Forums » Pantheon Classes

A Pillar Of The Community

    • 295 posts
    January 18, 2022 12:06 AM PST

    Paraphrasing what Tehom said---Support is anything that can augment a team and its capabilities. He made the point of saying that in addtion to what we know as support, the enchanter and controlling, you can have a class that buffs and debuffs and a class that sets up and manipulates states. 

    This is reason number 5,000,340 of why I support VR. The way that these guys think in terms of advancing gameplay is exciting to me. I think that the above ideas by Tehom have been overlooked about his vision for Support Classes. What do you guys think of the many ways in which the Support role can be advanced in Pantheon? What traditional or new classes can be added later on in expansions that could be introduced as a Support class using his examples or expanding on his examples with your new take?

    This post was edited by Dikenzu at January 18, 2022 3:50 PM PST
    • 2094 posts
    May 19, 2022 11:40 PM PDT

    Somehow I didn't see this thread before.

    So generally, the LAS means that many if not most of the Classes can "support" a group any time two of that same class are in it. Most Classes have more useful abilities than will fit on the LAS bars (at least when they get past the beginning levels). So two of them can divide up the abilites into logical areas of responsibility, and add increased functionality to a group.

    We learned about Monk as a case in point just today in the Newsletter piece about Monks.

    'The difference between choosing to fight unarmed or with a staff becomes more apparent as additional Techniques become available as well.
    Hand-to-Hand is viewed as the primary damage dealing weapon of choice for Monks, and most Hand-to-Hand techniques are oriented towards raw damage output, resource replenishment, or specific support actions like a stun. The Staff will be of interest to Monks seeking to fulfill a more supportive role, as their ability to create and capitalize on states and help control enemy positioning will make them invaluable to a well-coordinated team.'

    Emergent Gameplay for the win.