ATTENTION: Today's Q&A has been postponed. We will get one up on the schedule once we have a few details nailed down and are prepared to fully address the community's questions. Thank you for understanding and your continued support.
We will work on a FAQ this next week to address some of the questions that have been asked from the community.
as requested, questions answered here.
1. EA - is that for anyone / everyone regardless of pledge, can play for free for a bit, or various pledge levels only ?
It seems like EA would give supporter pledges 24/7 for much more than a week at a time.
2. "buddy keys" that came with pledges - for retail release only or useable for EA ?
3. EA - planning a short'ish time 2-3 months kind of thing, shorter, longer ? then back to seasons , or something else ?
4. a number of things in game not congruent with website - will the website be aligned with in game content and plans before EA ? (eg light heavy armor only being a thing in plate now, spell abilities, etc - i do miss the concept of a summoned wall to help CC enemies from summoner) - i would hate for feedback to roll through the MMO community the website vs in game is such as huge disconnect.
5. Right now I've only seen Havensong the last few weeks - - due to plan or not enough population online to warrant 2nd server up ? ready to go 2nd or 3rd server - same concept as now, one character any server ?
6. 6 races - with only 6 zones.. it would seem several races would have to be in temporary starting areas very close to thronefast.....? would those starting city locations change on live ?
7. death penalty for EA - any thoughts on 2 tiers ? level 5 you lose some exp and have to get body for the bags, bigger "full" exp penalty after level 10.. ?
8. I think an in game /bug feedback window like EQ had would garner some confidence with people trying EA to know faster easier feedback than forums is available..should be easy to track and send in game ? thoughts ?
9. most of the pain of character wipes is the actual levelling process. I understand the need for a wipe after EA if a major revamp is going through.
Are you able to keep level number only and do spell / book / inventory / skills wipeout only ?
I would feel much better just having to get gear, skills, and money, spells etc at low levels right away to get some spells / basic equipment to play proper level again, if I'm already level say, 20.
i could get functional in a day or 2 rather than 4 weeks.
1. I understand that all current pledges get free access to Early Access. New people interested in playing Early Access will have to pay what? Will they have to buy the game? What does that cost? Will they just be buying access to Early Access and will have to buy the game once Retail Release comes? Will they have to pay a subscription? Are there different tiers of subscriptions? What are those costs?
2. Pledges come with a certain amount of free game subscription time. When will the free game subscription time be activated? Will there be Early Access stages and the free game subscription time will be activated during one of the stages? Will the free game subscription time only be activated during Retail Release?
3. Can you give us more information about what Early Access to Retail Release looks like? I don’t need actual dates. Markers of where Pantheon is in development would be nice. Using Alpha (1, 2, 3, etc.) and Beta (1, 2, 3, etc.) at least gave me a rough idea of where Pantheon is in development. Right now, my understanding of Pantheon’s development window is Pre-release, Early Access, Release. Is that correct? Will stages be broken down further than that? If so, please explain. I currently have no understanding of how long Early Access is expected to last. 3 months, 1 year, 2 years, etc.?
4. What will the Death Penalty look like for Early Access?
5. Will Early Access have wipes? What will those wipes look like? Full wipe? Inventory wipe? Level wipe? Expected minimum wipe cadence?
6. What will XP rates look like for Early Access? What will be the XP rate bonus for grouping over soloing?
7. Will factions and gaining/losing faction be in Early Access? Will there be quest lines dependent on faction?
8. How many servers are planed for Early Access? Will characters be able to move between different servers?
9. How does future monetization look for VR? When will pledges stop? Will there be something new in pledges place? How will Early Access be monetized?
Here are a few of the questions I have:
1. Will the Buddy Code that is included in the Pathfinder pledge and above grant access to the Early Access release or will that be only for full release later on?
2. Will there be further optimization between now and EA?
3. What changes are planned for combat between now and EA?
4. Will there be a roadmap released alongside EA?
5. Will the updated character models be released for EA?
ATTENTION: Today's Q&A has been postponed. We will get one up on the schedule once we have a few details nailed down and are prepared to fully address the community's questions. Thank you for understanding and your continued support.
We will work on a FAQ this next week to address some of the questions that have been asked from the community.
Will this FAQ expand upon the EA fact sheet available at ?