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Halflings can grow!!!!

    • 729 posts
    April 1, 2023 7:01 AM PDT

    Announced late in a discord chat during Friday night interview the VR team has confirmed that the Halflings can grow to the largest size race with the collection of enough Glyphs.  Quote " we believe that the often overlooked Halflings are by far the superior race and this should be reflected in the size of them after the effort any players have to put forth during play". Joppa stopped by in the voice chat to confirm in voice chat, " they way I see it.............. (Long pause).......... They are the opposite of the Skar................. (Longer thoughtful pause )...... in that the Skar represent the stuff found on the bottom of your boots after walking through the dog park................ So Halflings should be the polar opposite and become dominant in all ways.    Link.

    • 2093 posts
    April 1, 2023 1:46 PM PDT

    I'm not really supposed to tell you this, but because we're friends I think I should. Yesterday I received a message from the Supreme Council of Skar, who speak the will of The Nine God to us. They received a warning that: "any Skar who aid or support a being known as The Fish Made of Stone will be cursed forever by The Nine God, and will be Kill on Sight to all Skar for the rest of time"

    I also need to apologize in advance for not rescuing you when you group with my Dire Lord after release.

    But hey, I still love ya pal!

    This post was edited by Jothany at April 1, 2023 5:45 PM PDT
    • 729 posts
    April 1, 2023 3:11 PM PDT

    Ha, my Halfling will forever be a pebble in the Skar boot.  Irregardless of the near constant company of Skar I expect to keep.  If ya ever need to find me, start by checking upwind of any Skar in the area.  ;P

    • 144 posts
    April 2, 2023 12:43 AM PDT

    Although it is not April First anymore, as an ogggra I approve this halfling stuff... 

    People always complain that we ogrrres are mean, but  put on our shoes for a second: imagine all the pain it represents to chase those pesky fast running halflings and 'nomes... 

    then you have to shave the halfling (yes, I know, some of my colleagues eat them raw, but I am not much into this salad stuff) or remove all the implants from the 'nomes and then only comes the eating... what, 3 pounds of meat? Let'em grow !


    This post was edited by Grobobos at April 2, 2023 12:44 AM PDT