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Community Opinion - Do you set goals for your main character?

    • 9115 posts
    February 28, 2022 3:35 AM PST

    Community Opinion - Do you set goals for your main character or fly by the seat of your pants when it comes to MMORPGs? If so, what are some of your main goals, and why? #MMORPG #CommunityMatters

    • 902 posts
    February 28, 2022 5:11 AM PST

    My main goal is to do any class specific content, but apart from that, it would be wherever the adventure leads. 

    With the current crop of MMOs, thats a set path, hopefully I will be able to forge my own path in Pantheon (and from what I can see, this will be the case).

    • 729 posts
    February 28, 2022 5:20 AM PST

    No goals.  This type of recreation is an escape for me . I join a group and just enjoy the exchange and adventure.  If my character advances not at all but the group and I had fun then it is time well spend. In fact I wish I could turn down the EX gain rate at times just to maintain the level if it feels good. 

    • 2419 posts
    February 28, 2022 6:53 AM PST

    Kilsin said:

    Community Opinion - Do you set goals for your main character or fly by the seat of your pants when it comes to MMORPGs? If so, what are some of your main goals, and why? #MMORPG #CommunityMatters

    Oh yes.  Get everything, go everywhere, do everything.

    EDIT: Oh, I forgot to include 'kill everything because #%@% faction!'

    This post was edited by Vandraad at February 28, 2022 8:23 AM PST
    • 2756 posts
    February 28, 2022 7:45 AM PST

    I prefer an organic experience for my main(s), but will somewhat 'curate' the experience for my friends who don't play as often when I play on alts with them - to try and make sure they see all the coolest stuff and have the most fun from their limited time.

    Eventually, some time (years?) down the line, I will plan to try and fill in all the gaps of things I've not seen, gear I've not won, monsters I've not defeated, etc, with whatever alt is most appropriate.

    • 3852 posts
    February 28, 2022 8:09 AM PST

    I tend to be linear. I go through the available quests and content in approximately the "normal" order with the objective of maxing out both adventure levels and crafting. 

    Two major and rather inconsistent caveats. I will not speed-level my way to maximum level but I will try and get there ...efficiently. Having one character at maximum level to support a growing family of toonlings has advantages. But I will "waste" large amounts of time playing around with multiple classes and races not just to see what classes i like most but to see different starting areas. And I will ruthlessly delete characters and start over - a tremendous impediment to getting to high level fast.

    As I often say - sanity is greatly overrated.

    This post was edited by dorotea at February 28, 2022 8:09 AM PST
    • 101 posts
    February 28, 2022 8:43 AM PST

    Always. Other than generic goals of levels, gear, or quest goals -most of my goals are specific need driven. Raising a skill to meet the requirements to use an item. Learning a language to interact with an NPC. Focusing on obtaining a specific item to try in a build/spec. The more items/abilities/unlocks I know about existing and have clues to find them- the more goals I am going to set to obtain them. In a new game it is harder because we know less so it is more just about exploring and discovering everything as fast as possible. But as more people discover more things and tell people about them those possibilities start to open up. I would love to see in-game clues that lead to those sorts of things rather than relying on other players to find them first.



    • 1303 posts
    February 28, 2022 9:25 AM PST

    Setting goals is the foundation of my MMO playstyle. Incremental personal progress in attaining those goals is what keeps me playing. 

    Those goals are diverse. It could be short-term gains for minor benefits, like getting enough leatherworking xp to unlock that new backpack pattern (which requires the sub-goal of farming all the components necessary). But it could be segments of long-term goals as well. Like completing a stage of an epic quest knowing full well that the following stages are well beyond my capabilities anytime soon. Knowing that I've progressed even a small amount down that path in my mind sets me up for future possibilities. 


    • 220 posts
    February 28, 2022 1:14 PM PST

    my goal is to complete main story quests and build up my character.

    Everything else is side quest and sidetrack.


    • 413 posts
    February 28, 2022 1:53 PM PST

    Very loose goals.  I will explore Lore based content and level up a keeper.  Find the rare questline buried in the lore.  Become a Loremaster about some of the POI's in Terminus.  Though, on any given day one goal will to help other players.  Feel like I am being useful to others.


