Forums » General Pantheon Discussion


    • 2 posts
    July 25, 2023 9:35 PM PDT

    Is this game ever going to be released? I'm not bashing or hating, I know I will receive that in the replies... and I also know my question is redundant and been asked a million times already... but honestly, will it?

    • 77 posts
    July 26, 2023 9:00 AM PDT

    I don't see why it wouldn't.  It is just a matter of when.

    • 3852 posts
    July 26, 2023 12:15 PM PDT

    If you alre not bashing, and know the question has been asked a million times already (and answered) I am having some difficulty understanding why you are asking.

    Many MMOs go into development. Many MMOs reach pre-alpha testing. Some of those make it through alpha, beta and launch and some do not. Most of us here *hope* that Pantheon will make it that far but none of us know that for a fact - not even VR. So the totally fair and honest answer is ...maybe ....just as it hae been for many years. The length of the process is discouraging but we are where we are and the past makes it neither less likely nor more likely that the game will succeed. Past slowness and reversals of difrection are a negative but the fact that VR is still here trying is a positive.

    This post was edited by dorotea at July 26, 2023 12:16 PM PDT
    • 2419 posts
    July 26, 2023 2:29 PM PDT

    Eyae said:

    Is this game ever going to be released? I'm not bashing or hating, I know I will receive that in the replies... and I also know my question is redundant and been asked a million times already... but honestly, will it?

    It will release. It is only a question of when and with what quality and quantity of content.

    • 41 posts
    July 27, 2023 7:14 AM PDT

    Did you not see the roadmap to alpha? They've added a new tree type. It will be ready anyday now.

    This post was edited by Thallium at July 27, 2023 7:15 AM PDT
    • VR Staff
    • 541 posts
    July 27, 2023 7:28 AM PDT

    Yes, it will.

    • 3852 posts
    July 27, 2023 7:40 AM PDT

    Noted from this month's newsletter - they are moving to having test servers up almost full time rather than only for occasional scheduled test sessions. This does not exactly mean release is near. Or that alpha is near. Or that the end of pre-alpha is near. But it is still a step in the right direction and shows progress.

    • 48 posts
    July 27, 2023 9:34 AM PDT

    I would not pledge to this game. It has been development for a very long time now and while they make excuses as to why the fact remains that as more time goes on more people become disillusioned, the less funds they get, and they increase of the risk of putting out a game that missed the market and could also be significantly behind the current gaming expectations.  I pledged a long time ago, I can't remember the exact year but in that time I have earned two college degrees and got a job teaching at a university that I have had for a few years now. I still check on the game once or twice a year, but I think mostly at this time I am just waiting for the news that they have shut the project down.

    • 42 posts
    July 27, 2023 12:59 PM PDT

    Jeremiahcp said:

    I would not pledge to this game. It has been development for a very long time now and while they make excuses as to why the fact remains that as more time goes on more people become disillusioned, the less funds they get, and they increase of the risk of putting out a game that missed the market and could also be significantly behind the current gaming expectations.  I pledged a long time ago, I can't remember the exact year but in that time I have earned two college degrees and got a job teaching at a university that I have had for a few years now. I still check on the game once or twice a year, but I think mostly at this time I am just waiting for the news that they have shut the project down.


    This here is about the feeling I have about the game too..


    1st pledged a loooong time ago in a galaxy that was far far away...

    Now it's like damn am I going to have to put this in the will for the nephew to claim my stuff?


    • 390 posts
    July 27, 2023 7:02 PM PDT

    Jeremiahcp said:

    I would not pledge to this game. It has been development for a very long time now and while they make excuses as to why the fact remains that as more time goes on more people become disillusioned, the less funds they get, and they increase of the risk of putting out a game that missed the market and could also be significantly behind the current gaming expectations.  I pledged a long time ago, I can't remember the exact year but in that time I have earned two college degrees and got a job teaching at a university that I have had for a few years now. I still check on the game once or twice a year, but I think mostly at this time I am just waiting for the news that they have shut the project down.


