauses. It will be obvious that I may have not been heeded, so I will repeat- again at the appropriate time. No reaction, the discussion will continue. I will take it to mean that my suggestion was really not all that great and the group is being polite in not shutting me down publically, so I will internally think highly of the group members. Then in the course of the discussion, the exact same thing- almost word for word- that I said as a strategy, will be said by someone else and everyone will say, "oh yes! lets try that!" and it would sound rude if I said, "yes I said that too, look, scroll up." 

    So I try to be a part of a good leader and usually find myself in a sub group leadership positon, to like- patiently respond to and handle tells from people that didn't listen up for whatever reason.

    Manouk, I have seen this happen a lot in various groups.  A lot of times it comes down to confidence.


    If you were a regular player with me I can tell just from how you wrote this paragraph that I would be confident in what you suggested because you seem to be thoughtful in your decisions, that you do not just make them off the top of your head and that you are considerate to the group.  If you are with a static group (where the people know you) do they tend to listen more to you?  If the answer is yes  then I think that confidence may be a factor here.


    Unfortunately in today's anonymity of the internet  groups do not know you. So people tend to have more confidence in bold people (even if they may not be right lol) in random groups.


    Do I think you should change - absolutely not! I think once you are with a group of people that get to know you and see that your suggestions are correct, they will grow confident in your leadership abilities and enjoy your polite approach to leadership - I know I would!


    PS - definitely say "yes I said that too, look, scroll up." ;)  It will at least make you feel better!


    This post was edited by Zarriya at July 6, 2015 8:40 AM PDT
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    July 3, 2015 8:39 AM PDT
    Manouk said:

    I don't fill the leadership role very well, only because it has been my experience that I am often not listened, to.

    Seriously. In a group, I will suggest a plan of attack. The discussion is about the plan of attack- how are we going to do this? kind of thing. I will make a suggestion at the appropriate time and when no one else is speaking. There will be a pause before and after I have spoken. The discussion will ensue with appropriate pauses. It will be obvious that I may have not been heeded, so I will repeat- again at the appropriate time. No reaction, the discussion will continue. I will take it to mean that my suggestion was really not all that great and the group is being polite in not shutting me down publically, so I will internally think highly of the group members. Then in the course of the discussion, the exact same thing- almost word for word- that I said as a strategy, will be said by someone else and everyone will say, "oh yes! lets try that!" and it would sound rude if I said, "yes I said that too, look, scroll up." 

    So I try to be a part of a good leader and usually find myself in a sub group leadership positon, to like- patiently respond to and handle tells from people that didn't listen up for whatever reason.

    Don't worry Manouk, I think we have all been there, even some of us that have led guilds and raids! lol

    You sound like a good person to group with though mate, when we launch Pantheon I will group with you and listen to your suggestions! :)

    • 1778 posts
    July 3, 2015 9:19 AM PDT
    I can do both but I only would take a leadership role in the past if I was really familiar with the game and the classes and content.

    I was the 2nd in command for a linkshell in FFXI for 7 of the 10 years I played. And about 5 years was intense endgame schedule of 6 to 7 days a week. I will never ever do that again. The endgame battles themselves were not the issue. It was the drama that killed it. When you get a group of 40 people together...... I guess its expected there will be some friction here and there.

    That being said, I would prefer to be a soldier now days. With maybe a leader that is open to suggestions about tactics etc.

    The only problem I see is I havent fully decided on a class. And some classes (Tanks) are automatic leadership scenarios due to thier role. Though my old leader was a badass healer commander. Sick skills both as a healer and a leader.
    • 120 posts
    July 3, 2015 9:35 AM PDT

    For me, I think which I would chose comes down to whether or not I felt I had the time resources to commit to doing right. When you look at what all goes into running a guild, planning and overseeing raids, dealing with the drama, it can be almost a full time job. On the other side, it also depends on how the game itself turns out. If what we see raids designed  around 30 - 40 peeps, I would be inclined than if we're looking at 60 - 70 peep raids.  I would much prefer to build a guild around 35ish, very strong, disciplined players that can accomplish things others can't. I'm really not interested in trying to manage 60, 70 players that may or may not be focused or disciplined that struggles on raids or ends up doing nothing.

    • 1778 posts
    July 3, 2015 10:13 AM PDT
    Thats a very good point Castwell. Towards the end of my raiding in XI people started getting less focussed and reliable. This might have been due to some people going into the workforce etc. Whatever the case we went from being a A rank guild to a B rank guild. Sometimes noy even being able to defeat a boss we use to do on a consistant basis. Definately a bad experience and definately bad for morale.
    • 384 posts
    July 3, 2015 10:22 AM PDT

    Definitely more comfortable in a non leadership role. I've been playing with the same core group of people since EQ so we don't have much of a hierarchy anymore. We tend to hop on, see what everyone is up to, join up and help out where we can. If there is something I need help with I'll ask and we work on it together and vice versa. No matter the situation though, whether I need help or I'm helping someone else, I rarely end up "leading" the group. Seems like there is always someone else around who is more familiar with the area.  lol 


    That said, recently I played Archeage with an entirely new guild and I didn't lead a single thing there. In fact, I could hardly get a word in. lol  It can be tough joining a new group of players who have been gaming together for a long time. And that's not to say they aren't friendly, they certainly are, they just have a familiarity with each other. Now I know how new people feel that join up with my original group. :)  


    In Pantheon I have a feeling I'll be playing  alone, well not alone but not with my usual guild. So, I'm perfectly content to find another guild and not be in any sort of leadership role, I'm happy to follow and help out where needed.  :) Plus with a 6yr old and a 3yr old at home I just want to find the time and energy to be able to play. I won't have time to coordinate people and organize events too.