    On other days I will be an epic min/max'r who's raid guild takes over the server and the universe, deny epic content to all, because we crave nothing but power and misery for others. 


    then on other days I wil login in an alt and help a newbie kill bats.

    • 326 posts
    February 28, 2022 6:20 PM PST


    With THIS mmorpg I plan on getting into every high-level group possible, finding all the perception pings, and maxing all the factions (go human racial!) My other goals are to make almost any group composition work, assist the limited-time players, and actually get to know people for a change. I miss the LAN party days of Duke Nukem, Starcraft, and all the others. I imagine there will be exploration achievements and such, so need those. Go Team!

    This post was edited by Thunderleg at February 28, 2022 6:23 PM PST
    • 80 posts
    February 28, 2022 6:58 PM PST

    My main goal is to be strong enough to travel to each and all the areas in Terminus without getting KOS by monsters in a blink of an eye. I build him not for the sake of PvP, gear, guilds, or end-game content but for adventure. His gear score should reflect this goal as well, as well as skill sets, attributes, and even an RP backstory. Kind of like being prepared and packing to go on an adventure(s).

    • 178 posts
    February 28, 2022 8:54 PM PST

    Fly by the seat of my pants.

    Being a casual player, generally, the only goal I have for my character is to get to the appropriate zone with the appropriate level where (what I expect) my once weekly playtime session with friends (probably 4 - 5 hours) is going to take place. At least, that was how it was for EQ, DAoC, and WoW. We would establish where we were going to adventure as a group at week's end and it was up to each of us to be there and be leveled (if required). Could find some time during the week with one or two other friends to assist with the journey and adventure to level. But other than the once weekly headlong rush into an adventure (probably death) just fly by the seat of my pants.

    • 256 posts
    March 1, 2022 3:58 AM PST

    I usually have set goals when it comes to my main character. These main goals usually involve getting prepared for endgame content and raiding in some way. Generally, these goals include leveling, character progression, finding a guild, gearing, and working on primary professions. I also tend to do reputation maxing on my main. However, this is usually more of a side goal or done on an as-needed basis. 

    That being said, I still don't know what class I am maining when Pantheon launches. All I know for sure is that I plan to work on the three healing classes first, and one of them will more than likely be my main. 

    This post was edited by FatedEmperor at March 1, 2022 3:59 AM PST
    • 454 posts
    March 6, 2022 2:58 PM PST

    As an alt-oholic I want to see everything and do everything. Quest, spell, social, explore, combat, crafting.  I will go much slower than most because I do not have the focus/drive of some. Plus leveling a dozen toons takes time.

    • 888 posts
    March 7, 2022 11:04 AM PST

    Generally speaking, my only goals are to have fun, make friends,  and explore.  If something really interesting to me (like unlocking race /class limitation) is only available via achieving max level, then my goal will be to unlock the item. The exception to this is if the unlock requires extensive grinding / farming, in which care I won't bother since I play games to escape drudgery, not add more of it. 

    • 258 posts
    March 7, 2022 4:30 PM PST

    I hate looking stuff up for every little single thing for a game I'm supposed to delve in and have fun. So, I'd say I just roll through, kill and forget reading multiple pages to find an answer.

    • 690 posts
    March 7, 2022 6:39 PM PST

    The funnest part of a game is planning how I'm gonna play it. What I'm gonna get and where I'm going to go, even the type of people I want to play with. I've made very in depth and meta character plans for games I knew I would never even play.


    My selfish goals usually involve getting really good or cool looking gear as early in the leveling process as possible and then using that gear for an easier leveling experience going forward.

    In multiplayer games, they will of course involve me meeting up with the people I know in whatever ways the game provides for that, when we both happen to be playing. I don't like game dates. I do like giving cool stuff to my friends.


    As you may guess, in life actually doing the things I plan to do is a challenge, but if I do get around to them I usually do them well.

