Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

Realistic Travel (Mounts)

    • 81 posts
    August 20, 2015 9:40 AM PDT

    I am not opposed to mounts however I think they should be done in tiers so to speak. If you are low level 5 adventurer with hardly anymore money you realistically would not be able to afford some American Pharoah! However you might be able to buy some old and worn out flee bag that provides just enough speed over your run speed to be beneficial. Lets say you are a max level Wizard I am all for a quest that allows you to get your very own Shadowfax! When it comes to flight paths and designated flight routes I am on the fence. We have been spoiled these days with the ease of travel. I could see flights from major cities to other major cities once you have traveled there on foot so to speak. But not every little outpost we see in games like WoW.