    And btw, Manouk, lol I've had that exact thing happen to me too. :)  Me, "Hey, why don't we try this?"  No response....  5 minutes later, someone else says, "Hey, why don't we try this?"  Everyone else, "Great idea!!"  Me, "Um... I just said that."  Everyone, "Sorry, what's that?"  Me, ..... "Nothing. Great idea! Let's do that! Ready?"    No response.....    "Is this thing on?"   Everyone, "Yup hear you just fine."   Love it when that happens. lol

    • 1 posts
    July 3, 2015 2:44 PM PDT

    This is an interesting topic. I'm more the silent, following person. I'm there for what ever is on, gladly help out for what ever fun is to do, don't expect me to start a lot of it. 

    Unlike my preference, I am most likely playing a tank again, had lots of fun with my last one. 

    Amsai said:
    ... The only problem I see is I havent fully decided on a class. And some classes (Tanks) are automatic leadership scenarios due to thier role. Though my old leader was a badass healer commander. Sick skills both as a healer and a leader.


    I never understood this "you are the tank, you are the leader". I always had enough to do with staying alive, keep aggro and keep my group safe. Why should I also lead it? Clearly there are situations where it makes sense. But most of the time there is no need for that. The tank is not any better to explain you a tactic or to watch out for the group then all the others. 

    If I'm leading something, preferably noting bigger then a group, I'm quite a big part of the "servant leader" that was mentioned earlier. I was able to get groups trough most of the trouble, save. When it comes to speed and to push a group to its limit, I'm not your leader. For those situation I was able to rely on a pushing dps, and some crazy healers to lead and to let me focus on what i was there for, to tank what ever got in our way. I rather serve the group then to command it.


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    July 3, 2015 5:18 PM PDT
    Amsai said:
    I can do both but I only would take a leadership role in the past if I was really familiar with the game and the classes and content. I was the 2nd in command for a linkshell in FFXI for 7 of the 10 years I played. And about 5 years was intense endgame schedule of 6 to 7 days a week. I will never ever do that again. The endgame battles themselves were not the issue. It was the drama that killed it. When you get a group of 40 people together...... I guess its expected there will be some friction here and there. That being said, I would prefer to be a soldier now days. With maybe a leader that is open to suggestions about tactics etc. The only problem I see is I havent fully decided on a class. And some classes (Tanks) are automatic leadership scenarios due to thier role. Though my old leader was a badass healer commander. Sick skills both as a healer and a leader.

    Yeah, it can get pretty crazy and it's nice to take a break and just listen to someone else giving the orders once in a while! I have seen many great leaders, one of the guild leaders for Reverence in VG was a Rogue, another a Bard, I think it just comes down to respect, maturity and ability to lead, adapt and learn quickly.

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    July 3, 2015 5:20 PM PDT
    Castwell said:

    For me, I think which I would chose comes down to whether or not I felt I had the time resources to commit to doing right. When you look at what all goes into running a guild, planning and overseeing raids, dealing with the drama, it can be almost a full time job. On the other side, it also depends on how the game itself turns out. If what we see raids designed  around 30 - 40 peeps, I would be inclined than if we're looking at 60 - 70 peep raids.  I would much prefer to build a guild around 35ish, very strong, disciplined players that can accomplish things others can't. I'm really not interested in trying to manage 60, 70 players that may or may not be focused or disciplined that struggles on raids or ends up doing nothing.

    I agree it can be very time-consuming and a bit much sometimes but leadership extends to more than just guilds and raids, even taking the initiative to start forming a group and leading them through a dungeon or quest line, starting a small trading business etc. Leadership covers a lot of ground in games and can be a very useful quality to have! 

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    July 3, 2015 5:25 PM PDT
    Lyunac said:

    This is an interesting topic. I'm more the silent, following person. I'm there for what ever is on, gladly help out for what ever fun is to do, don't expect me to start a lot of it. 

    Unlike my preference, I am most likely playing a tank again, had lots of fun with my last one. 

    Amsai said:
    ... The only problem I see is I havent fully decided on a class. And some classes (Tanks) are automatic leadership scenarios due to thier role. Though my old leader was a badass healer commander. Sick skills both as a healer and a leader.


    I never understood this "you are the tank, you are the leader". I always had enough to do with staying alive, keep aggro and keep my group safe. Why should I also lead it? Clearly there are situations where it makes sense. But most of the time there is no need for that. The tank is not any better to explain you a tactic or to watch out for the group then all the others. 