    This is pretty much spot on. I pledged 5-6 years ago - I no longer even remember - I try to catch the monthly video but most of those have been 30 minutes of them wasting time and 8-11 minutes of actual content.  (Just watch the last video about the Rogue class and you'll see what I mean. The first 35 minutes are them saying words to fill in the time and then you get 8-9 min of rogue info, its an absolute waste of time)  Not to mention they will likely start something else over soon anyways.  There's a few white knights that froth at the mouth when this question is asked but this game has taught me to Never Ever Ever give to a kickstarter / crowd funded ANYTHING ever again.  I think the game will make it to Alpha so everyone can collect their pledge prizes and then it will shut down 60-90 days later because of feedback and not being able to meet expectations. This is the first time I have posted in a year or two .... 

    This post was edited by Flapp at July 27, 2023 7:04 PM PDT
    • 5 posts
    July 28, 2023 11:43 AM PDT

    I had given up on this game years ago. I pledged the $100 knight's pledge the last day it was available in 2016. I know many others have pledged much more money and have been waiting longer. Ridiculous. Every person I talk to in the various gaming communities I belong to don't ever believe it will be released or if it is released it will not live up to expectations. I tend to agree. When the topic of Pantheon is brought up (rarely nowadays) I tell any who will listen to not pledge. It isn't looking like release will ever happen and if so it can take several more years than the nearly 7 years I've been waiting.

    I check back here occasionally to see if there is any word on Alpha and as usual no noteworthy news. I know there was never any guarantee the game would release when I pledged $100. However, over the years I'm tired of hearing excuses as to why the game has been stalled. At this point I'm hoping for a new game to release that I can sink my teeth, money, and time into. If I were having fun I wouldn't switch to Pantheon if it ever releases. At least I'm only out $100.

    • 2 posts
    July 29, 2023 2:52 PM PDT

    dorotea said:

    If you alre not bashing, and know the question has been asked a million times already (and answered) I am having some difficulty understanding why you are asking.

    Many MMOs go into development. Many MMOs reach pre-alpha testing. Some of those make it through alpha, beta and launch and some do not. Most of us here *hope* that Pantheon will make it that far but none of us know that for a fact - not even VR. So the totally fair and honest answer is ...maybe ....just as it hae been for many years. The length of the process is discouraging but we are where we are and the past makes it neither less likely nor more likely that the game will succeed. Past slowness and reversals of difrection are a negative but the fact that VR is still here trying is a positive.


    Because, like so many others, I am highly interested in this game and I, like many others, have been following for years... I'm just having trouble understanding why it's taking SO long. I also wanted to post and create a discussion among other reasons. I just feel like so much time has passed that Pantheon will have trouble being competitive in the market of games currently out... or in the market of games that will be out in 5 years when this game is released considering production started YEARS ago, how could it possibly release and be relevant?

    • 194 posts
    July 29, 2023 10:56 PM PDT

    Ball's in their court at this point. They can keep blaming doubters or they can put up, but the doubting is only going to increase until they do something substantial.

    • 3 posts
    July 30, 2023 3:10 AM PDT

    Yes i belive it will release.. some day.  But what worries me, is that some times it seems very much they are going backwards for sure.

    Take for example this Pre-Pre-Alpha test from 7 years ago. YES  7 years.. ago..

    It looks more finished than the last pre alpha test:

    It is frustrating to see a pre alpha lasting for 7 years and we still dont have a alpha release in sight. at least i cant see it.

    On that note i will come with some positives too.
    I have been loving the videos on youtube. Listening to it while im working and or even when working out. and when the game finaly opens for alpha or even releases, i have no idea what class i will be playing becaus all the classes we have heard of so far sounds very fun. 