    This post was edited by BeaverBiscuit at March 7, 2022 6:40 PM PST
    • 5 posts
    March 7, 2022 10:26 PM PST

    I'm going to eat everything (and everyone) that I can, so long as VR gives me the oportunity. I'll have the biggest cookbook in all the shattered realms.

    • 2104 posts
    March 8, 2022 10:19 AM PST

    Bhazrak said: I'm going to eat everything (and everyone) that I can, so long as VR gives me the oportunity. I'll have the biggest cookbook in all the shattered realms.

    Once we're in the game, I would pay generously - or trade Crafted weapons or leather armor - for the recipe for Banana-Nut Bread, should you discover such a thing.

    Hit me up if you find it :)

    • 161 posts
    March 19, 2022 10:58 PM PDT
    These are my plans for Pantheon:


    Having discovered Pantheon just last week after bingeing on EverQuest videos on YouTube, I have just Pledged Watcher. I want to see this project succeed.

    When Alpha goes live, I will upgrade to Legate, and start budgeting for a gaming PC so I can play Beta. When Beta goes live, I will upgrade my Pledge to Protector so I will start Launch with at least one IRL friend.

    First three characters:

    Scout: Halfling or Human Rogue or Ranger. I will want to explore the opening game, learn the UI, basic mechanics, get a sense of place, and travel, especially Climbing. I will alternate between solo exploration and grouping for experience, leading groups to locations and quests I have discovered. I will shepherd lower level groups to camps I have outgrown, making friends.

    Ambassador: Myr Caster, probably Summoner. Once I am somewhat comfortable with the basics, and have started a network of friends, I will start roleplaying my Main. He has been tasked with building an Alliance among other races against some danger facing the Myr City, or Terminus itself. Aloof and uncomfortable with depending on others, he will grow into his role as Ambassador. I will definitely be exploring Underwater, and mastering other odd environments. He will help build a Guild, eventually raiding. This character will have a strong reputation on the server.

    Trader: Dwarf Paladin or Cleric. I have to play a Religious Dwarf, either Tank or Healer. This will be my slow, leisurely character, building groups, and making friends. He will smith, and be my Trader. He loves Gold almost as much he hates Undead.

    I don't know how many character slots I will have, but I assume at least three. I don't yet have a gaming PC, nor do I yet have the time to devote to Pantheon, so I won't be able to do Alpha. I will be active in the Community primarily through forums.
    • 295 posts
    March 20, 2022 12:01 AM PDT

    Balanz said: These are my plans for Pantheon: Support. Having discovered Pantheon just last week after bingeing on EverQuest videos on YouTube, I have just Pledged Watcher. I want to see this project succeed. When Alpha goes live, I will upgrade to Legate, and start budgeting for a gaming PC so I can play Beta. When Beta goes live, I will upgrade my Pledge to Protector so I will start Launch with at least one IRL friend. First three characters: Scout: Halfling or Human Rogue or Ranger. I will want to explore the opening game, learn the UI, basic mechanics, get a sense of place, and travel, especially Climbing. I will alternate between solo exploration and grouping for experience, leading groups to locations and quests I have discovered. I will shepherd lower level groups to camps I have outgrown, making friends. Ambassador: Myr Caster, probably Summoner. Once I am somewhat comfortable with the basics, and have started a network of friends, I will start roleplaying my Main. He has been tasked with building an Alliance among other races against some danger facing the Myr City, or Terminus itself. Aloof and uncomfortable with depending on others, he will grow into his role as Ambassador. I will definitely be exploring Underwater, and mastering other odd environments. He will help build a Guild, eventually raiding. This character will have a strong reputation on the server. Trader: Dwarf Paladin or Cleric. I have to play a Religious Dwarf, either Tank or Healer. This will be my slow, leisurely character, building groups, and making friends. He will smith, and be my Trader. He loves Gold almost as much he hates Undead. I don't know how many character slots I will have, but I assume at least three. I don't yet have a gaming PC, nor do I yet have the time to devote to Pantheon, so I won't be able to do Alpha. I will be active in the Community primarily through forums.


    Very nice and welcome.