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I want to run away with you.

    • 729 posts
    March 17, 2022 10:41 AM PDT

    I want to run away with you.

    I saw the 1440p video.
    The speed of the characters appears a little too fast. I understand the animation is not final and can be made to better match the speed of movement currently employed. Still, the running speed looks fast. They appear to be moving through the world at a pace that would be unnatural.
    Anyone have a thought?

    Slowing things down would make the world feel bigger, the risk of a long journey is greater, and they have talked about a sprint mechanic as part of the game so others can run away, not me I'm very brave, /shifty-eye glance.

    Now if the food or spells can boost movement, as I understand there will be buffs for slowpokes, this allows for a rapid exodus from Thronefast and the general human stink I assume permeates the area, then those buffs are fine for movement buffs allowing high speed, so let's make the normal average jog slower and the walk almost a swagger, a little swing to the hips and high held bob of the head to accentuate the moment of elevated pride in accomplishment or when one just want to show off a newly acquired feathered hat.

    My take, walking and jogging speed can be slowed providing a temporary sprint and/or buff to movement is accessible.

    This post was edited by StoneFish at March 17, 2022 10:42 AM PDT
    • 2139 posts
    March 17, 2022 1:36 PM PDT

    StoneFish said:

    The speed of the characters appears a little too fast. I understand the animation is not final and can be made to better match the speed of movement currently employed. Still, the running speed looks fast. They appear to be moving through the world at a pace that would be unnatural.
    Anyone have a thought?

    I'm totally in agreement about keeping travel slow (and dangerous).

    A while back - I think it was in a Devstream about Wild's End - Joppa commented on the size of the world by saying how long it took him to run from one end of the zone to the other, "and that was at X% of runspeed, which is more than any Player will be able to do.". I don't remember exactly how much, but was along the lines of 300% or more.

    That speed is clearly available to any Dev in the game, and if I was a Dev I'd almost certainly have my runspeed set to max all the time.

    So seeing Roenick and Minus running that fast isn't a guarantee of that being the speed Players will start at. Though it wouldn't hurt for one of them to comment - wink wink nudge nudge say no more!

    Not that you shouldn't let VR know what you want. But don't worry to much at this point.

    • 690 posts
    March 18, 2022 2:45 PM PDT

    StoneFish said:

    I want to run away with you.

    I saw the 1440p video.
    The speed of the characters appears a little too fast. I understand the animation is not final and can be made to better match the speed of movement currently employed. Still, the running speed looks fast. They appear to be moving through the world at a pace that would be unnatural.
    Anyone have a thought?

    Slowing things down would make the world feel bigger, the risk of a long journey is greater, and they have talked about a sprint mechanic as part of the game so others can run away, not me I'm very brave, /shifty-eye glance.

    Now if the food or spells can boost movement, as I understand there will be buffs for slowpokes, this allows for a rapid exodus from Thronefast and the general human stink I assume permeates the area, then those buffs are fine for movement buffs allowing high speed, so let's make the normal average jog slower and the walk almost a swagger, a little swing to the hips and high held bob of the head to accentuate the moment of elevated pride in accomplishment or when one just want to show off a newly acquired feathered hat.

    My take, walking and jogging speed can be slowed providing a temporary sprint and/or buff to movement is accessible.


    meta wise i honestly agree and want people to be very slow without buffs..

    rp wise though we are talking about people who can slay dragons. Even the wizards are probably experienced at running.

    • 256 posts
    March 18, 2022 9:36 PM PDT

    I would assume that for the sake of capturing the footage, the devs have sped themselves up. The point of this stream was to show off the world, and how player movement affects assets in the environment. I wouldn't read too much into the speed at which the characters were traversing the world, at least not yet.

    As for the game having things that can speed up movement, according to the class featured abilities, shamans get a buff called Wind Strider. It is possible that the devs have applied something similar to speed up their traversal. They could have also altered their base movement speeds as well. It is impossible to tell without one of them confirm. 

    I am really not worried about it though. Movement speed is something that can be tuned during the alpha and beta stages if it is absolutely needed. 

    This post was edited by FatedEmperor at March 18, 2022 9:37 PM PDT
    • 113 posts
    March 19, 2022 3:57 PM PDT

    Also don't forget buffing someone outside of group has diminished potency, I think specifically they stated the duration would be much shorter than we are used to. Point being the run-by SOW might only last you 15minutes. 

    That was quite awhile ago and things may have changed but is the latest info that I know of. 

    This post was edited by GeneralReb at March 19, 2022 3:57 PM PDT
    • 729 posts
    March 19, 2022 5:01 PM PDT

    All I know is the kids today move way too fast.  They speed in the car, they text while on the bikes and the skateboard hoodlums, don't get me started.  Cutting across my lawn, GET OFF MY LAWN YOU MEDDLING KIDS!  everything is just too fast these days.