    If I'm leading something, preferably noting bigger then a group, I'm quite a big part of the "servant leader" that was mentioned earlier. I was able to get groups trough most of the trouble, save. When it comes to speed and to push a group to its limit, I'm not your leader. For those situation I was able to rely on a pushing dps, and some crazy healers to lead and to let me focus on what i was there for, to tank what ever got in our way. I rather serve the group then to command it.


    That is a perfectly reasonable view and I know a lot of people that share it with you.

    I also don't believe a Tank should always be a leader but it kind of gets thrown onto the class due to the tank always starting groups, navigating dungeons, leading the group around, calling out for abilities/buffs to be used and so on, a tank is always in the centre of the action and needs good communication skills to help control what's going on with his character and his voice, so a lot of the time a tank will naturally have good leadership skills but that is not always the case.

    • 288 posts
    July 4, 2015 6:59 AM PDT

    In terms of knowledge of mechanics and knowledge of games/MMORPGs I make the best raid leader, however my personality is a bit abrasive (I dont have a filter on what I say just to prevent offending someone) so I tend to be the least liked, least respected raid leader, however I get the job done faster and more efficiently than other raid leaders because of my militaristic approach.  


    Over the years I have eased up on my abrasive personality so maybe I can reign it in for Pantheon :)  It's all about finding phrases to remember and use that don't degrade people but instead make them more confident whilst still achieving the same result as the militaristic approach.  Not an easy task, but it is possible.


    Also for the record I usually am the tank, and I have found tanks used to have more knowledge about pulling mechanics and encounter mechanics than other classes in EQ, but since then in games like WoW have not, and have often times been the dps tards who don't know what's going on other than to press 123.

    This post was edited by Rallyd at July 4, 2015 10:17 AM PDT
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    July 4, 2015 7:13 AM PDT
    Rallyd said:

    In terms of knowledge of mechanics and knowledge of games/MMORPGs I make the best raid leader, however my personality is a bit abrasive (I dont have a filter on what I say just to prevent offending someone) so I tend to be the least liked, least respected raid leader, however I get the job done faster and more efficiently than other raid leaders because of my militaristic approach.  


    Over the years I have eased up on my abrasive personality so maybe I can reign it in for Pantheon :)  It's all about finding phrases to remember and use that don't degrade people but instead make them more confident whilst still achieving the same result as the militaristic approach.  Not an easy task, but it is possible.


    Also for the record I usually am the tank, and I have found tanks used to have more knowledge about pulling mechanics and encounter mechanics than other classes in EQ, but since then in games like WoW have not, and have often times been the dps tards who don't know what's going on other than to press 123.

    Being able to identify that you may have an issue and actively work on it to better yourself is commendable mate, I can come off as a bit blunt/harsh myself when I am tired, so I know what you're talking about ;)

    • 120 posts
    July 4, 2015 7:27 AM PDT
    Haha Rallyd! You just made me flashback to Furor...

    On a good day, you were either an a**hat or a f***tard...
    • 727 posts
    July 6, 2015 8:05 AM PDT

    I'm most definitely not a leader. Far too introvert for that. I just don't feel the need to talk about everything all the time. However I think of myself as someone a leader may be happy to have around. I'm usually attentive and ready and do my best to make a group/raid work.

  • July 6, 2015 8:47 AM PDT

    From AOL roleplaying guilds to EQ and other MMO's, I have taken leadership roles from time to time.  Usually, I tend to an officer type of role where I help lead the group but do not take on the top lead position.  I am too opinionated and stubborn to be a true leader.  I lead by example, or by the iron fist, and so I make a good co-leader/officer type. :)  In roleplay situations, I can more easily lead.

    These days, it is difficult to find the time to do these things, and as others have said, I find a certain amount of enjoyment in 'going along for the ride' if the leadership is good.


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    July 6, 2015 4:54 PM PDT
    Sarim said:

    I'm most definitely not a leader. Far too introvert for that. I just don't feel the need to talk about everything all the time. However I think of myself as someone a leader may be happy to have around. I'm usually attentive and ready and do my best to make a group/raid work.

    I really enjoy grouping and raiding with players like yourself Sarim! I am fairly introverted too but one day I was called upon and I stepped up to help my guild and I have never looked back, so I do understand your view and it is a respectable one :)

    • Moderator
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    July 6, 2015 4:58 PM PDT
    BloodbeardBattlecaster said:

    From AOL roleplaying guilds to EQ and other MMO's, I have taken leadership roles from time to time.  Usually, I tend to an officer type of role where I help lead the group but do not take on the top lead position.  I am too opinionated and stubborn to be a true leader.  I lead by example, or by the iron fist, and so I make a good co-leader/officer type. :)  In roleplay situations, I can more easily lead.

    These days, it is difficult to find the time to do these things, and as others have said, I find a certain amount of enjoyment in 'going along for the ride' if the leadership is good.


    That is understandable Bloodbeard, good officers can be very hard to find so that role is a credible one, and you will find, a lot of the time the officers do a lot of the workload for the guild leader, so they deserve a lot credit, I know I appreciated my officers very much in Reverence while playing VG! Without them, my job would of been almost too hard to do :)