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I planned on ruling the world but...

    • 729 posts
    October 27, 2023 5:48 PM PDT
    I planned on ruling the world but I didn't have a strategy.

    Strategy and planning are different things.

    From a completely outsiders perspective:

    The goal is to remain alive as a company and to put food on the table for the staff.
    Generate revenue: what products can we offer; what services can we provide; what packages can we trade for future access/trinkets.
    The other goal is to create a big complex RPG MMO to run for years.
    If they need to pivot to some other software support or services for the generation of revenue to keep the lights on then that's what they do. If it slows productivity in the creation of the larger goal then that is the cost they pay. They maintain forward progress, but with a temporary slowdown on the larger long term goal. We wait a little longer too.
    And I am just playing with a wild hypothesis here, I could be way off base. They could all take a vacation for mental healthcare for all I care.

    But if I was in their shoes, I would be wondering if I could be completely honest with the general public because the general public is an irrational and emotional child at times. So we as general public may not see the strategy, and will only focus on the planning, because the planning is simpler for us to understand. The Road to Alpha was them sharing some of the plan, but we don't know the strategy beyond make a 'MMORPG' that socially focused humans will want to pay x dollars a month to play. I trust them to keep pushing, and I haven't seen any reason to believe they stopped pushing.
    Tap the brakes on the dooms-day predictions, they serve no purpose.
    • 3852 posts
    October 27, 2023 7:55 PM PDT
    You wouldn't *want* to rule the world. Endless issues - almost all difficult. Plus you are always a target. Only a maniac would want all that stress. Sadly, the human race is not short on maniacs.

    "Tap the brakes on the dooms-day predictions, they serve no purpose."

    In this you are correct.
    • 174 posts
    October 28, 2023 3:10 AM PDT
    I appreciate your perspective StoneFish. Thank you for healing some of my sadness and anger about the last two months.