Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

Champion Pledge, Champion Forum?

    • 161 posts
    June 5, 2022 4:39 AM PDT

    This summer I have decided to Pledge for Pantheon Alpha.

    I quit EverQuest in March, 2004, and haven't played any MMO since then. Inspired by Pantheon Rise of the Fallen, I investigated modern MMOs, current and in development. I'm considering one other project, but Pantheon is the better investment for me.

    What is Champion Forum access?

    This post was edited by Balanz at June 5, 2022 4:41 AM PDT
    • 3852 posts
    June 5, 2022 7:24 AM PDT

    Access to a part of the forum that is only visible to people that have pledged at that level.

    Probably not the primary benefit to pledging at that level but a nice extra. 

    • 2139 posts
    June 5, 2022 2:48 PM PDT

    Just to add a bit of detail to what Dorotea said, there are 3 sections. One is the Hangout, roughly equivalent to the General Discussion board where you made this thread. The 2nd one is about "Current Pantheon Features & Tenents", the 3rd is about "Post-Launch Features, Mechanics & Tenets". Both of those should be self-explanatory. Champions get a link to the Monthly Developer's Roundtable on Youtube a few days before the public link goes up for the rest of the world too.


    While I try to avoid giving unsolicited advice, I'll mention something that I changed my mind about after I upgraded to the lowest Alpha pledge, the Pathfinder's.  

    From what VR has told us, the Founder's Conclave "can be found in several in-game cities. Members can seek out allies, regale each other with tales of adventures, seek out lost tales or forgotten legends from those around them, re-equip before a new adventure, or work on their various crafts and skills."

    The description suggests to me that vendors and crafting areas will be available there. Theoretically, it will be available throughout the life of the game and only those who get access by pledging will ever be able to access it.

    I originally thought that none of the higher cost Alpha pledges had anything I felt were worth the money to me. But after hearing discussion later on about the Founder's Conclave, I decided that the access to it in the Advisor's pledge was worth the extra $50, so I upgraded one more time.

    Just a thought.

    • 161 posts
    June 5, 2022 9:13 PM PDT

    Jothany said:

    Just to add a bit of detail to what Dorotea said, there are 3 sections. One is the Hangout, roughly equivalent to the General Discussion board where you made this thread. The 2nd one is about "Current Pantheon Features & Tenents", the 3rd is about "Post-Launch Features, Mechanics & Tenets". Both of those should be self-explanatory. Champions get a link to the Monthly Developer's Roundtable on Youtube a few days before the public link goes up for the rest of the world too.

    To be honest, the main value I am getting out my Pledge right now is the Forum, so this is appealing.

    Jothany said:

    While I try to avoid giving unsolicited advice, I'll mention something that I changed my mind about after I upgraded to the lowest Alpha pledge, the Pathfinder's.  

    From what VR has told us, the Founder's Conclave "can be found in several in-game cities. Members can seek out allies, regale each other with tales of adventures, seek out lost tales or forgotten legends from those around them, re-equip before a new adventure, or work on their various crafts and skills."

    The description suggests to me that vendors and crafting areas will be available there. Theoretically, it will be available throughout the life of the game and only those who get access by pledging will ever be able to access it.

    I originally thought that none of the higher cost Alpha pledges had anything I felt were worth the money to me. But after hearing discussion later on about the Founder's Conclave, I decided that the access to it in the Advisor's pledge was worth the extra $50, so I upgraded one more time.

    Just a thought.

    Again, hmmm....

    Well I am currently Pledged at Watcher. My original plan was to upgrade to Legate once Alpha was announced, and Protector once Beta actually opened.

    Now the plan is Legate in a couple weeks, Protecter some time later, and Pathfinder towards the end of Summer or early Autumn. Now you're suggesting I might consider Advisor as well.

    It's not just the Pledge, I have to buy a gaming PC as well.


    This post was edited by Balanz at June 5, 2022 9:19 PM PDT
    • 3852 posts
    June 6, 2022 8:25 AM PDT

    "To be honest, the main value I am getting out my Pledge right now is the Forum"

    Precisely my view - I have spent more time on the forums than I probably ever will on the game. If they closed up shop tomorrow I would be sad but I would still feel I got my money's worth.


    " I have to buy a gaming PC as well."


    If you mean for alpha - I wouldn't worry yet. I do not see alpha as that immanent. The timeline is finish pre-alpha, use what was learned to do revisions (this is ongoing, of course, not something that will wait until pre-alpha is over), upgrade as much as possible to make alpha very attractive to players, potential investors and publishers, and then release alpha. 

    No guarantee but I suspect we will have quite a bit of warning before alpha is released, and alpha testing will be an extensive process not just wham, bam, thank you testers, on to beta.

    • 1289 posts
    June 6, 2022 12:46 PM PDT

    Haha, I build a new gaming PC for this game....two years ago :)  Maybe got a little too excited too fast.  On the bright side, it'll still be great when Pantheon does come out.  

    • 161 posts
    June 6, 2022 1:37 PM PDT

    Ranarius said:

    Haha, I build a new gaming PC for this game....two years ago :)  Maybe got a little too excited too fast.  On the bright side, it'll still be great when Pantheon does come out.  

    There is a second project that I suspect will go Alpha 2 sooner than Pantheon will. My co-worker coaches an e-Sports team, and they are considering this project as well. He's said his guys can build me a decent gaming PC for much less than commercial pre-built.

    Either way, it's likely a year away, so no immediate hurry.

    • 31 posts
    June 7, 2022 8:01 PM PDT

    I wonder do VIP pledgers have acess to VIP forum and lower pledge tier forum (Champion Forums) or do they have only access to their own tier's forums ?

    • 64 posts
    June 8, 2022 4:15 AM PDT

    Nolrach said:

    I wonder do VIP pledgers have acess to VIP forum and lower pledge tier forum (Champion Forums) or do they have only access to their own tier's forums ?


    VIP pledgers have acess to VIP forum and lower pledge tier forum.

    • 31 posts
    June 8, 2022 8:31 AM PDT

    Dosi said:

    VIP pledgers have acess to VIP forum and lower pledge tier forum.

    Thanks a lot Dosi !