    This post was edited by Tassen at July 30, 2023 3:11 AM PDT
    • 902 posts
    July 30, 2023 4:35 AM PDT

    Patience is a virtue, and we at Pantheon RotF are amongst the most virtuous of fans. But it just comes down to that and keeping the trust we have with VR. Hold on, it will be worth it.

    So sayeth Chenzeme the most virtuous of the virtuous who have virtues in abundance. 

    This post was edited by chenzeme at July 30, 2023 4:39 AM PDT
    • 3852 posts
    July 30, 2023 7:30 AM PDT

    What you say is ...virtually true.

    • 4 posts
    July 30, 2023 11:08 AM PDT

    Tassen said:

    Yes i belive it will release.. some day.  But what worries me, is that some times it seems very much they are going backwards for sure.

    Take for example this Pre-Pre-Alpha test from 7 years ago. YES  7 years.. ago..

    It looks more finished than the last pre alpha test:

    It is frustrating to see a pre alpha lasting for 7 years and we still dont have a alpha release in sight. at least i cant see it.

    On that note i will come with some positives too.
    I have been loving the videos on youtube. Listening to it while im working and or even when working out. and when the game finaly opens for alpha or even releases, i have no idea what class i will be playing becaus all the classes we have heard of so far sounds very fun. 

     Pre alpha lasting for 7 years...woah. 

    • 252 posts
    July 30, 2023 2:00 PM PDT

    Tassen said:

    Yes i belive it will release.. some day.  But what worries me, is that some times it seems very much they are going backwards for sure.

    Take for example this Pre-Pre-Alpha test from 7 years ago. YES  7 years.. ago..

    It looks more finished than the last pre alpha test:

    It is frustrating to see a pre alpha lasting for 7 years and we still dont have a alpha release in sight. at least i cant see it.

    On that note i will come with some positives too.
    I have been loving the videos on youtube. Listening to it while im working and or even when working out. and when the game finaly opens for alpha or even releases, i have no idea what class i will be playing becaus all the classes we have heard of so far sounds very fun. 


    Another example is when they announced that all character models were done... Then several years later they are completely redoing it and had a big announcement that the human models were done. I understand why it may have happened but there are many examples of this. It's hard to get excited about things being completed when we already celebrated them being completed years ago. I think their decisions were justified but it would be unreasonable to think that the community wouldn't be discouraged by this.

    • 1404 posts
    July 30, 2023 2:43 PM PDT

    Ruinar said:

    Tassen said:

    Yes i belive it will release.. some day.  But what worries me, is that some times it seems very much they are going backwards for sure.

    Take for example this Pre-Pre-Alpha test from 7 years ago. YES  7 years.. ago..

    It looks more finished than the last pre alpha test:

    It is frustrating to see a pre alpha lasting for 7 years and we still dont have a alpha release in sight. at least i cant see it.

    On that note i will come with some positives too.
    I have been loving the videos on youtube. Listening to it while im working and or even when working out. and when the game finaly opens for alpha or even releases, i have no idea what class i will be playing becaus all the classes we have heard of so far sounds very fun. 


    Another example is when they announced that all character models were done... Then several years later they are completely redoing it and had a big announcement that the human models were done. I understand why it may have happened but there are many examples of this. It's hard to get excited about things being completed when we already celebrated them being completed years ago. I think their decisions were justified but it would be unreasonable to think that the community wouldn't be discouraged by this.

    another example, "Class Refresh's" when other classes aren't even finished yet. Sounds to me like a sensless waste of time. I refresh things when they get worn out, not before they are ever put into use.

    • 2 posts
    August 1, 2023 12:49 PM PDT

    Here is my  concern.  How competitive is it going to be in the game market?  The world moves on.   I pledged years ago.  I am still hopeful. I was only hopeful about this game.  Now I am waiting to see.  Ashes of Creation.  Pax Dei. Dune Awakening.  The Quinfall.   ..........and like professor Nimbus or Major Hoople...... Camelot unchained is still working in the basement.


    Tic Toc.

