Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

Feature Requests

    • 5 posts
    November 26, 2021 1:52 PM PST

    Not sure if this has been requested in the past, but is there a way to pass along ideas or suggestions directly to VR? Things like engagement ideas for the discord or forums, and other possible interactions between the team and supporters/future playerbase.

    I've seen Google forms used before for more public accessibility, but also discord setups with either public chat access to promote discussion, or feedback that's redirected to private staff channels. Either general feedback, or specific such as for the Discord, or game, etc. 

    • 1281 posts
    November 26, 2021 2:04 PM PST

    Topics that stand out which developers may find interesting may be passed along by the Community Manager.

    People here love talking about the game, so post away and there will be plenty of feedback from the community on your ideas ;)

    This post was edited by bigdogchris at November 26, 2021 2:23 PM PST
    • 5 posts
    November 26, 2021 4:30 PM PST

    Oh, ok. Just a few things I've seen before I think are neat. Can't seem to get the bullet points to work. They're in the editor, but not showing up.

    • Official Art section - There's some of this already on but a place where VR can share things with the community, whether it's just some sketches, things in development, a locale, some in-game screenshots, concept art, assets, etc. Moreover less formal. Probably best shared as a VR to community vs discussion so content isn't buried. Separate discord channel feed or just a locked thread in forums? It's just interesting to see random things about the game whether impromptu or design.


    • Meet the team - I've seen and but again, less formal and more personal, if staff feel like sharing anything personal, or just their vision or goals for the game. Whether it's introducing 1 team member per month, or whichever frequency, and when new members are hired. Disc channel or locked thread?
      • Example: I'm so and so in charge of xyz and do this and that. I have pets, and some of my fav games are x, y, z. My hobbies are this and that.


    • A feature wishlist or feedback list - I'm reluctant to even mention this as I know how unmanageable and time consuming these can be, and that time might be better spent elsewhere, but sometimes a good idea might float up that's already within the scope of development. I also assume the team has a large running wishlist of niceities as well that are probably on the backburner.

    This post was edited by Krulwich at November 26, 2021 4:37 PM PST
    • 2138 posts
    November 27, 2021 10:45 AM PST

    I'm not sure of this fits your meet the team or feedback list, but Nephele has an "unofficial ask Nephele anything" thread in the crafting forums that he responds to, as much as he can without spilling any beans.

    Also, if you ask about merch virtually anywhere Artois pops in to straighten things out (the mug is nice, btw)

    • 5 posts
    November 27, 2021 7:36 PM PST

    Manouk said:

    I'm not sure of this fits your meet the team or feedback list, but Nephele has an "unofficial ask Nephele anything" thread in the crafting forums that he responds to, as much as he can without spilling any beans.

    Also, if you ask about merch virtually anywhere Artois pops in to straighten things out (the mug is nice, btw)

    Was amused reading the Artois bit and will keep the Nephele thread in mind, thank you.