    • 295 posts
    August 1, 2023 3:48 PM PDT

    Eyae said:

    dorotea said:

    If you alre not bashing, and know the question has been asked a million times already (and answered) I am having some difficulty understanding why you are asking.

    Many MMOs go into development. Many MMOs reach pre-alpha testing. Some of those make it through alpha, beta and launch and some do not. Most of us here *hope* that Pantheon will make it that far but none of us know that for a fact - not even VR. So the totally fair and honest answer is ...maybe ....just as it hae been for many years. The length of the process is discouraging but we are where we are and the past makes it neither less likely nor more likely that the game will succeed. Past slowness and reversals of difrection are a negative but the fact that VR is still here trying is a positive.


    Because, like so many others, I am highly interested in this game and I, like many others, have been following for years... I'm just having trouble understanding why it's taking SO long. I also wanted to post and create a discussion among other reasons. I just feel like so much time has passed that Pantheon will have trouble being competitive in the market of games currently out... or in the market of games that will be out in 5 years when this game is released considering production started YEARS ago, how could it possibly release and be relevant?

    For SOME of us who want an MMO home. We play other games, but we want an MMO to live in and explore and advance and form a meaningful community in. Most games I see folks playing and talking about nowadays are disposable to them and they're on to the next one. They enjoyed those games(or not), but was only meant as a temporary thing. Noe of the upcoming MMOS that folks are talking about interest me more than Pantheon. They may look better, but there's nothing in them that I'm genuinely excited about. Pantheon will have it's audience if VR is allowed to release the game they want. 

    It's also interesting to me to hear folks say they have been following the game for years and don't understand why it's taking so long. Had Pantheon released 4-5 years ago, it would be another Vanguard and, by now, would've shut down. We ALL know what the conversation about Pantheon would be if that was the case.

    I wonder how long folks think a game like Pantheon should take considering ALL the information that is known about it and ALL the information available about how other games, especailly MMOS take to make.

    • 194 posts
    August 1, 2023 3:51 PM PDT

    You can continue to make excuses, that's your choice. Not everyone is willing to go along with them.

    • 295 posts
    August 1, 2023 4:00 PM PDT

    DavidWebb said:

    Here is my  concern.  How competitive is it going to be in the game market?  The world moves on.   I pledged years ago.  I am still hopeful. I was only hopeful about this game.  Now I am waiting to see.  Ashes of Creation.  Pax Dei. Dune Awakening.  The Quinfall.   ..........and like professor Nimbus or Major Hoople...... Camelot unchained is still working in the basement.


    Tic Toc.


    It will be very competitive if VR releases the game they want. None of those games you mentioned are more interesting to me than Pantheon. Pantheon doesn't need to dominate the market. It just needs a substantial enough ongoing subscriptions to support the team and make it feasible to continue supporting it with expansions. I don't accept ANY of the doom and gloom predictions folks are putting forth, becasue NOONE knows what kind of interest will be in Pantheon when it actually releases. I strongly believe most of the folks who will try Pantheon don't have it on their radar and are NOT stressing over it like so many folks commenting here right now now. We are a small part of the gaming community...even the MMO community. So. I don't put much stock in negative predictions becasue folks are operating from anxiety and impatience, not a wholistic view of how games are made and become successful...or not.

    When games are RELEASED(for emphasis) folks don't say stuff like "I'm not playing that took too long." If there's buzz and others are talking about it, the history of the game will be meaningless compared to those who want to "see what all the fuss is about" or teh folks who want to try the new MMO out...whatever it is.


    • 295 posts
    August 1, 2023 4:03 PM PDT

    justdrop said:

    You can continue to make excuses, that's your choice. Not everyone is willing to go along with them.


    You can continue to be negative and and unfairly skeptical, that's your choice. Not everyone is willing to go along with it.....

    • 194 posts
    August 1, 2023 4:05 PM PDT

    You call insult me personally all you want, I'm being realistic about it.